Chairman’s 2006 Report APLMF Working Group on Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs) Chairman: Charles D. Ehrlich NIST, U.S.A. CIML Member Assisted by Régine Gaucher MAA Project Leader, BIML
2 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Program Thus far, there has been no request or inquiry from an APLMF Member Economy to look into a regional Mutual Recognition Arrangement. The ongoing work in implementing the OIML MAA has been the focus of the APLMF WG activity, while keeping in mind ways that all interested APLMF Member Economies might participate.
3 APLMF WG on MRAs Three Work Items 4. Working Group on Mutual Recognition Arrangements seeks to: 4.1 Continue to support the OIML work on implementation of the MAA (Mutual Acceptance Arrangement) and not develop a regional MAA. 4.3 Monitor ways in which APLMF members can participate in the OIML MAA (such as providing experts to conduct peer review or accreditation audits, by signing DoMCs as Utilizing Participants, and by issuing OIML MAA Certificates under a possibly limited scope). 4.4 WG Chair to provide OIML MAA implementation update report for APLMF circular (based on results of CPR meetings).
4 Reminder about past OIML MAA activities: (October 2004) Round Table Workshop held in Berlin (October 2004) 39 th CIML Meeting and 12 th OIML Conference held in Berlin (June 2005) Meeting of 1 st ‘Provisional’ Committee on Participation Review (CPR) for OIML R60 and R76 held in Lyon (June 2005) 40 th CIML Meeting held in Lyon (Sept. 2005) Seminar for Assessors in Paris
5 Since last APLMF Meeting in Kuala Lumpur: (Nov. 2005) Two peer assessments were conducted for R60/R76 CPR (Nov. 2005) Intention to launch a DoMC on R49 (water meters) announced by BIML (March 2006) Meeting of 2 nd ‘Provisional’ Committee on Participation Review (CPR) for OIML R60 and R76 held in Sydney (Sept. 2006) Official notification by BIML that first two DoMCs have been signed (Oct. 2006) MAA Amendments and Resolutions passed by 41 st CIML (Cape Town)
6 Two Peer Assessments (Nov – Jan. 2006) NMIJ/AIST (Japan) Federal Office of Metrology METAS (Switzerland) Conducted by experts validated by the CPR and in cooperation with ILAC Performed according to the rules defined in OIML MAA documents
7 OIML MAA Documents OIML MAA 01 Operating rules of the CPR and of DoMCs OIML MAA 02 Guidelines for the application of ISO/IEC to type testing laboratories in legal metrology OIML MAA 03 Peer Assessment Process OIML MAA 04 Guidelines for filling in the Peer Assessment Report OIML MAA 05 Peer assessment closure session - Memo
8 2 nd Meeting of ‘Provisional’ CPR (March 2006, NMI, Sydney) Main Goals and Accomplishments: Examine the Accreditation and Peer Assessment Reports for the Testing Laboratories of the potential Issuing Participants Confirm scopes of the DoMCs, including ‘exclusions’ and ‘additional requirements’ Prepare the R60 and R76 CPR Reports for circulation to all potential Participants
9 After the 2 nd Meeting of ‘Provisional’ CPR CPR Reports were circulated to all potential Participants for their review Each potential Participant was invited to sign their own ‘registration form’ indicating their participation in the DoMC (separate forms for R60 and R76)
10 Signature of the R60 and R76 DoMCs On September 29, 2006, the BIML issued a Circular notifying CIML Members and OIML Issuing Authorities that the first two DoMCs (for R60 and R76) have been officially published on the MAA pages of the OIML web site. The publication is in the form of two summaries of the individual registration forms signed by each participant.
