Elbert County Elementary School School Improvement Plan Mid Year Check
Goal 1
Student achievement in all content areas will indicate growth and improvement by all student subgroups as reflected by scores on the 2015 GMAP. Specific School Objective(s): 2015 GMAP test results in all content areas will indicate that the percentage of Elbert County Elementary School students (all students) in grades 3-4 will meet or exceed: Content Area 2013 CRCT2014 CRCT2015 GMAP Target Reading92% 95% ELA87%91%94% Math76%79%82% Science80%86%88% Social Studies 84%88%90%
Content Area 2013 CRCT SWD2014 CRCT SWD 2015 GMAP SWD Target Reading70%71%73% ELA57%76%78% Math47%59%62% Science45%67%69% Social Studies 50%69%71% Specific School Objective(s): ·2015 GMAP test results in all content areas will indicate that the percentage of Elbert County Elementary School’s students with disabilities in grades 3-4 will meet or exceed:
Content Area 2013 CRCT Black Sub-Group 2014 CRCT Black Sub-Group 2015 GMAP Black Sub-Group Target Reading86%85%88% ELA77%86%89% Math61%72%75% Science62%75%77% Social Studies 70%80%82% Specific School Objective(s): 2015 GMAP test results in all content areas will indicate that the percentage of Elbert County Elementary School’s black students in grades 3-4 will meet or exceed: :
Content Area 2013 CRCT Exceeding 3 rd Grade 2014 CRCT Exceeding 3 rd Grade 2014 State Average 2015 Target GMAP Exceeding 3 rd Grade 2013 CRCT Exceeding 4 th Grade 2014 CRCT Exceeding 4 th Grade 2015 Target GMAP Exceeding 4 th Grade Reading42%28%45.9% 39.4%44%52.3% ELA27%21%32.3% 24.9%25%34.8% Math40%36%44% 31.6%25%39% Science33%36%35%35.9%36.7%44%42.9% Social Studies 37%35%35.9% 79.9%36%30% Specific School Objective(s): 2015 GMAP test results in all content areas will indicate that the percentage of Elbert County Elementary School students (all students) in grades 3-4 will exceed:
2nd Grade Math
2nd Grade Science
2nd Grade Social Studies
2nd Grade Writing
2nd Reading
2nd Grade Reading
2nd Reading - End of Year Projection 2nd Reading - Projection May
3rd Grade Math
% Meeting or Exceeding Goal All: 82% Black: 77% SPED: 62%
3rd Grade Science
% Meeting or Exceeding Goal All: 88% Black: 77% SPED: 69%
3rd Grade Social Studies
% Meeting or Exceeding Goal All: 90% Black: 82% SPED: 71%
3rd Grade Writing
3rd Grade ELA
3rd Grade Reading
3rd Reading - Overview
Identification of Bubble Students
4th Grade Math
% Meeting or Exceeding Goal All: 82% Black: 77% SPED: 62%
4th Grade Science
% Meeting or Exceeding Goal All: 88% Black: 77% SPED: 69%
4th Grade Social Studies
% Meeting or Exceeding Goal All: 90% Black: 82% SPED: 71%
4th Grade Writing
4th Grade ELA
4th Grade Language Arts % Meeting or Exceeding
4th Grade Reading
4th Reading - End of Year Projection
Classworks - Math
Classworks - Reading
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future Collaborative Teams will analyze data to create enrichment and differentiated activities for targeted subgroups. ●Data Team Agenda ●Data Team Attendance Sheets ●Data Team Minutes ●Google Docs ●Collaborative Lesson Plans ●Grade Level Meeting Minutes ●Attendance Sheets ●Formative Assessments ●Continue to meet as collaborative and data teams to analyze student data and work. Professional Learning opportunities in the area of writing to address integration of the writing process into all content areas. ●Meeting Agendas ●Attendance Sheets ●Professional learning in the area of CCGPS ELA which are now integrated in the writing process (conventions are no longer taught in isolation). Instructional Planning: Use GADOE Frameworks for common units, assessments, vocabulary strategies, higher order thinking skills and performance tasks during collaborative planning. ●Student Learning Units ●Grade Level Minutes ●Lesson Plans ●Continue to use Frameworks to guide and improve instruction during collaborative planning. ●Revise units and assessments as necessary. ●Implement new research based instructional strategies as they become available.
