Human Resources Administration Basic Goal: to hire, retain, develop and motivate personnel to achieve the goals & objectives of the school district….to assist employees in attaining the highest levels of competence and to maximize the career development of all personnel
Dimensions of HR HR Planning- the master plan of operational and long range HR to facilitate the requirements of curriculum & instruction Recruitment of Personnel- Quality Teachers-the most important function we perform!! Selection of Personnel- Using legal, appropriate processes/techniques
Dimensions of HR (cont’d) Placement/Induction of Personnel- accommodation of the needs and desires of employees for success Staff/Professional Development- provision for training needs of the district and assuring personal/professional growth for employees Evaluation of Personnel evaluation to ensure development of professionalism
Dimensions of HR (cont’d) Compensation of Personnel- Establishing salary/career programs to reward quality performance and motivate (obviously ignored by the Texas Legislature!!) Collective Negotiations/Meet & Confer- process giving employees the opportunity for input and dialogue regarding salary/benefits, working conditions
HR Administrators Administrator is sometimes a staff position rather than line position, however, in larger districts (ECISD) the HR is an Asst Superintendent Other administrators include: directors of staff development; employee relations; affirmative action/EEO; risk management and health care/wellness.
Technology & HR Elimination of paperwork by online applications, benefits enrollments, job postings, payroll, insurance forms, performance evaluations, recruitment/selection; staff development and other databases. Most of these functions require sophisticated hardware/software and employee training in collaboration with business services
Examples of Software Systems Attendance Compensation Planning Competency Management (education level, skills, certifications,etc. Decision Support- data bases HR Management- workflow-pin access Payroll Management- Recruitment, Retirement & Staff Development
Total Quality Management & the HR Function TQM-Total Quality Management Post WWII-W. Edwards Deming becomes the catalyst for change Quality Circles- Business Malcolm Baldridge Award TQM found in some districts, however, Covey (7 Habits) is perhaps most widely known and used.