11 Signature of the R60 DoMC 3. OIML Issuing Authorities and their Testing Laboratories State Issuing Authority Testing Laboratories AUSTRALIA NMI, National Measurement NMI, National Measurement Institute of Australia CHINAAQSIQ, General Administration of QualityNIM, National Institute Supervision, Inspection and Quarantineof Metrology FRANCELNE, Laboratoire National de Métrologie etLNE, Laboratoire National de d'EssaisMétrologie et d'Essais JAPANNMIJ/AIST, National Metrology Institute ofNMIJ/AIST, National Metrology JapanInstitute of Japan SWITZERLANDFederal Office of Metrology METAS Federal Office of Metrology METAS
12 Signature of the R60 DoMC State Identity of Participants and Associates AUSTRALIA NMI, National Measurement Institute of Australia BULGARIABulgarian Institute of Metrology CHINAAQSIQ, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine FRANCELNE, Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais ISRAELMinistry of Industry, Trade & Labor – Legal Metrology Department JAPANNMIJ/AIST, National Metrology Institute of Japan NETHERLANDSNMi Certin B.V. NEW ZEALANDMCA/MAPSS, Ministry of Consumer Affairs - Measurement and Product Safety Service RUSSIAN FEDERATIONVNIIMS, Russian Research Institute for Metrological Service SAUDI ARABIASASO, Saudi Arabian Standards Organization SERBIAZMDM, Bureau of Measures and Precious Metals SLOVAKIASLM, Slovak Legal Metrology (Banská Bystrica) SOUTH AFRICASABS, South African Bureau of Standards - Legal Metrology Department SWITZERLANDFederal Office of Metrology METAS UNITED KINGDOMNWML, National Weights and Measures Laboratory UNITED STATESNCWM, National Conference on Weights and Measures
13 Signature of the R76 DoMC 3. OIML Issuing Authorities and their Testing Laboratories State Issuing Authority Testing Laboratories AUSTRALIA NMI, National Measurement NMI, National Measurement Institute of Australia CHINAAQSIQ, General Administration of QualityNIM, National Institute Supervision, Inspection and Quarantineof Metrology FRANCELNE, Laboratoire National de Métrologie etLNE, Laboratoire National de d'EssaisMétrologie et d'Essais JAPANNMIJ/AIST, National Metrology Institute ofNMIJ/AIST, National Metrology JapanInstitute of Japan Continued
14 Signature of the R76 DoMC (continued) 3. OIML Issuing Authorities and their Testing Laboratories (continued) State Issuing Authority Testing Laboratories KOREA (R.)KATS, Korean Agency for TechnologyMPI, Korea Machinery- and StandardsMeter and Petrochemical Testing & Research Institute NEW ZEALANDMCA/MAPSS, Ministry of Consumer AffairsSame as Issuing Authority Measurement and Product Safety Service SLOVAKIASLM, Slovak Legal MetrologySLM, Slovak Legal Metrology (Banská Bystrica)EVPÚ, Elektrotechnický výskumný a projektový ústav
15 Signature of the R76 DoMC State Identity of Participants and Associates AUSTRALIA NMI, National Measurement Institute of Australia BULGARIASAMTS, State Agency for Metrology and Technical Surveillance CANADAMeasurement Canada CHINAAQSIQ, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine FRANCELNE, Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais ISRAELMinistry of Industry, Trade & Labor – Legal Metrology Department JAPANNMIJ/AIST, National Metrology Institute of Japan KOREA (R.)KATS, Korean Agency for Technology and Standards NEW ZEALANDMCA/MAPSS, Ministry of Consumer Affairs - Measurement and Product Safety Service RUSSIAN FEDERATIONVNIIMS, Russian Research Institute for Metrological Service SAUDI ARABIASASO, Saudi Arabian Standards Organization SERBIAZMDM, Bureau of Measures and Precious Metals SLOVAKIASLM, Slovak Legal Metrology (Banská Bystrica) SOUTH AFRICASABS, South African Bureau of Standards - Legal Metrology Department UNITED KINGDOMNWML, National Weights and Measures Laboratory
16 Post- Signature of the R60 and R76 DoMCs The definitive CPR is now established. All Issuing Participants of DoMC must now issue OIML MAA Certificates, except for ‘basic’ Certificates that had already been applied for earlier. Termination date for issuing ‘basic’ Certificates discussed by CIML in Cape Town.
17 Next Steps for R60 & R76 DoMCs Maintenance of R 60 and R 76 DoMCs: Incorporate revision of OIML Recommendations (R 76-1 and R 76-2); Admission of new participants (intentions for participation have already been received by the BIML); Applications due by end of February, 2007; 3 rd CPR Meeting planned for June, 2007; First intermediate documentary assessment by end of September, 2008.
