Session Objectives Review the requirements for Eagle Rank Review the revised Eagle Service Project Review 2010 Eagle application Discuss finding quality Eagle Projects Discuss the Project Review process Discuss the Eagle Board of Review Knowing the rules and keeping good records are keys to avoiding any surprises or hard feelings!
Eagle Requirements Age Requirement Eligibility 1.Demonstrate living by the Scout Oath & Law 2.Earn 21 Merit Badges 12 of which are required 3.Serve for 6 months in a position of responsibility 4.Plan, Develop, Lead a Service Project 5.Scoutmaster Conference & write your goals & ambitions Appear before Eagle Board of Review All requirements must be completed prior to 18th birthday! Board of Review may be conducted after that birthday.
Required Merit Badges Citizenship in the Community Citizenship in the Nation Citizenship in the World Personal Management Swimming or Hiking or Cycling Emergency Preparedness or Lifesaving Environmental Science Family Life Communications Camping First Aid Personal Fitness
Several Merit Badges Require Specific, Extended Periods Of Time To Complete If the requirement says: –Meet with your counselor … –Keep records for three months … –You must meet with your counselor AT LEAST three months prior to your 18th birthday or the merit badge cannot completed in time! You cannot keep a record of your budget and spending for three months in only three weeks.
More than 21 merit badges & Service Project Primary emphasis is on LEADERSHIP! Remember! Eagle Scout
2010 Eagle Application online as PDF
Age Requirement Eligibility
Active in your unit
Six References
Ask 5 or 6 recommenders to send their letter to the District
Merit badges
Six months in a Position of Responsibility
Leadership Position Scoutmaster assigned or elected by troop Minimum of 6 months (one or more positions) Must do the job - Not just wear the patch Approved positions are: Note: Bugler, Asst Patrol Leader, Patrol Scribe, Patrol Quartermaster do not satisfy this requirement Patrol Leader, Venture Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol leader, Senior Patrol Leader, Troop Guide, Order of the Arrow Troop Representative Den Chief, Scribe, Librarian, Historian Quartermaster, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster, Chaplain Aide, Instructor, Webmaster, Leave No Trace trainer Varsity Scout Team Captain Co-captain Program Manager Squad Leader Team Secretary Order of the Arrow Team Representative Librarian, Historian Quartermaster, Chaplain Aide, Instructor, Den Chief, Webmaster, Leave No Trace trainer
Eagle Project Plan, Develop and Show Leadership
Scoutmaster Conference Statement of Goals and Ambitions
Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project As of October 2011 we have a new Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project workbook! As stated in the Boy Scout Handbook : While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to your religious institution, school, or your community.
. Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project
New Rules Same Need to Show Leadership
Eagle Service Project Plan Meet with an adult advisor before doing too much planning The plan write up must use official BSA Workbook (Electronic versions are acceptable) Approvals: Scoutmaster / Project Advisor Troop Committee Organization served District Advancement Committee Must have District approval BEFORE starting work!
Eagle Service Project Plan The overview must pass the following test: It provides sufficient opportunity to meet the Eagle Scout service project requirement. It appears to be feasible. Safety issues will be addressed You are on the right track with a reasonable chance for a positive experience. Must have District approval BEFORE starting work!
Eagle Service Project Plan The overview must pass the following test: It provides sufficient opportunity to meet the Eagle Scout service project requirement. It appears to be feasible. Safety issues will be addressed You are on the right track with a reasonable chance for a positive experience. Must have District approval BEFORE starting work!
Eagle Service Project Plan The overview must pass the following test: It provides sufficient opportunity to meet the Eagle Scout service project requirement. It appears to be feasible. Safety issues will be addressed You are on the right track with a reasonable chance for a positive experience. Must have District approval BEFORE starting work!
Eagle Service Project Plan The overview must pass the following test: It provides sufficient opportunity to meet the Eagle Scout service project requirement. It appears to be feasible. Safety issues will be addressed You are on the right track with a reasonable chance for a positive experience. Must have District approval BEFORE starting work!
Four Signatures are required BEFORE you Start your project! 1)Religious, school or community group you are supporting by the project. 2)Troop Committee (must review the project) 3)Scoutmaster (approval that it fits the requirements) 4)Council or District : reviewed only after the other 3 have signed off.
Final Review by the 1) Scoutmaster 2) Religious, school or community representative 3) Applicant!!!
