Of Mice and men By: Nikki Snapp
Characters George- Lenny’s best friend. Smart. Lenny- George’s best friend. Slow. Very strong. Candy- An old swamper with only one hand. Works with Lenny and George. Curley- Farm owner’s son. Stuck up. Tiny. Trouble maker. Married to a “tart” Slim- Works with George and Lenny. A skinner. Curley’s Wife- A “tart.” Dies in the end of the book…
Lenny and George’s relationship Lenny is somewhat slow, mentally, although he is extremely strong. George is quite smart and watches after Lenny to keep him out of trouble. The two are not related except for them being friends. They travel around together to different farms trying to make money to buy their own farm and live happily. Most farmers want Lenny for his ability to farm and work hard, although he is not very smart. Lenny’s Aunt Clara told George to watch after Lenny when she passed away and that’s hoe they got wrapped up in staying with each other even though they are very close friends.
Plot Overview Two migrant workers, traveling the countryside in California. The two, George and Lenny, are inspirable, they watch each other’s backs and take care for each other. George gets into trouble often but not purposely and the trouble he gets into is misunderstood. George is a lumbering big man and he is slow, mentally. George gets along with most anybody except for Curley, The farmer’s son. Curley is married to a “tart” and she likes flirting with all the farm hands, including Lenny. Lenny is Sitting in a stall in the barn one night petting…
Plot Overview cont…. …his distraught little puppy whom he was too rough with one night when the woman comes in to talk. The woman talks to Lenny as if he is a little boy, which his mentality seems to be, Lenny enjoys touching nice things and stroking soft things, like mice or his dead little puppy. The woman tells Lenny how soft her hair is and gives him permission to touch it, when he does he gets a little too rough and the woman screams to be released, Lenny puts his big strong hands over the woman's…
Becoming the Climax… …mouth to silence her so the farm hands will not be alarmed and Lenny not knowing his own strength shakes the woman a bit and in only a few minutes the woman stops moving… He broke her neck. Lenny goes out to “the spot in the woods,” this is a place where George told him to go out and hide id he got into any trouble. When George and all the other farm hands find out of Curley’s wife’s death they go on a rampage looking for Lenny, George of course knows where he is and being such a good friend to him didn’t want to see him killed by some stranger. Lenny finds the poor man in “the spot” and talks to him kindly and tells him to look away, being able to hear the angry farm hands in the distance, shoots poor Lenny in the back of the head…
I strongly recommend to… Anybody who enjoys older books… Suspenseful books… Books of olden times… Hard workers… How things have changed over the years… How morals are different…