ENV 103 Assignment ( sec 01, group 08) Biodiversity of Amazon Forest Submitted to : Moushumi Zahur Submit by : Sadmeena Mahreen Promi ( ) Manoka Jalil Juthi ( ) Fahima Mannan Priyanka ( ) Date of Submission : 20 March 2016 Assignment Presentation Date : 6 April 2016 (Wednesday)
. gets 100 inches annual rain. have the richest biodiversity 2 nd longest river in the world
Stores billion metric tons of carbon tribal Amazonian exist here World’s medicine chest Houses 10% species of world Lungs of The Earth
430 Species
1,300 species
400 Species
420 species
3,000 species
40,000 plant species
Deforestation Habitat Destruction Hydroelectric power dams Oil development Soy farming and cattle ranching Logging and infrastructure Mining
Loss of habitat Increased greenhouses gases Water in the atmosphere Soil erosion and flooding Destruction of homelands
Ranching and agriculture Commercial fishing Bio-piracy and smuggling Poaching Damming Logging Mining
20% forest destroyed and gone forever 50% forest destroyed by fire and logging 130 species lost everyday By 2014 rainforest lost 760,000 sq.km By 2025, 40% rainforest will be destroyed
Alteration of ecosystem composition Over exploitation Pollution and contamination Global climate change Human population growth Pollution Forest fragmentation
1) Follow ‘Green Economy Initiative’ 2) Protect land animals and sea creatures 3) Implement ‘Multilateral Environmental Agreements’ 4) Increase Communication, Education & Public Awareness (CEPA)
5) Promote eco-tourism, bio-prospecting 6 ) Encourage conservation & sustainable development 7 ) Provide incentives for habitat protection
Picture source : Google Information source : WWF ( World Wide Fund for nature ) Wikipedia The End