MICROSOFT WORD 2013 Lesson 9 Proofing Documents Vocabulary
ALL MARKUP Setting that allows a user to see all changes and comments that have been made to a document.
ANTONYM The opposite meaning of a given word.
AUTOCORRECT Feature that replaces commonly misspelled words with the correct spelling or replaces symbols and abbreviations with specific text strings.
BALLOONS Shaded blocks of text used for comments
INLINE Another way of displaying comments, instead of using balloons on the right, is to display them within the paragraphs of text itself.
LOCK TRACKING A feature that prevents anyone without a password from turning track changes off.
MARKUP A version of a document with comments and revision marks displayed for easy viewing.
NO MARKUP A version of the document that displays without the markup
ORIGINAL The first version of the document before any revisions were made.
PERSON CARD A feature that allows you to check whether the person is available and communicate with them through IM, voice, video or one of the latest social sites.
SIMPLE MARKUP A clean view of the document with indicators to show where tracked changes have been made
SYNONYM A word that has the same meaning as another word