Wild Cherry Topic Spring 2. Year 5: Do all animals and plants start life as an egg? Year 5: Science, Art, Music and Dance Knowledge, Skills and Understanding.


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Presentation transcript:

Wild Cherry Topic Spring 2

Year 5: Do all animals and plants start life as an egg? Year 5: Science, Art, Music and Dance Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 5 Science: Living Things and their habitatsArt & Design Can they describe and compare the life cycles of a range of animals, including humans, amphibians, insects and birds? Can they describe the life cycles of common plants? Can they talk with knowledge about birth, reproduction and death of familiar animals or plants? Can they explore the work of well know naturalists? (David Attenborough and Jane Goodall) Can they report findings from investigations through written explanations and conclusions? Can they use a graph to answer scientific questions? Do they experiment with and combine materials and processes to design and make 3D form? Do they learn about the work of others by looking at their work in books, the Internet, visits to galleries and other sources of information? Do they keep notes in their sketch books as to how they might develop their work further? Do they use their sketch books to compare and discuss ideas with others? Can they combine visual and tactile qualities? Year 5 ChallengingMusic and Dance Can they observe their local environment and draw conclusions about life-cycles? (for example, the vegetable garden or flower border) Can they compare the life cycles of plants and animals in their local environment with the life cycles of those around the world, eg rainforests? Can they explain (in simple terms) a scientific idea and what evidence supports it? Can they change sounds or organise them differently to change the effect? Can they compose music which meets specific criteria? Can they choose the most appropriate tempo for a piece of music? Do they plan and perform dances confidently? Can they compose motifs and plan dances creatively and collaboratively in groups? Can they adapt and refine the way they use weight, space and rhythm in their dances to express themselves in the style of dance they use? Can they perform different styles of dance clearly and fluently? Do they organise their own warm-up and cool-down exercises? © Focus Education 20142

Year 5: Do all animals and plants start life as an egg? Science Y5: Living Things and their Habitats describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals. WOW : Show clips of film of animals hunting each other and talk about life cycles. LC1 Can you work out which animals depend on each other for survival? LC2What would you ask David Attenborough or Jane Goodall if you met them? LC3How can you create a presentation to show the life cycle of a butterfly or a frog? LC4Do all animals start life as an egg? LC5How do humans change as they grow? LC6Can you recreate the life cycle of a butterfly in using music and dance? LC7How can you create art from the environment? LC8Reflection: Children to create a poster of a chosen animal or plant showing its life cycle. Literacy Link : There are many opportunities to link Literacy within this LC. In LC1 explanation texts (use the Spider and the Fly book); LC2 devising questions, etc. Creative Art Link: Children will look at the work of Andy Goldsworthy or Simon Watts and use items they find in the environment to create a 3D piece of art. © Focus Education The Spider Tony and the Diterlizzi Fly Working Scientifically: observe and compare the life cycles of plants and animals in their local environment with other plants and animals around the world (in the rainforest, in the oceans, in desert areas and in prehistoric times), ask pertinent questions and suggest reasons for similarities and differences. Expressive Arts Link: In LC6 children will be provided with opportunities to write their own music and create their own dance taking the life cycle of a butterfly as their stimuli.