New features coming in May 2015 Mark Hill
Rollout schedule May 5Release notes available May 5Delivery to select test banks May 19Planned delivery to Hosted FIS IBS Customers May 20Planned delivery to Hosted FIS other Customers May 21Available for install for in-house customers Features 2
The Flood Determination page has been enhanced to do the following: 1. Allow multiple certificates to be stored for each piece of collateral with unique addresses / parcel information. 2. New Flood Worksheet functionality has been created to export flood determination data to Excel which will allow the user future customization. Integration With Avantus for ServiceLink Flood Determinations Deep Dive session by People’s United Bank 3
The Microsoft Word Add-In can now be used for merge letters! When a user populates a merge letter using the Documents tab, a correspondence record is created. Now users will be able to use the LoanVantage Save in Word and the correspondence record in LV will be updated. Demo 4
Policy Exceptions can now be linked to multiple loans. Covenants can now be linked to multiple loans, collateral, or parties. Various reports have been updated to support these new linkages. Demonstration in Covenants Deep Dive with Clint 5
File and Loan Collateral Notes have been enhanced as follows: 1. Admin: Options now exist to hide loan collateral and file collateral sections via File / Facility Settings. 2. Admin: "Relationship" file is now a drop down option under the File Settings. 3. Admin: File Settings now supports Boarding configuration. 4. File Collateral and Loan Collateral notes are now independent of one another. 5. File Collateral Note and Loan Collateral Note fields were added to their appropriate locations on the Boarding tab. 6
Added new Summary Section to the Loan Collateral page. Enhancement include: 1. LV automatic population of Additional Loans tied to the collateral. 2. Ability to Adjust Total Loan Amount for LTV Calculation. 3. Ability to define the above adjustment reason. 4. Added new XLTV which is calculated using the Adjusted Total of All Loans / Total Collateral Value. 5. Added new XLTDV which is calculated using the Adjusted Total of All Loans / Total Discounted Collateral Value. Deep dive in Collateral Cross-Collateralization Session 7
New Push Auto-Create feature has been added to Recurring Required Documents which gives the user the ability to auto-create document records just as the nightly job would do. For example, if the user creates a quarterly recurring document with a statement date of 6/30/14, then uses the PUSH feature, the system will automatically make identical copies of this record but change the dates accordingly to 9/30/14, 12/31/14, and 3/31/15. Demo 8
Added new feature under reports that allows user to select which party's financials should be included in the presentation PDF. Demo 9 1.Click the Financials Checkbox 2.Select parties to include 3.Select which financials report per party
Added guidance line functionality at the relationship level. Guidance Line: A BANK LINE granted to a customer that is used by the lending institution for internal management purposes and is not specifically communicated to the customer. Since the client pays no COMMITMENT FEE, the guidance line can be cancelled or withdrawn by the lender at any time. (Black's Law Dictionary) Guidance line columns have also been added to the file queue. (Demo) 10
A global option has been added to allow s sent from LoanVantage to a domain outside the bank to be sent as secure. The word "Secure:" is prepended to the subject line during transmission and relies on the bank's system to intercept and redirect to secure system. 11
12 Ability to attach a note to a relationship file (existing functionality) Ability to subscribe to file notes changes (existing functionality) Microsoft Word Integration Ability to attach/Edit note in Microsoft Word Save note to file from Word Multiple Word templates for different note types Utilizes LoanVantage Word add-in with access to mini-financial data Work queue additions for file notes functionality
FileNoteEdit Edit the file note Pull up the Word doc attachment LV Add-In Tool bar is enabled Save from Word Add-In Pull up other attachments Upload other attachments Delete Attachments FileNoteView View existing file notes Open attachments Cannot upload attachments LV Add In tool bar is disabled 13
New File Work queue Columns: Date Subject File Note Age Days Created By User ID New File Work queue query conditions: File Note Date File Note Age Days 14
Major enhancement to Leads Tracking Additional track-able items Facility fields added to Leads Queue Additional reports for leads and pipeline tracking (Demo in Leads and Pipeline Deep Dive) 15
Appraisal Order form Line creates request and sends to back office Back office accesses additional data Appraisal Queue for Tracking 16 Top: Completed by line Bottom: Completed by back office appraisal coordinator
17 Collateral ID Collateral Desc Collateral Street Collateral City* Collateral State* Collateral Zip* Loan Number File Number RequestDate* Due Date* Date Received* Status* Contact Name Contact Phone Contact City Contact State Contact Zip Contact Appraisal Fee Appraisal Fee Paid Status Review Fee Review Fee Paid By Appraiser Name License Expire Dt* Bus Phone Cell Phone Fax City State Zip
AppraisalRequest, To give access to the top part of form AppraisalTrackingEdit which gives access to the bottom part of the form. The Appraiser value on the top part is view only and only shows when the STATUS is RECEIVED The Status on the top part of the form is view only. 18
Auto-logout of LoanVantage after specified time For forms-based authentication 19
Credit Flood 20
Covenant History Report Performance Enhanced Covenant History Report query to be more efficient and prevent timeouts LaserPro Interface: Authorized Signers support The LaserPro export file will now include the authorized signers. This requires setting up signers using the "Additional Relationships" feature for the party. Signers are sent for all Parties tied to the new facility. Other miscellaneous Laser Pro interface fixes Approval Log: Add Decisioned Column and Set as Complete Option A new Decisioned column has been added to the Approval Log CURRENT tab. If the final decision has been made for the approval record the value will be "Yes" else, "No". When you edit the record, the user will also have the ability to Set as Complete. Once Set as Complete is done, then the record will be archived and under the Past tab. 21
Facility Days in Decisioning Added new Date Decisioned field to Facility Details and query builder. Also added new Facility Days in Decisioning query condition and column in grid which is calculated at the facility level by Date Decisioned minus Date Application Completed. Work Queues: Number shown on the portal reflects the number in the query without selected options included Work Queue count on the portal has been updating to calculate the total records in this Query after utilizing the filters "Restrict View to Current user's item" flag and "Restrict View to items assigned to specific team" flag. Previously we showed the full amount in the query no matter what user was logged in. 22