Elements of Project Plan Description (Summary) Who Benefits Detail Plan: –Plans, drawings –Financial –Helpers, workers –Adult supervision –Present condition –Schedule –Detail plan for work day(s) –Materials, Supplies, Tools –Transportation Final Report (after work) –How did it go? –Changes –Log of workers –What did you learn about leading others? –Pictures
Concept Plan and Materials
Safety Permits Permissions
Fundraising Approval
Summary Changes Leadership
Scouts Honor As an Eagle Scout You Are a “Marked Man” Candidate’s Promise On my honor as a Scout, I was the leader of my Eagle Scout service project and completed it as reported here. Signed:_______________________________ Date:___/___/_________
Sample Eagle Projects Built church sign Landscaped church grounds Repaired church playground Built church janitor closet Repaired & cleaned out storage shed Built chuck boxes for Girl Scout troop Repaired church home for aged & sponsored social event for residents Built newspaper re-cycling bins for Wood Elementary School
Sample Eagle Projects Re-landscaped and fixed up church sign Built bull-pens, dugout roofs for High School baseball field Built cabinets for Sunday School rooms Repaired, re-roofed, landscaped church gazebo Contact: Church, School, City Parks Dept, County Parks, State Parks, Community Centers, YMCA, Homeowners Associations
Ideas Hours Sponsors Little League Park Restoration Flag collection and symbolic retirement Houghton park trail restoration Emergency storage container mural Meadows Trail Restoration Stencil Storm Drains Beaver Lake Wildlife preservation fence Tuscany Bridge construction Redmond Ridge Ballpark dugout roofs East Samm Park tree preservation Hartman Park projects Trail improvements to Timberline Ridge park Rebuilding 6 benches in downtown Carnation Construct and install 8 bathouses Houghton Beach volleyball pit restoration Presbyterian Church Amphitheater Houghton Beach fence and trail restoration St Edwards Park picnic tables Church parking lot live nativity stage Church Firepit construction Church and preschool nature trail
Ideas Hours Sponsors 59Bat Houses Redmond Parks 205Firewood for the Needy 179Lifeguard Chair Kingsgate Pool 232Sign and Beaverlake Park 83Foundation for Emergency Food Storage 80Trails Eagle Rock 112Safety Signs for Edmonds Underwater Park 162Auto Angel tuneups 131Fitness Stations 105Noxious Weeds removal at Marymoor Park 89Toy Drive 143Wildlife Juanita Park 149Operation Dental Hygiene 115Melinium Deck construction 145Planter boxes at 60 Acres soccer field 166McCauliffe Park Pea Patch Fence 153McCauliffe Park Pea Patch planter
Eagle Service Project Ideas
Eagle Service Project Concept? Bat house
Eagle Service Project Bat House
Eagle Service Project Benches Community? Carnation City Hall Concept? Park Benches
Eagle Service Project Benches
Eagle Service Project Beach
Eagle Service Project Church Church Outdoor Fire Ring
Eagle Service Project Fire Ring
Eagle Service Project Picnic Tables State Park Materials in storage In need of labor and a plan.
Eagle Service Project Picnic Tables
Eagle Service Project Emergency Equipment Storage Shelter
Eagle Application Process Complete all requirements Write project final report Complete Scoutmaster’s conference Complete Eagle Scout Application Submit Application & Project Final Report to: Scoutmaster & Troop Committee Council verifies Scout’s records Returned to District for Board of Review Conduct Board of Review Council approval National approval Conduct Court of Honor
Board of Review Scheduled after all requirements complete and Council verifies records Conducted by District Advancement Committee District Advancement Committee checks references Troop Committee may participate (not SM or ASM) Eagle date of rank is date Board of Review is passed Scout should be in best full Scout uniform It is not a retest of knowledge or skills However, should know the Scout Oath, Law, Motto, Slogan and be ready to discuss how you live by them. Unanimous decision is required BOR must document failure and corrective action in writing
Appeals Reasons for appeals: –Unit leader will not sign Eagle application –Unit leader will not sign Eagle project plan (before seeking District approval) –District Eagle Board of Review does not reach unanimous positive decision Unit decisions may be appealed to District or Council Advancement Committee District Board of Review decisions may be appealed to Council Advancement Committee
Scouts with Disabilities Alternate requirements may be authorized for Scouts with permanent disabilities. Request must be submitted through the District Advancement Chairman Council Advancement Committee must give final authorization. Consult with your District Advancement Chairman before starting process
Eagle Court of Honor Special ceremony to recognize only Eagle Scout(s) Conducted after National approval ~4-6 weeks after Board of Review Planned and carried out by Troop and Parents
Eagle Court of Honor There is no required format Tailor it to please Scouts and parents Some items to consider: Who to invite - up to the family Date and time to accommodate schedule of special guests Reserve church or other location Reception decorations & refreshments – family responsibility Letters from public officials - family’s choice Photo album of Scouting career at reception
Questions ?