Anderson School Accreditation
We commit to continuous growth and improvement by Creating a culture for learning by working together Providing a curriculum that challenges and engages all students Implementing research based strategies to maximize student learning Monitoring and supporting each student’s achievement
3 Big Ideas of A PLC Learning Collaboration Results What is it we want our students to learn? How will we know if each student has learned it? How will we respond when some students do not learn it? What will we do when they have learned it?
New Accountability Measures Two “levels” of Accountability Scorecards: District Scorecards & School Scorecards Scorecards will use a color coding system (green, lime, yellow, orange, and red) to indicate school performance.
New Accountability Measures Combines traditional accountability metrics with Top-to-Bottom labels and other state/federal requirements. Overall color is determined by Top to Bottom status as well as points earned by meeting traditional AYP requirements. Individual “cells” use red/yellow/green coding scheme Points-based system where full points earned for meeting a target, half points earned for meeting safe harbor
Accountability Scorecard
The Results from MI School Data –Mathematics = Green –Reading = Green –Social Studies = Green –Science = Green –Writing = Green –Attendance Rate = Green –Educator Evals = Green –Compliance Factors = Green –Students with Disabilities = RED, due to score in Mathematics
34/44 points = 77.27%
The Results from MI School Data Michigan Department of Education –Overall = Yellow –Top to Bottom Ranking = 78 –Yearly Adequate Progress = Made –Education YES! Grade = B –AcademicTargets Met: 16/16
3 rd Grade Reading Trend Data
3rd Grade Math Trend Data
4 th Grade Reading Trend Data
4 th Grade Writing Trend Data
4 th Grade Mathematics Trend Data
5 th Grade Reading Trend Data
5 th Grade Mathematics Trend Data
5 th Grade Science Trend Data
How do we keep our GREEN? By maintaining progress consistent with growth from the school year. Data analysis on an annual basis will provide feedback in areas that we may need to improve.
Content Area: Mathematics Student Goal Statement: 100% of all students will demonstrate a proficiency target of in Mathematics by 6/9/2016 Statement of Gap in Student Achievement: The data indicates a gap between students with and without disabilities AND our Top 30% and Bottom 30% Sources of Data used to Identify Gap in Student Achievement: MEAP scores, MAP scores, CLASS A, etc.
Content Area: Writing Student Goal Statement: 100% of all students will demonstrate a proficiency target in writing of in English/Language Arts by 6/9/2016 Statement of Gap in Student Achievement:. The data indicates a significant gap between our Top 30% and Bottom 30% Sources of Data used to Identify Gap in Student Achievement: MEAP scores, MAP scores, CLASS A, etc
Content Area: Reading Student Goal Statement: 100% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency target of in English Language Arts by 6/9/2016 as measured by the state assessment. Statement of Gap in Student Achievement: The data indicates a significant gap between our Top 30% and Bottom 30% in all tested areas EXCEPT READING Sources of Data used to Identify Gap in Student Achievement: MEAP scores, MAP scores, CLASS A, etc
Content Area: Science Student Goal Statement: 100% of all students will demonstrate a proficiency target in writing of in Science by 6/9/2016 as measured by the state assessment. Statement of Gap in Student Achievement: The data indicates a significant gap between our Top 30% and Bottom 30% Sources of Data used to Identify Gap in Student Achievement: MEAP scores, MAP scores, CLASS A, etc
Content Area: Environment Goal 5 is to provide an environment that maximizes growth, citizenship, and academic achievement for all students.
Anderson Elementary = Title I Target School Federal Program that is designed to help disadvantaged children meet high academic standards; to help children who are failing or most at risk of failing to meet the district’s core academic curriculum standards
Title I Continued Title I is a Federal program that targets students considered to be at risk for falling below grade level in reading or math Title I money is calculated from the amount of students who get free and reduced lunch Districts are asked to spend the money on either staffing or materials that directly benefit Title I students
TA Program Required Components 1. Needs Assessment2. Services for Eligible Students3. Incorporated Into Existing School Program Planning4. Instructional Strategies5. Title I and Regular Education Coordination6. Instruction by Highly Qualified Staff7. High-Quality and Ongoing Professional Development8. Strategies to Increase Parent Involvement9. Coordination of Title I and other Resources10. Ongoing Review of Student Progress
Title I Continued Interventionists: highly qualified teachers with special training in reading Title I aides - Math Materials and Training such as: 1.Fountas and Pinnell leveled reading series 2.Making Meaning 3.STAR Reader 4.Michigan Literacy Progress Profile training
Title I Continued The goal is to have a week intervention, get students back to grade level and withdraw them from the program If a student is not exited, then other options will be examined The classroom teacher and the interventionist will decide if a student is ready to discontinue.
Services for Eligible Students Hedke District Title I Preschool Reading Recovery/ Literacy Teacher Instructional Paraprofessional Hours for Extended Time Learning Anderson .5 Literacy Teacher Instructional District Title I Preschool Paraprofessional Hours for Extended Time Learning Services included as strategies in SIP
Anderson Elementary – A school for All-Stars
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