18 Next steps in the MAA implementation In OIML TC 3/SC 5: 2CD of the OIML Guide for the application of ISO/IEC Guide 65 to legal metrology Draft Guide for the application of ISO/IEC to legal metrology 1WD of the OIML B 3 revision 1WD of the OIML B 10-1 and OIML B 10-2 revision
19 Next steps in the MAA implementation Starting the ILAC/OIML work program: MOU between ILAC and OIML Development of a joint ILAC/OIML experts list Development of a joint expert training program Development of a joint assessment procedure
20 Next steps in the MAA implementation Starting cooperation with IAF (International Accreditation Forum) First contacts are planned in November 2006 (CIML President and BIML Director)
21 Next steps in the MAA implementation Additional questions raised by different countries Taking into account test results from manufacturers for issuing an OIML MAA Certificate Reducing the number of additional requirements under the scope of a DoMC Cost of the MAA Using results of tests performed before the DoMC Publication to issue an OIML MAA Certificate
22 DoMC for R49 (Water Meters) Launched in November potential Participants Only one potential Issuing Participant Deadline for establishing the provisional CPR: First R 49 CPR Meeting: May 2007 R 49 CPR Secretariat: Samuel Just (BIML)
23 Decisions and Resolutions from 41 st CIML Meeting (Cape Town) MAA Resolution The BIML shall initially bear the costs of peer assessments and subsequently invoice the peer assessed bodies with a lump sum equal to 1500 € per assessor-day. For instance, for a two-day peer assessment which requests one expert in quality systems and two metrological and technical experts (e.g. in the case of participation in two DoMCs), the fees paid by the assessed laboratory will be 2 x 3 x 1500 €, which is 9000 €.
24 Decisions and Resolutions from 41 st CIML Meeting (Cape Town) MAA Resolution The end of the transitory period during which an OIML Issuing Authority which participates in the R 60 DoMC and/or the R 76 DoMC as a Utilizing Participant or which did not sign the R 60 DoMC and/or the R 76 DoMC will still be authorized to issue OIML Certificates of Conformity according to OIML B 3 outside the scope of the MAA, is provisionally fixed at 31 December This deadline will be reviewed by the CIML at its 43rd Meeting based on a BIML report on operation, experience and feedback from industry.
25 Decisions and Resolutions from 41 st CIML Meeting (Cape Town) MAA Resolution The CIML endorsed the decision of its President to launch the R49 DoMC despite the fact that for the moment there was only one potential Issuing Participant.
26 Decisions and Resolutions from 41 st CIML Meeting (Cape Town) Amendment AM 1 (to B 3 OIML Certificate System for Measuring Instruments): Introduction OIML B 3 is being revised by OIML TC 3/SC 5 Conformity assessment. Considering the time necessary to revise OIML B 3, TC 3/SC 5 has in the meantime drawn up an amendment related to the designation of an OIML Issuing Authority. This amendment was approved for final publication by the International Committee of Legal Metrology in 2006 and supersedes section 1.3 of OIML B 3 dated 2003.
27 Decisions and Resolutions from 41 st CIML Meeting (Cape Town) Amendment AM 1 (to B 3 OIML Certificate System for Measuring Instruments): Amendment to OIML B 3 – Edition 2003 – Section A Certificate is issued by an Issuing Authority of an OIML Member State. The CIML member in a given Member State may designate one or several Issuing Authorities in that State per category of instruments. The CIML Member in a given Member State may be responsible for an Issuing Authority in that State.
28 Decisions and Resolutions from 41 st CIML Meeting (Cape Town) Amendment AM 2 (to B 10-1 Framework for a Mutual Acceptance Arrangement on OIML Type Evaluations (MAA)): Introduction OIML B 10-1 and OIML B 10-2 are being revised by OIML TC 3/SC 5 Conformity assessment. Considering the time necessary to revise these Publications, TC 3/SC 5 has in the meantime drawn up an amendment related to several sections of OIML B This amendment was approved for final publication by the International Committee of Legal Metrology in 2006 and supersedes several sections of OIML B 10-1 dated 2004.
29 Decisions and Resolutions from 41 st CIML Meeting (Cape Town) Amendment AM 2 (to B 10-1 Framework for a Mutual Acceptance Arrangement on OIML Type Evaluations (MAA)): Amendments to OIML B 10-1 – Edition 2004 Section 3.19 (Definition of “Associate”) National Issuing Authority and/or National Responsible Body of an OIML Corresponding Member that voluntarily takes part in a DoMC by indicating in writing its willingness to accept and utilize Test Reports. Note is deleted (see revised Section 4.4 below – 5th paragraph): Original Note: Associates receive information from, but do not participate in, the Committee on Participation Review.