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future All students benefit from instructor’s use of flexible grouping practices based upon effective and ongoing diagnosis and formative assessment. Groups are formed and then dissolved in a flexible and proactive manner based upon students’ changing readiness levels, interests, and learning styles in relationship to CCGPS and GPS standards. ●All in Learning Mastery Process ●Lesson Plans ●Advanced Content Classes ●Collaboration Minutes ●Observations ●Pacing Reports ●Reading Notebook Data ●CBA ●DIBELS Data ●Implement new research based strategies as they become available. ●Continue to monitor and adjust instruction and groups based on data. ●On-going training of Paraprofessionals on intervention strategies that compliment CCGPS and GPS. At risk and struggling learners will be identified by teachers using cumulative data for targeted instruction in weak areas. ●RTI, EIP ●Differentiated Instruction ●Data Teams ●Lesson Plans ●Observations ●On-going training of differentiation. Reading, ELA, and Math curriculum resources align with CCGPS and serve as useful guides for instructors to ensure that students understand requirements for each subject area and participate in a curriculum that requires depth of knowledge and rigor for each grade level. ●Interactive Journals ●Lesson Plans ●Observations ●Standards Boards ●EQ’s/”I Can” statements ●Content Maps ●Reading Notebooks ●CBA’s ●Common Formative and Summative Assessments ●Revise curriculum maps, units, and assessments as necessary.
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future School Administration will continue to monitor implementation of standards- based best practices through CCGPS, GPS and by writing across the curriculum through TKES. ●Curriculum Maps ●Lesson Plans ●Posted Standards ●Grade Level Collaborative Agendas ●Grade Level Rubrics ●Continue with TKES Process. Teachers will evaluate the standards to determine the depth of knowledge needed to understand and apply the standards. Develop level 2 and 3 depth of knowledge questions for performance tasks and assessments. Develop depth of knowledge questions to use during instruction. ●Open-Ended Questions on Classroom Assessments ●Posted Essential Questions or “I Can” Statements ●Observations ●Lesson Plans ●Performance Tasks and Assessments ●Advanced Techniques Handouts ●Teachers will evaluation assessments in all subject areas to determine and adjust depth of knowledge questions. Identify 2nd and 3rd grade bubble students using assessment data. (EX. ClassWorks Universal Screener, Report Cards, Placement Tests, Teacher Observations, Pre and Post Tests). Identify 4h grade bubble students who are within 10 points of exceeding any content area of the CRCT. Identify and focus on strengths and weaknesses to drive instruction and to differentiate instructions. ●Data Team Documents for Math ●Data Team Minutes ●ClassWorks Universal Screeners ●Report Cards ●Placement Tests ●Teacher Observations ●Pre and Post Tests ●Monitor Reading Data Notebooks ●Teachers will continue to use the Mastery Process in All In Learning to help determine and monitor bubble students within each unit of each subject. ●At the beginning of the year, 4th grade teachers will be given 3rd grade GMAP scores to analyze their current students’ strengths and weaknesses.
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future Communication between the school and parents and community members is consistently regular, two-way, and meaningful with clear and comprehensive evidence of its contribution to school improvement and student achievement goals. ●Planners ●Parent Sign in Sheets ●TKES PD Sign in Sheets ●Social Media Website ●Remind 101 ●Newsletters ●School Website ●Parent Letters ●Parent Phone Calls ● s to Parents ●Title I Parent Surveys ●Online Parent Surveys ●Parent Conference Logs ●Continue to communicate with parents using various media and artifacts listed.
Goal 2 Elbert County Elementary School will continue to implement the Elbert County School System’s Response to Intervention Plan (RTI) with fidelity.
