Information Resources Criminal Investigation CJUS 201 Part 12
Information Resources 1. Resources - motives / modus operandi / investigative resources resources a. Motive - source of locating suspect - source of locating suspect (1) Ask yourself: (1) Ask yourself: - type of crime committed? - type of crime committed? - why committed? - why committed? - who would benefit? - who would benefit?
Information, cont. (2) Deadly motivators (2) Deadly motivators - seven deadly sins - seven deadly sins - pride / greed / lust / anger / gluttony / - pride / greed / lust / anger / gluttony / envy / sloth envy / sloth b. Developing motive - prepare crime profile - prepare crime profile - profiler - profiler (1) HITS (1) HITS - Homicide Investigative Tips System - Homicide Investigative Tips System
Information, cont. - main computer - main computer - sense to suspect - sense to suspect (2) Personality composite (2) Personality composite - suspect’s personality match - suspect’s personality match - test results / characteristics / abilities - test results / characteristics / abilities (3) Example: (3) Example: - does story match evidence? - does story match evidence? - does personality / crime fit profile? - does personality / crime fit profile? - profiler’s conclusion - profiler’s conclusion
Information, cont. (4) Provide all information (4) Provide all information - autopsy / photos / reports / etc. - autopsy / photos / reports / etc. 2. Modus Operandi - personal characteristic adopted by suspect a. Method of Operation - used by criminal - used by criminal - to commit crime - to commit crime (1) Burglary (1) Burglary
Information, cont. - same kind of entry - same kind of entry (2) Robbery (2) Robbery - same kind of note - same kind of note - disguise - disguise (4) Helpful to police (4) Helpful to police - following crime spree - following crime spree - may recognize from prior contact - may recognize from prior contact b. Case linking
Information, cont. - composite developed - composite developed - similarities of different cases - similarities of different cases c. Information aids - habits - habits - likes / dislikes - likes / dislikes - social level - social level - personality - personality 3. Investigative resources - organizations to assist
Information, cont. a. Become familiar with - contacts within - contacts within b. Know: - why they keep records - why they keep records - where they keep records - where they keep records - how to get copies - how to get copies - type of information - type of information - how extensive - how extensive c. Local sources
Information, cont. - police records best / on file forever - police records best / on file forever - criminal - criminal - traffic / accident - traffic / accident - fingerprints - fingerprints d. Federal records - law enforcement (FBI / ATF / DEA / etc.) - law enforcement (FBI / ATF / DEA / etc.) - other sources (IRS / USPS / SS / civil courts) - other sources (IRS / USPS / SS / civil courts) e. State, county, municipal - state: patrol / financial / licensing / etc. - state: patrol / financial / licensing / etc.
Information, cont. - local: property tax / civil records / SO-police - local: property tax / civil records / SO-police - schools: family records / student records - schools: family records / student records - utilities: PUD / telephone / water / sewer / etc. - utilities: PUD / telephone / water / sewer / etc. - business: medical / dental / rental / mortgage - business: medical / dental / rental / mortgage f. Hospitals - informal only - informal only - privileged communications - privileged communications - victim records / suspect records - victim records / suspect records