Magnolia Police Department Exploring Program Post #480
Law Enforcement Exploring Exploring –Chartered through the Boy Scouts of America –Boy Scouts of America’s co-ed program –Career based Law Enforcement Medical Veterinary Fire –Young adults ages 14 – 20 years old –Attending an accredited school, have graduated, or, acquiring GED
Law Enforcement Exploring Magnolia Police Department Exploring Program –Began in Brought from interest after summer Youth Citizen Police Academy
Law Enforcement Exploring Exploring Events –Meetings-and After the BASICS Once a week 6pm-8:30pm –Competition training Felony Traffic Stops Domestic Disturbance Hostage Negotiation Bomb Threat Accident Investigation Penal Code Efficiency Robbery in Progress Arrest, Search & Seizure Building Search First Aid
Scenario Training-
Law Enforcement Exploring Special Details Community Service –Kid Print Events –Grand Opening Assists –Shop with A Cop –Parades –Training Events –PSA for City/Agency –Earth Day Event –Shattered Lives –PD Tours
Law Enforcement Exploring Other topics Federal Academies Active shooter class
Law Enforcement Exploring Ride-along Program –Explorers age 15 and up Ride with officer on the street during their shift –Age and shift limitations –One shift per week during school –Twice a week during summer, spring break, or during other extended school breaks
Law Enforcement Exploring –Competitions Local –TLEEAA State Competition Statewide –Plano X –Pearland –Lake Jackson Nationals –Fort Collins, Co –Flagstaff, AZ FWPD SWAT Camp
TPD Post TLEEAA State Competition 2012
MOTIVATION Law Enforcement Exploring offers a wonderful learning environment for young adults who are interested in pursuing a career in some type of law enforcement field and can also be utilized as a great recruiting tool.
Purpose of Law Enforcement Exploring Helps young people mature & to prepare them to become responsible & caring adults Develops relationships between youth & the organizations in their communities The program and activities helps youth to pursue their special interests, growth and development
Five Areas of Interest for the Exploring Program Career Opportunities Develop potential contacts that may broaden employment options Boost self-confidence and experience success at school and work Life Skills Develop physical and mental fitness Experience positive social interaction Citizenship Encourage the skill and desire to help others-Volunteerism Gain a keen respect for the basic rights of others Character Education Help make ethical choices Fulfill one's responsibilities to society as a whole Leadership Experience Acquire leadership skills necessary to fulfill one's responsibilities in society Develop a variety of leadership traits
Law Enforcement Exploring Additional Information –Through Boy Scouts of America many different scholarships are available to Explorers –Internships and Summer Camps are offered to Explorers ONLY, from entities such as F.B.I, D.E.A, and U.S. Marshall’s. These agencies utilize these academies as platforms for recruitment. –TPD Explorers Current Roster Include-5 Active duty military, 5 Full time College Jr/Sr, 1 Journeyman Lineman Apprentice, 1 in hiring process for HCSO.
Law Enforcement Exploring Meetings Tuesday nights every other week (subject to change) 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM Magnolia Police Department #480 Address: Buddy Riley Blvd Magnolia, TX Light refreshments are provided
TPD Post 5451
MAD Post #480
Law Enforcement Exploring What does it cost? Bsa(Boy scout of America) yearly $25.00 Explorers will purchase there own uniform: BDU pants in Navy Black police style boots Black BDU belt This uniform is what you will wear to class.
Contact Information Officer V. Manzo Officer M. Diaz Magnolia Police Department Office ext.
Law Enforcement Exploring Any Questions ?