MRH Personal Fitness Plan
MRH PFP Congratulations! You have recently completed first quarter and have completed at least 2 Fitnessgram fitness tests. Now you know what your current fitness levels are. This is important information that will help you plan and prepare to pass the Fitnessgram tests you will take again next semester. ***Fitnessgram test are the sit and reach, mile run, sit ups, pushups, and height/weight.
Task For an accurate fitness plan it is important that you analyze your nutrition intake as well as your exercise activities. You will use technology such as your Fitnessgram results, Supertracker website and heart rate monitor data to help you develop a well rounded fitness plan. You will create a brochure to emphasize the key aspects of your fitness plan for your reference as you use your workout plan over winter break. This project is to be completed by yourself!
Process Step 1: Review all the main parts of the project below. Nutrition: Analyze your current diet using Supertracker. Determine where your problems might be in regards to your diet and make a SMART goal to improve this. Fitness Components: Analyze your current test data and compare these scores to the Fitnessgram Standards. Set SMART goals for each component to improve in each of these areas. (Note: for your cardiovascular fitness component you will also use your heart rate monitor data to assist you with setting a goal.) Review all of the data, check your SMART goals and create a brochure.
Process Step 2: You will need to set up an account on Supertracker. Create and Download the Nutrition and Physical Activity reports from your Supertracker Account. Complete your brochure and reports.
Nutrition You are responsible for setting up an account on, creating a diet for yourself that will help you meet your BMI goals and find healthy recipes/food choices that will help you meet your goals. Details Create a SMART goal for nutrition Log into your food Supertracker account and input 1 week of food and beverages for your SMART goal. Create a report for the one week diet and save the report as a.pdf. Go to MyPlate Recipe and choose a healthy recipe for each: breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks.
Fitness Review your Fitnessgram Scores and create a short term SMART goal for each fitness component. (5 of them) Go to the activity Supertracker account and input 1 week of activities for each component and the SMART goals for each. Create a report of activities you prescribed and save the report as a.pdf. Use this information to help you complete the brochure.
What are SMART goals? Specific: It’s the who, what, where, when, which and why. Measurable: How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished? Attainable: Set steps to help you achieve this goal. Realistic: Represent an objective that you are both willing and able to work towards. Timely: Set a date or timeframe the goal should be accomplished by. (In this instance by the beginning of 3 rd quarter in mid-January to February.)
What you need? Fitnessgram results Supertracker Account Five fitness components: Muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular, flexibility and body composition. Principle of Overload, Principle of Progression, Principle of Specificity. (google these terms) BMI Calculator Fitnessgram Standards
Conclusion You will turn in the following: Brochure PDF documents for each component and nutrition tracking and SMART goals. 3 graphs printed from your heart rate monitor data and a small paragraph reflecting how you can use your heart rate data to improve your cardiovascular endurance. A one page reflection sheet on this process and what you would change if you did this again. Congratulations on finishing this project. You now have a personal fitness plan for you to complete during the winter break to help you pass the Fitnessgram next semester. Great work!