Y OUTH P ROGRAMS H OSTED AT T ONAQUINT N ATURE C ENTER 1 week of Lil’ Detective Camp (March) 8 weeks of Nature Camp (June-July) Curiosity Club (year round during the school year) Boy Scout Merit Badge Classes (year round) Special Events Winter Bird Festival (January) Jr. Ranger Day (April) Arbor Day (April) Cottontail Scramble (Spring) Jr. Ranger Scavenger Hunt (September) Fall Festival (October) Holiday Social (December) Garden Classes (year round) Field Trips for area elementary schools, scout troops & private groups
L IL D ETECTIVE C AMP Open for kids in grades 2 nd -5 th 3-days of fun and interactive activities during Spring Break Activities include: Forensic labs, off-site crime scenes, fingerprinting, deductive logic problem solving and more! Won the 2006 URPA Outstanding Program of the Year. Highlights: business cards, business license and graduation ceremony Themes: Crime Solving (The Case of the Missing Skull, Town is on Fire, Breaking Glass)
N ATURE C ENTER C AMPS Open for kids 4 years up to 5 th grade * Busy Bees, Tweety Birds, Wiggly Worms and Crazy Crawdads * 8-weeks of camps Activities include environmental educational themed activities and tribal challenges! Won the 2008 URPA Outstanding Program of the Year. Themes: Radical Rodents, Wild Utah, No Bones About It, Clues Left Behind
C URIOSITY C LUB FOR K IDS Members are 3-6 years old Session runs once a week for 4-weeks Wide range of fun and interesting topics Won the 2009 URPA Outstanding Program of the Year. Themes: Germ Day, Fitness is Fantastic, The Great Camp Out, Flock of Friends
T ONAQUINT N ATURE C ENTER S PECIAL E VENTS Held through the year Target Group- Families and Youth (14 & Younger) Fee: Free or minimum fee (up to $3 charge for some activities) Themes: Based on a holiday or special celebration
O UTREACH P ROGRAMS & F IELD T RIPS Off-Site and On-Site Field Trips Available * On-Site Field Trips rely on partnerships with other governmental agencies to assist with field trips. In 2015, over 900 school children visited the TNC. Service Projects- Perfect for students or club that are looking for service hours Themes: Birds of Prey, Cycle of Life, Bear Truths, Wasting Away: Erosion and Weathering Butterfly Life Cycle (above), Web of Life game (bottom left), DHSH Service Project Day (bottom right)
T ONAQUINT N ATURE C ENTER M ERIT B ADGE C LASSES Utilizes the facility during the late afternoon hours. Class size is limited! Offer 21 different mandatory and elective badge classes. The classes are taught year round. Besides the classes, we offer FREE visits for the younger scouts at the TNC. Staff member is registered with the BSA organization and is over the class schedule. Themes: Varies depending on the time of the year.
Community Partners Free Gardening Classes- Southern Utah Water Conservation Garden Master Gardening Class- USU Extension Office Free Public Presentation- Red Cliffs Audubon Society Junior Ranger Day and Scavenger Hunt- Multiple governmental agencies