Understanding Purpose A Presentation to Goal Diggers Summit (Breaking Invincible Barriers) Jimi Taiwo Dec 26 th, 2015
Before we start… 1.Self Awareness 2.Setting A Direction 3.Motivation & Discipline References Outline
Who am I?
“Some people are born knowing what to do and even how to do it. The rest of us must spend hours figuring out what to do with our lives”. Myles Munroe
Life’s Purpose Purpose is the only source of true meaning. “Without purpose, life is an experiment or a haphazard journey that results in frustrations, disappointments and failure. Without purpose, life is subjective, or it is a trial and error game that is ruled by environmental influences and the circumstances of the moment”. Dr Myles Munroe
The journey of Life’s purpose starts with self discovery and self awareness.
1. Self Awareness
“Self awareness is the ability to recognize and understand your moods, emotions, and drives, as well as their effect on others” 1.1 Purpose and values: -Purpose is the original intent for the creation of thing. -Values are what we believe in, and live for. Their outward manifestations are our attitude and behaviors. -Purpose is our internal compass and guiding mechanism. 1.2 Realistic self-assessment: -Know thyself. “Those who see themselves clearly, are likely to see others clearly” -We are designed and (SHAPE) Spiritual gifts Heart Ability Personality Expectations for our purpose 1.3 Self confidence: - Our self worth, and esteem are derived from our clear understanding of self and purpose. 1. Self Awareness
Essence The soul of the brand – a holistic expression of my being Differentiator ‘The 1 most compelling reason why I am different’ Values What I believe in, and live for Personality How I behave Benefits How I am wired up, How I come across Reasons to believe Why should you believe what I say? My Person
Courageous, Sincere, Passionate (intense), Focussed, Tolerant, Patient Christian, Happily married (15 yrs), Scholarly Academic Results through schools, 20 years meritorious post graduation Experience In Top Blue Chip MNC Essence The soul of the brand – a holistic expression of my being Differentiator ‘The 1 most compelling reason why I am different’ Values What I believe in, and live for Personality How I behave Benefits How I am wired up, How I come across Reasons to believe Why should you believe what I say? My Person Emotional Introspective, Fairness, Peaceable Integrity – I walk my talk (1 Tim 4:16) Love – I do to others, as I want them to do to me (Prov 10:12) Hope – There’s always a way out My Faith 2 Cor 5:7 Character- based Leadership (2 Pet 1 5-7) Rational/Functional Resourceful, Agile, Knowledgeable, Result Driven, Organised, Steadfast
2. Setting A Direction
“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there”
“With a stout heart, a mouse can lift an elephant” Tibetan Proverb
2.1 Visioning: Our vision is inherent in our purpose Vision is the father of greatness 2.1 Planning: -It is the basis of dedication and commitment to success and excellence. -Success is not an accident – it is deliberate, and often well thought through -Begin with the end in mind (define practical outcomes) 2. Setting A Direction
3. Motivation & Discipline
3.1 Motivation -A passion for being and doing that goes beyond money and status. -A propensity to pursue purpose/vision with energy and persistence, even in the face of failure 3.2 Discipline: To “Be prepared” always (Boy Scout Motto, digging deep to remain in a state of preparedness). Leaving no stone unturned! To Get inner confidence (and remain in control) “No pain, No gain”! “You can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets” - Arnold Schwarzenegger 3. Motivational & Discipline
1.In Pursuit of Purpose – Myles Munroe 2.What Makes A Leader – Daniel Goleman, Best of HBR Publication, What Leaders Really Do – John P Kotter, Best of HBR Publication 4.Daystar Academy – Ministry School 5.7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R Covey References