30 Decisions and Resolutions from 41 st CIML Meeting (Cape Town) Amendments to OIML B 10-1 – Edition 2004 Section 3.26 [Committee on Participation Review (CPR)] Committee, composed of one expert representing Participants of each Member State and one representative of the BIML. One Committee on Participation Review (CPR) may be established for several Declarations of Mutual Confidence (DoMC) if their scopes are similar. In such a case, the CPR may be composed of several representative Members from one country to ensure the necessary degree of competence but only one representative per country has voting rights for the relevant DoMC.
31 Decisions and Resolutions from 41 st CIML Meeting (Cape Town) Amendments to OIML B 10-1 – Edition 2004 Section 4.4 [Types of Participants] A Participant in a DoMC may be: An OIML Issuing Authority; A National Issuing Authority or a National Responsible Body of an OIML Member State or of a Corresponding Member State.. Associates may be a National Issuing Authority or a National responsible Body from a Corresponding Member. They participate in the Committee on Participation Review but they are not granted any voting or approval right.
32 Decisions and Resolutions from 41 st CIML Meeting (Cape Town) Amendments to OIML B 10-1 – Edition 2004 Section [New: Voting rules in CPRs] Decisions in the CPR are considered valid if 50 % of participating countries which have appointed a CPR representative and which are granted voting rights are present or represented in the CPR Meeting. For being accepted, a proposal shall receive at least 80 % of “yes” votes. In case of postal consultation, decisions are considered valid if answers are received from at least 50 % of the CPR representatives for a particular DoMC. Representatives of Associates, of the BIML and of TCs/SCs are not granted voting rights.
33 Decisions and Resolutions from 41 st CIML Meeting (Cape Town) Amendments to OIML B 10-1 – Edition 2004 Section 4.11 [Approval of Participation] Establishing ‘final’ CPR When a DoMC is first being established, all potential Participants shall independently review the reports on all other potential Participants prepared by the Committee on Participation Review. The potential Participants shall originally submit their agreement or reservations to the BIML representative on the committee, who will transmit the conclusions to the others, only after all agreements or reservations have first been submitted. Responses from at least 80 % of the potential Participants shall be received. Each participant is accepted as soon as at least 80 % of the potential participants agree on its participation.
34 Decisions and Resolutions from 41 st CIML Meeting (Cape Town) Amendments to OIML B 10-1 – Edition 2004 Section 4.11 [Approval of Participation] (Continued) Once a DoMC is established, all participants shall independently review the report on a potential Participant prepared by the Committee on Participation review. At least 80 % of the Participants shall answer on the acceptance of the potential Participant. Among these answers, 80 % shall be in favour of the acceptance for the potential Participant being accepted.
35 Decisions and Resolutions from 41 st CIML Meeting (Cape Town) Amendments to OIML B 10-1 – Edition 2004 Section 8.7 [New: Applications for admission to CPR] Applications for the admission of new Issuing Participants or of new Utilizing Participants with additional national requirements are examined by the CPR twice a year, either during its meetings or by postal approval. Applications for the admission of new Utilizing Participants without any additional national requirements are taken into account at any time by the BIML.
36 APLMF WG on MRAs Progress since last WG Meeting Work Item 1: Continue to support the OIML work on implementation of the Mutual Acceptance Arrangement (MAA) and not develop a regional MAA. Status: No regional MAA in the Asia-Pacific region has been envisioned or started. Objective met, Item should continue
37 APLMF WG on MRAs Progress since last WG Meeting Work Item 3: Monitor ways in which APLMF members can participate in the OIML MAA (such as providing experts to conduct peer review or accreditation audits, by signing DoMCs as Utilizing Participants, and by issuing OIML MAA Certificates under a possibly limited scope). Status: Source of experts still under discussion. OIML Corresponding Members can sign DoMCs as Utilizing Participants. Limited scopes are allowed. Item should continue
38 APLMF WG on MRAs Progress since last WG Meeting Work Item 4: WG Chair to provide OIML MAA implementation update report for APLMF Circular (based on results of CPR meetings) Status: Report (in collaboration with Regine Gaucher) was provided in the July, 2006, APLMF Circular 53. Item will continue?