Number of Students Being Served 15 Dismissed 8 Dismissed
ECES RTI Data: Currently Being Served FallWinterSpring Grade 2 Tier 2 Reading Grade 2 Tier 3 Reading Grade 2 Tier 2 Reading Grade 2 Tier 3 Reading Grade 2 Tier 2 Reading Grade 2 Tier 3 Reading Grade 2 Tier 2 Math Grade 2 Tier 3 Math Grade 2 Tier 2 Math Grade 2 Tier 3 Math Grade 2 Tier 2 Math Grade 2 Tier 3 Math Grade 3 Tier 2 Reading Grade 3 Tier 3 Reading Grade 3 Tier 2 Reading Grade 3 Tier 3 Reading Grade 3 Tier 2 Reading Grade 3 Tier 3 Reading Grade 3 Tier 2 Math Grade 3 Tier 3 Math Grade 3 Tier 2 Math Grade 3 Tier 3 Math Grade 3 Tier 2 Math Grade 3 Tier 3 Math Grade 4 Tier 2 Reading Grade 4 Tier 3 Reading Grade 4 Tier 2 Reading Grade 4 Tier 3 Reading Grade 4 Tier 2 Reading Grade 4 Tier 3 Reading Grade 4 Tier 2 Math Grade 4 Tier 3 Math Grade 4 Tier 2 Math Grade 4 Tier 3 Math Grade 4 Tier 2 Math Grade 4 Tier 3 Math
FallWinterSpring Grade 2 15 Grade 3 69 Grade 4 78 Total 2832 ECES RTI Data: Number of Students Dismissed
FallWinterSpring Grade 2 Tier 1 to Tier 2 Grade 2 Tier 1 to Tier 2 Grade 2 Tier 1 to Tier 2 22 (came to ECES identified) 0 Grade 2 Tier 2 to Tier 3 Grade 2 Tier 2 to Tier 3 Grade 2 Tier 2 to Tier 3 73 Grade 3 Tier 1 to Tier 2 Grade 3 Tier 1 to Tier 2 Grade 3 Tier 1 to Tier 2 00 Grade 3 Tier 2 to Tier 3 Grade 3 Tier 2 to Tier 3 Grade 3 Tier 2 to Tier 3 24 Grade 4 Tier 1 to Tier 2 Grade 4 Tier 1 to Tier 2 Grade 4 Tier 1 to Tier 2 41 Grade 4 Tier 2 to Tier 3 Grade 4 Tier 2 to Tier 3 Grade 4 Tier 2 to Tier 3 01 ECES RTI Data: Moved Within the Tiers
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future Teachers will maintain RTI folders and proper documentation for all students Tier II and above ●RTI grade boxes ●Universal Screeners ●Profess monitoring reports ●CBM reports ●DIBELS Data ●STAR Data ●Minutes ●Fluency Intervention Data ●Teachers will continue to maintain RTI folders and documentation. Continue RTI and ClassWorks professional development for teachers. ●Agenda/sign-in sheet from training ●Professional learning will be provided for additional research based interventions. Grade level/RTI meetings will be held each 4.5 weeks to review intervention data on students in Tier II and above. ●Grade level/RTI minutes●Continue with meetings.
Goal 3 Elbert County Elementary School will be accountable for developing essential leader, teacher and staff competencies and optimizing all resources to achieve system and school improvement goals and outcomes for student success.
TKES DATA Standard 1 Professional Knowledge
TKES DATA Standard 2 Instructional Planning
TKES DATA Standard 3 Instructional Strategies
TKES DATA Standard 4 Differentiated Instruction
TKES DATA Standard 5 Assessment Strategies
TKES DATA Standard 6 Assessment Uses
TKES DATA Standard 7 Positive Learning Environment
TKES DATA Standard 8 Academically Challenging Environment
TKES DATA Standard 9 Professionalism
TKES DATA Standard 10 Communication
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future As required by Ga DOE, ECES will fully implement the Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TKES) and Leader Keys Effectiveness System (LKES). ●Teacher Evaluations●Continue to implement TKES and LKES. ECES will provide orientation and familiarization for each TKES standard to all faculty. ●Meeting Agendas ●Attendance Sheets ●Staff Feedback ●Provide professional learning for any updates to the TKES process. ●Provide teachers with links to TKES webinars. ECES will continue the current Georgia Media Specialist Evaluation instrument and Georgia Counselor Evaluation when measuring effectiveness of these programs. ●Observations ●Media use of A.R. to increase Lexile Levels ●Leadership Team and Media committee will discuss areas for improvement for our media program. On-going teacher self-analysis beginning with self-assessment ●Student Surveys ●SLO’s ●Walkthroughs ●Professional Growth Plan ●Formative and Summative Observations ●Continue to use results for improvement.
Goal 4 Elbert County Elementary School will implement PBIS with fidelity.
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future ECES will develop and implement Tier I, Tier II, Tier III, and Tier IV Behavioral Intervention Strategies. ●Lesson Plans●Create Behavior RTI Plan Professional Development will be provided to ECES faculty. ●Infinite Campus PBIS tab ●Infinite Campus Parent Contact Tab ●SWIS ●Include all stakeholders in PBIS training. ●Immediately in the future, we will be training custodial and office staff will be trained. PBIS meetings will be held each month to review behavioral data. Data analysis will drive intervention development and ongoing instruction provided to students. The Big 7 - report each month to SILT. ●PBIS/SILT agenda/Minutes●Continue with monthly meetings to review data and implement new strategies.