Salem Elementary School’s Open House 6:30-7:00 Welcome! SES Vision & Programs 7:00-7:30 Visit Class 1* 7:30-8:00 Visit Class 2* (*Don’t forget to visit Guidance, Support Staff and Unified Arts too!) Cynthia Ritchie, Principal September 27, 2012
Welcome! We are glad you are here! Elementary School Themes 1.) TEAMWORK: We learn, grow and accomplish together! 2.) EDUCATION: We are all life-long learners! Our TEAM includes… *Faculty/Support Staff/Volunteers *Parents/Caregivers *Community Members *Siblings and extended family members *Students
A New Beginning…. Lots of things are NEW in the school- *New Superintendent, Mr. Joe Onofrio (Welcome! ) *New School Greeter: Mrs. Lee Wood *New room assignments for elementary classrooms *New Support Staff members (10+) *New building project that will continue during this school year *New lunch procedures *New bus routes *New outdoor fitness station for students coming soon
A BALANCE of Mind, Body and Spirit Teachers and Programs Do Make a Difference! *Solid Academic Program focusing on CCSS *Additional times for Physical Activity/Movement Breaks *Continued opportunities for Enrichment in the areas of Art, Music and Guidance *World Language instruction in Spanish *Integrated technology throughout the day *Opportunities for TEAMWORK and student-led LEADERSHIP activities providing many positive, social experiences We are here to serve the WHOLE child.
A Focus on Student Leadership Kids are amazing! We celebrate their success often! School Spirit Assemblies “Caught Being Good” Cards Special lunches with the Principal, Guidance staff and teachers Principal’s Advisory Committee Principal’s Problem Solver Challenge After School Community Service Opportunities The Five A’s Awards The Reading Hall of Fame PAWS Program including new “Cougar Cash” incentives
The Home/School Connection Parents DO make a difference! Please join us for… Parent coffees in the mornings Evening Educational Workshops for Parents Family Math Night Family Reading Events Classroom Book Talks/Book Share BOE Presentations that highlight Curriculum and Instruction Participation in the PTO
Opportunity…We Need You! Salem School Volunteer Brochure Volunteer Application Form Send ideas, questions, theme ideas to school LET’S LEARN TOGETHER!
Yippee! We won grant money for a special gardening project for everyone!!! SES Liberty Bank Grant Winners, April, 2012
Guidance Mrs. Nagy
Elementary Music Mr. Hebert
Salem School’s Passport to Wellness Different ways to move, learn, & become physically fit! Elementary Physical Education Mrs. Beardsley Gr. 4 CT Third Generation Physical Fitness Assessment Program for Technology in our Physical Education class provides hands-on learning and concrete data to support fitness concepts! Using a Pulse Meter and Recording our different heart rates during exercise Geo Motion/Fitness The Wellness Room in Action We can use Stepometers & the Smart Board to track and compare different actives and their level of exercise. Our School wide Event The Mile Pile
HEALTH & WELLNESS HEALTH Nutrition Safety Drug Education Refusal Skills Decision Making First Aid Body Systems WELLNESS Warm-ups Stretches Strength Builders Cardio Activities Goal Setting Mrs. Bashelor Grades 1 - 4
Elementary school Date alphabet Songs Colors Numbers Days of the week Months Basic dialogue using puppets Español: Señor Guiñez
Library/Media/Technology Center Ms. Sarah Kateley, Mr. Scott Gordon, Mrs. Sharon Dugger
Special Services & Support School Psychologist Special Education Teachers Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Speech and Language Therapy Adaptive PE Therapy Extended Family/Student support services through Guidance Support Teachers : Aides Tutors Language Arts Curriculum Support Teacher Math Curriculum Support Teacher Technology Support Teacher
We believe EVERY student has a purpose and a talent. It is our goal to provide him/her with a variety of academic and social experiences to realize his/her gifts. School is about becoming an active and contributing member of society. We care about kids, we care about families, we value education!
Thank You… For trusting us with your children. It is an HONOR to get to know each and every one! Year-long themes for Salem Elementary School: 1.) TEAMWORK: We learn, grow and accomplish together! 2.) EDUCATION= We are all life-long learners!
Salem School PTO
Salem Park and Rec. Department & Boy Scout Girl Scouts
Enjoy your visits to classrooms!