SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT The purpose of Good Shepherd Lutheran School is to provide each student with a quality Christian education. We recognize that this begins with the premise that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and in Him we have eternal life. The curriculum and all activities are developed around this premise.
PREPARING FOR 21 ST CENTURY LEARNING How do we accomplish this? Junior High students use iPads to increase the engagement in all academic subjects while teaching digital citizenship to the students and parents.
WHAT IS DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP? Digital Literacy-knowing when and how to properly use technology Digital Communication – electronically exchanging information Digital Etiquette-expectations and using technology appropriately Learning to make good decisions when using all technology.
WHAT IS 1:1? 1:1 is one device per student. The iPad is used as an important tool and resource in their classes to supplement and enhance the educational process.
RATIONALE The rationale is to equip our students with the tools to become more engaged in their education. They are using technology to take a more active role in their education.
BENEFITS Our students become more engaged in the lessons being taught. They develop research, organizational, and study skills.
SKILLS THEY ARE LEARNING Students learn to take the initiative to use their investigative skills, and to search for answers. They develop into problem solvers and collaborators in the classroom.
HOW ARE THEY BEING USED IN THE CLASSROOM? English – students use the iPads to develop their writing skills, research skills, immediate access to dictionary, and working on assignments using Adobe Reader They also use the following apps that are important to developing good grammar: edmodo, Google docs, Google drive, Pages, Touch Cast, Socrative, QR scanner, Poplet, Wordly Wise app, and Dropbox, Google Classroom and Quizlet
HOW ARE THEY BEING USED IN THE CLASSROOM? Reading – students use the iPads to develop their literary and writing skills. They use some of the same apps they use in English class. some of our literature books are available on the iPad if the students prefer the electronic version.
HOW ARE THEY BEING USED IN THE CLASSROOM? Foreign language – students use the Spanish or German dictionary, apps and resources for practice of that language, Dropbox to access their assignments
HOW ARE THEY BEING USED IN THE CLASSROOM? Geography/History – Students use the iPads to develop note taking skills, research skills, analytical skills, and the textbook is available as a resource on the iPads. Since the world is always changing, students have immediate access to up-to-date maps and data. They make presentations, and photo essays on the iPads. Dropbox is used often. They use the iPads to take some tests.
HOW ARE THEY BEING USED IN THE CLASSROOM? Science – The iPads are used to reinforce science skills being taught. The textbook as well as other resources are on the iPads. The students develop their research skills, develop note taking skills, make presentations, and use Dropbox.
HOW ARE THEY BEING USED IN THE CLASSROOM? Math – Students use apps to reinforce basic multiplication and addition facts, a calculator, Mathletics app, and other apps to reinforce math skills. They have access to resources that re-teach and reinforce, such as: Kahn Acadamy. The textbooks are available if the students request them.
HOW ARE THEY BEING USED IN THE CLASSROOM? Learning by Heart – access to LBH and schedule in Dropbox Catechism and Religion- access to multiple translations of the Bible, test/quiz taking ability - testmoz, Dropbox access to presentations, homework papers, and Quizlet for reviews.
HOW ARE THEY BEING USED IN THE CLASSROOM? Health – Students have access to resources used for health class, research skills, health articles, use of Pages and Keynote, and access to Dropbox, and assignments. The textbook is available as a resource on the iPads.
HOW ELSE ARE THEY BEING USED IN THE CLASSROOM? Good Shepherd gmail accounts – students assignments and questions to their teachers- overseen by the school Google access – to Google Drive, Google Classroom, and Gmail accounts Testmoz – test taking online Dropbox – students use often to access files and assignments, useful for absent students
HOW ARE THEY BEING USED IN THE CLASSROOM? Apple TV – connectivity from the iPad to the projector – both teacher and students can connect Students use a homework app to keep track of upcoming assignments Students use Safari to RenWeb to access grades and due dates
BALANCE We maintain a balance between typing and writing by hand. (Both are necessary tools to learn.) Students maintain a balance between individual work and group work in the classroom.
Apps used in different classes iBooks – textbooks and PDF’s Adobe Reader – work with PDF’s Dropbox – access to documents Pages and Keynote (only paid apps) Google drive, Google Classroom Edmodo Mathletics Assignment book app Quizlet - review
POLICIES Policies on usage and care and the Responsible Use Policy are on the school website.
Options Option 1 – students bring their own iPad that they currently own – either iPad mini or iPad Air Cost $0 because you already have one Good dependable case Apps – Pages, Keynote Earbuds - $ Insurance is optional - $31-$48 per year
Options Option 2 – parents may purchase their own iPad mini for their child, a case, and the required apps Estimated cost: iPad mini - $229-$249 Good dependable case Apps – Pages, Keynote Earbuds - $ Insurance is optional - $31 per year
Options Option 3 – parents may purchase their own iPad Air for their child, a case, and the required apps Estimated cost: iPad Air - $399 Good dependable case Apps – Pages, Keynote Earbuds - $ Insurance is optional - $48 per year
Technology Fee Good Shepherd students pay a technology fee each year. This is used for the general upkeep of our present technology in the classroom, for out technology refresh, renewal fees, and replacements of projector bulbs and toner cartridges.
PARTNERING Parents are to assist the teachers by monitoring their child’s iPad at home on a regular basis This monitoring includes: checking apps used, messaging, , Internet usage – history and etc. Parents will be given resources to help develop digital Citizenship
PARTNERING As we partner together, our goal and prayer is that your child will be better prepared in this digital world.