1. Using word you can create the document and edit them later, as and when required,by adding more text, modifying the existing text, deleting/moving some part of it. 2. changing the size of the margins can reformate complete document or a part of text. 3. font size and type of fonts can also be changed. Page numbers and header and footer can be included. 4. spelling can be checked and correction can be made automatically in the entire document. Word count and other statistical can be generate. 5. text can be formatted in columnar style as we see in the newspaper. Text boxes can be made. Features of MS WORD
6. tables can be made and included in the text. 7. word also allow the user to mix the graphical picture picture with the text Graphical picture can either be created in word itself or can be imported from outside like from clip art gallery. 8. word also provide the mail-merge facility. 9. word also has the facility of macros. Macros can be either attached to some function/special keys or to a tool bar or to a menu. 10. it also provide online help of any option. 11. MS WORD offer a very easy and flexible environment to work.
1. Auto text: Cut and copy store information in the clip board. Each time you store new information on clipboard, the old information is lost. If you wish to repeatedly, use Auto text. Steps: 1. Type any text 2. Highlight that text. 3. Choose insert>auto text>new from the menu. 4. MS WORD suggest the name. The suggestion displays in the dialog box. Change the name by typing AT in the please name your auto text entry field.
5. Click ok 6. Click any where in the text area to removing highlighting. 7. Place the cursor between the period in the sentence you just typed the paragraph marker. 8.Press the space bar twice to leave two blank spaces. 9. Type AT. 10. Press F Your text now looking twice.
2. Spell check: Word check your spelling and grammar as you type. Spelling error displays with a red line under the word. Grammar error display with a green wavy line under the error. If you want to spell check the entire document. Press F7 and click the spelling icon.
4. Columns: To quickly place text in a column format, click the column button on the standard tool bar and select the number of columns by the mouse over the diagram. For more column option select column from menu bar. The column dialog box allows you to choose the properties of the column. Select the number and width of column from the dialog box.
5. AUTO CORRECT: MS WORD provide the facility to automatically correct common spelling mistakes and often used acronyms, initialism. Etc. Auto correct can be turned off and on from the tool menu. 1. Go to the menu click spelling and grammar tab. 2. In the spelling area, check (on) or uncheck(off) the check spelling as you type check box.
If you need to find a particular word or piece of text, you can use the find command. If you want to search the entire document, simply execute the find command. If you want to limit your search to a selected area, highlight that area and then execute the find command. After you have found the word of text you are searching for, you can replace it with new text by executing the replace command.
Steps: 1. Type the following: Hello friends how are you. what are you doing? 2. Highlight : above sentence 3. Choose find from menu.
4. Type friends in the find what field. 5. Click find next. 6. Click find next. 7. Click no 10. Click cancel. Replace: Replace: 1. Highlight “Hello friends how are you. what are you doing?” 2. Choose replace from menu. 3. Click find next. Do you want to replace the “friends” with “frndz”. 4.Click find next 5. In the replace with the box, type friends. 6. The friends is highlight. 7.Click replace.
7. WORD COUNT: Need to be sure that your document has a certain amount of words? Microsoft word’s word count feature can summarize many statistics about your document. Word count 1. Click the review and click word count from the menu that appears. 2. A window will appears with many statistics on your document.
Word processing is the software package that enables you to create,edit, print and save documents for future retrieval reference. creating a document involves typing by using a keyboard and saving it. editing the document involves correcting the spelling mistakes, if any, deleting or moving word sentences or paragraph. Some of the features of MS word are: 1. Using word you can create the document and edit them later as and when required, by adding more text, modifying the existing text, deleting/moving some part of it. 2. Changing the size of the margin can reformate complete document or the part of the text
There are two methods to start MS word. Method 1 1. Take the mouse pointer to start button on the task bar. Click the left mouse button. 2. Move the pointer to programs. You will notice another menu coming up to the right. 3. In that menu identify where Microsoft word is placed. Move the cursor horizontally to come out of the programs. 4. Move into the rectangular area meant for the MS word. Click the left mouse button there. The computer will start MS-word.
(A) Menu bar: the word menu is displayed at the top of the screen. The main menu further display a sub menu. Some of the option are highlighted option and some of the option are appear as faded.at any time only highlighted options are executed, faded options are not applicable. The menu bar is look like:
undo Standard tool bar Draw table save Grammar and spelling open redo new print cut Open recent file paste Text box copy
FORMATTING TOOLBAR table italic underline bold sort Increase and decrease indent Bullet and numbering casefont Font size Background color spacing align Text effect Show/hide marks Text color subscripts
Horizontal Ruler bar
status bar
1.File: 1.File:y ou can perform file management operation by using these option such as saving, opening, closing, saving, printing etc.
3. Insert: 3. Insert: using this menu you can insert various object such as page number, table, pictures, header, footnotes. It displays the following sub menus.
4. PAGE LAYOUT : 4. PAGE LAYOUT : USING THIS MENU DEALS WITH THE SETTING OF PAGE, YOU CAN CHANGE THE COLOR, STYLE, SIZE, SPACING OF THE PAGE. IT DISPLAYS THE FOLLOWING SUB MENUS. 5. References: 5. References: using this menu you update table of content, update table, styles,insert caption. It displays the following sub menus.
7.Review : 7.Review : using this menu you can create spelling and grammar check, research, word count. It displays the following sub menus
you can apply them by just clicking on the formatting tool bar or you can apply another alternative method by following these steps: 1) right click on the screen. 2)now from all of the option click font. 3) when you click on the font the following box appears.