developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY
Hands-on Experience Using Written Output Tools January 28, 2016 (3:30-4:30 (PST)) Welcome What have we learned so far MS Word Google Docs Wrap-up/Homework
developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Where are we? What have you tried using the iPads? What tools in MS word or Google Docs have you used to support student writing?
developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Scenario Middle School Classroom -typical range of students including: -5 ELL students -1 low incidence student (struggles to collaborate with others, to organize thinking, to get started – loves science fiction). -4 students that need support with executive functions such as time management, organization and planning. -2 very bright students who are easily bored. -Environment has: -7 functioning PC laptops with Chrome -School iPad Cart of 15 is available to be booked for projects -District is conscious of FIPPA and is in the process of moving from awareness to compliance
developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY SD8 Hands-on Experience Using Written Output Tools Session 1 – Introduction and Planning using the iPad Session 2 – Creating/Evaluating - iPad word processing apps Session 3 – Creating/Evaluating on a PC using MSWord and Google Docs Session 4 – Writing Supports using Chrome extensions. PlanDevelopCreateEvaluate
developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Creating and Evaluating Microsoft Word 2013
developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Increased Access in MS 2013 Physical Access – keyboard shortcuts Visual Supports – Zoom, Font Size, Colour, Speak Distraction controls – Read view, Ribbon customization Writing support – spell check, grammar, translate, Speech recognition, review writing with Speak, comments
developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Tour of MS Word Tour with Slides - WATCH 2.Activity to do 3.I will share my screen to support
developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Physical access: Keyboard shortcut F10 – Activates the main tabs in the tool bar -select the letter or number of the tab activates further focused functions -Esc or F10 to discontinue ‘N’ takes you to ‘Insert’ and gives more options
developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Visual Supports
developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Distraction Control Print Layout Read Only
developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Writing Supports spell check grammar translate Comments Speak (quick access toolbar) Speech recognition (MS Windows Control Panel)
developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY MS Word 2013 – Activity (10min) Install Speak Activate Speech Recognition Play with other features such as: Zoom (View) Read Only (view) Translate (review Comments (review) GOAL: 1) Explore the tool 2)Reflect on learning
developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Accessibility compared MS word Keyboard shortcuts Zoom Font controls Read view Ribbon Customization Speak text (text to speech) Spell check Dictionary/Thesaurus Translator Speech recognition Comments/review Google Docs Keyboard shortcuts Zoom Font controls Read view Spell check Dictionary/Thesaurus Translator Speech recognition Comments/review Study Skills (collect highlights)
developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Wrap-Up Review what we learned MS Word 2013 accessibility features Google Docs tools and add-ons Homework Follow the instructions in the shared doc. fZJt1FcU8V0hgJwN02KwBBlLmSA/edit?usp=sharing (