2015 Popcorn Unit Kick-off
Win a Family Vacation in Orlando, Florida
On average 30% of the price is the cost of the product, support, and delivery. This popcorn is made exclusively for Boy Scouts of America. The remaining 70% goes to local Scouting.
Our unit can earn up to 40% commission. The other 30% is used to pay for prize programs and incentives, sales materials, and the remaining is used to help fund the annual operation of our council camps.
o Quality product, exclusive for Scouting o On-line support and sales support o Professional support o Local volunteer and executive support o Win(Scout)-Win(Unit)-Win(Camps) program
Pack/Troop Dues Annual dues are $_________ This covers – Registration Fees Boys’ Life Magazine Advancements Program Supplies (Add other details such as summer camp, Blue and Gold, Court of Honor, or a major purchase like tents or cooking gear, etc.)
Pack/Troop Dues Annual dues are $____________ With a 35% commission. To avoid paying dues each Scout needs to sell a minimum of $__________.
Calendar Review September Show-N-Sell Orders Pick-up – 17 th Show-N-Sell Orders distribution for unit Show-N-Sell Dates/Times and Locations Popcorn Extravaganza – 26 th Blitz Weekend I – 26 th -27 th Unit Kick-offs
Calendar Review October Unit Kick-offs Show-N-Sell Dates/Times/Locations Blitz Weekend II – 17 th – 18 th Take Orders Due – 30 th $650 and $1,200 Club Forms Due – 30 th
Calendar Review November Take Order Pick Up – 12 th Take Order Distribution for Unit December Money and Prize Orders Due – 4 th
Pack/Troop Goal $__________ To Reach our Goal Each Scout need to sell $__________
2014 Top Selling Scouts Recognize the Scouts who did a good job selling last year. Top Selling Scout $600 or more in sales Or any other category you want
2015 Unit Commission 40% Commission Sell at least $7,000 or have a per Scout average of $450 35% Commission Have a per Scout Average of $300 or more 33% Commission Have a per Scout Average between $100 and $299 30% Commission Have a per Scout Average under $100
Blitz Weekends Blitz Weekend I - September 26 th or 27 th – Saturday or Sunday Report on who participated due Thursday – October 1 st Patches mailed Friday – October 2 nd Blitz Weekend II – October 17 th or 18 th – Saturday or Sunday Report on who participated due Thursday – October 22nd Patches mailed Friday – October 23
Popcorn Extravaganza September 26
$25 - Prize Level Popcorn Patch
$115 - Prize Level 2 Zipper pull Thermometer w/Compass Bottle Carabiner Leather Kit Bug Cage Deluxe Wood Kit Red Spork
$225 - Prize Level 1 Steel Mechanix Airplane Survival Aid Kid Diving Octopus Kit Fridge Rover
$350 - Prize Level 2 BSA TM Mess Kit Crystal Radio Kit Slime Science Kit Radio Control Car
$450 - Prize Level 3 Solar Cooking Kit Robot Can Kit Turbo Flip RC Giant Volcano Kit
$650 - Prize Level 4 BSA TM Deluxe Knife Cub Scout String Bag Cub Scout TM Knife Kit Landsailer
Alpha III Estes Rocket & Launch Kit Lego Compact Tracked Loader BSA Multi-Tool RC Helicopter $850 - Prize Level 5
$ Prize Level 6 Boy Scout TM Huntsman Swiss Army ® Knife Science or Magic Kit Lego Turbo Quad $30 Scout Shop Gift Card
$ Prize Level 7 Lightweight Camping Chair Compound Bow Set Quadcopter Syncpro Nano $50 Scout Shop Gift Card
$ Prize Level 8 Therm-A-rest Neo Air Sleeping Pad $75 Scout Shop Gift Card Grand Trunk Pro Hammock Quadcopter Cavern Kiddo
$ Prize Level 9 Camelbak ® Rim Runner Hydration Pack Drone Jetboil ® Camping Stove Lego Benny’s Spaceship
$ Prize Level 10 Parallax ® Boe-Bot Robot Kit iPod ® Nano 16GB $150 Scout Shop Gift Card Diamondback Helicopter
$ Prize Level 11 Osprey ® Ace 50L Backpack GoPro ® Video Camera Samsung ® 7” 16GB Tablet $200 Scout Shop Gift Card
Champion’s Club Win a Family Vacation in Orlando, Florida
$650 Club Sell $ FREE Tickets to the Columbus Lions Football 2016 Scout Night Game 2.Every $650 form submitted will be entered into the Grand Prize Drawing.
$1,200 Club Sell $1, FREE SEASON Tickets to the Columbus Lions Football VIP invitation to the Popcorn Champions Dinner in 2016 with the Columbus Lions
Grand Prize Drawing Win a Family Vacation in Orlando, Florida
What is your Goal Going to be?
Selling Popcorn What successful Scouts do to sell popcorn. Full, neat, and clean uniform Has a well prepared sales pitch Knows his customers and their past orders They exceed customer expectations Understands people are supporting Scouting NOT buying popcorn.
Show-N-Sell No sitting! Take turns asking customers as they leave the store Full uniform Ask “Would you like to support our Pack/Troop?” Say Thank you even if they don’t buy.
Show and Deliver Sell with a buddy Never enter a house Have an adult within eyesight of the door Take payment and keep money in a safe place
Take Order Sell with a buddy Never enter a house Have an adult within eyesight of the door Take payment and keep money in a safe place
Take Order If Scouts sold last year have them start with past customers Average $300 an hour in sales Parents help sell Use social media Consider including your Chartered Partner Take the money up front Participate in the Blitz weekends
On-Line Sales Unit and Scouts get credit for sales Customer must have Scout’s popcorn ID Product is delivered to customer by Trails End
On-Line Sales Create a competition for on-line sales within your unit Use social media to sent out links to for your friends to buy on-line Send 10 s each to friends and family Social media promotion – Earn $10!
Key Dates Add details of time and locations Show-N-Sell at _________ from ___ to ___ Popcorn Extravaganza – September 26 Blitz Weekend I – September Show-N-Sell at _________ from ___ to ___ Blitz Weekend II – October Take Orders and Prize orders Due _______ Money Due _________