Anver Ghazi Adviser for Earth Observation, Research DG European Commission Brussels EC’s Contribution to the Group on Earth Observation (GEO) Process.


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Presentation transcript:

Anver Ghazi Adviser for Earth Observation, Research DG European Commission Brussels EC’s Contribution to the Group on Earth Observation (GEO) Process

GEO is a unique and dynamic, international partnership formed to develop a new comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable global Earth Observation System of Systems to support decision-making for sustainable development Partnership is co-chaired by the European Commission, Japan, South Africa and the United States

Why GEO ? –Earth Observation plays crucial role in providing data and information services to enable sound decision-making, eliminating high costs of uncertainty –For GEO Earth Observations include all satellite, airborne, terrestrial or ocean-based observations of geophysical parameters – e.g. precipitation, soil moisture or salinity of oceans

Why GEO ? –Earth observation applications include estimating crop yields, monitoring water and air quality, predicting weather, and informing disease and disaster management –However several gaps exist in global Earth Observation capacities and national and regional programmes suffer from lack of coordination: Therefore, a concerted global effort is required

Establishment of GEO –GEO established at Earth Observation Summit (EOS) held in Washington, D.C. on 31July 2003 –EOS organised in response to G8 Evian Declaration on S&T for Sustainable Development’s call for international cooperation in Earth Observation –EOS also a response to WSSD commitments to optimally harness Earth Observation for Sustainable Development

Establishment of GEO –At EOS 33 participating nations and EC adopted Washington Declaration –Declaration created and tasked GEO to prepare a Ten-Year Implementation Plan for the development of a new Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), to be discussed and approved in February 2005 at the Third Earth Observation Summit, Brussels

GEOSS main priorities include: –Enhancing international coordination of national Earth Observation systems and strategies; –Addressing Earth Observation capacity-building needs of especially developing countries; and –Improving the international exchange of data recorded from Earth Observations

GEO Co-Chairs: –Vice Admiral Conrad Lautenbacher, the United States’ Undersecretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere –Dr Akio Yuki, Japan’s Deputy Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology –Prof Achilleas Mitsos, Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate-General: Research –Dr Rob Adam, Director-General of the South African Department of Science and Technology

GEO’s progress – Towards GEOSS Implementation Plan (1) –GEO-1 (July 2003): Washington, D.C.: determined high-level objectives and schedule –GEO-2 (November 2003): Baveno, Italy: review of technical reports by five expert subgroups –GEO-3 (February 2004): Cape Town: GEO members negotiated GEO Framework Document (foundation for Implementation Plan) and created Implementation Plan Task Team (IPTT)

GEO’s progress towards GEOSS Implementation Plan (2): –GEO-4 and Earth Observation Summit - II (April 2004): Tokyo: approved Framework Document and provided guidance to IPTT; –GEO Special Session on Governance (September 2004): Brussels: work session discussed international governance of successor mechanism to GEO, which will administrate GEOSS

GEO’s progress towards GEOSS Implementation Plan (3): –IPTT released on 15 October 2004 a draft Ten Year Implementation Plan (with accompanying Technical Reference Document) for member countries and participating organisation’s consideration –Plan with Reference Document sketch societal benefit areas, related Earth Observation requirements and architecture of the System of Systems –Plan includes emphasis on capacity building, user requirements, data utilisation and data policy issues

GEOSS societal benefit areas (1): –Reducing loss of life and property from natural and human induced disasters –Understanding environmental factors affecting human health and well being –Improving management of energy resources –Understanding, assessing, predicting, mitigating and adapting to climate variability and change –Improving water resource management through better understanding of the water cycle

GEOSS societal benefit areas (2): –Improving weather information, forecasting and warning –Improving the management and protection of terrestrial, coastal and marine ecosystems –Supporting sustainable agriculture and combating desertification –Understanding, monitoring and conserving biodiversity

Future GEO challenges: –GEO-5: November 2004 in Ottawa – intergovernmental negotiation of Implementation Plan –GEO-6 and Earth Observation Summit-III: February 2005 in Brussels adoption of Implementation Plan, followed by operationalisation of GEO successor entity

GEO outreach: –GEO currently has more than 52 member countries and 29 participating international organisations –Through events such as Earth Observation Partnership Conference (Brussels, 15th October 2004) important to broaden membership –Other outreach events: IAC, Vancouver, Canada (October 2004), CEOS, Beijing, PRC (November 2004)

Specific measures in support of international co-operation (INCO) uDedicated international cooperation activities which are relevant to some groups of countries or regions with own calls for proposals uBudget: 315 million Euro to fund RTD actions uStrategic objective To lend support, in the scientific and technological field, to the implementation of the Community’s foreign policy and development aid policy uOverall focus mutual interest

EC environment research activities supporting GEO 3rd FP6 call of Sub-Priority ‘Global Change and Ecosystems’ (published: June , deadline: Oct ) Ocean-Atmospheric-chemistry interactions (up-to-two STREPS and/or Co-ordination Actions) Assessing the vulnerability of global water resources to environmental change (Topic for up-to-one Integrated Project) Advances in flood and drought forecasting (Topic for up-to-one Integrated Project) Earth System Observations (Topic for up-to-one Integrated Project) Enhancing co-operation between Europe and developing countries within the context of global earth observation systems (SSA topic) Exploitation of results of research projects relevant to the Group on Earth Observations (SSA topic)

EC environment research activities supporting GEO 3rd FP6 call of Sub-Priority ‘Space / GMES’ (envisaged to be published in March 2005) The main subjects regarding GMES (Global Monitoring on Environment and Security, which is the main European contribution to GEO) will be on the topic areas “Water resources”, “Security” and “Data harmonisation for geo-information” (on which there may be calls for Integrated Projects) There will be also calls for Specific Targeted Research Projects and Specific Support Actions on the specific issue of “International Collaboration”, i.e. how to extend GMES actions – all subjects included - to collaborations with Third Country participants.

Scientific co-operation opportunities for developing countries in EC environment research activities supporting GEO 4th FP6 call of Sub-Priority ‘Global Change and Ecosystems’ (envisaged to be published in May 2005) Research topics explicitly addressing contribution to GEO – Climatic change – Water management – Marine Resources – Natural Disasters – Sustainable land management incl. forest use

Thank you! More Information: EU Point of contact: Dr. Anver Ghazi,