European Union
1. WHO? MEMBER STATES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION 500 Million People – 28 Countries ( CROATIA : 1 July 2013) EU Member States Candidate countries CROATIA = # 28
THE EU SYMBOLS The European Flag The European Anthem Europe Day, 9 May The Motto: United In Diversity
2. WHEN? : Coal & Steel Treaty- Ger/ Fr/ It/ BeNeLux : European Comm. began (most of Western Eur. Countries : Began to admit former Communist countries to EU after fall of Berlin Wall : Formally established as EU : EU added 10 new countries/many in Eastern Europe 2013: added 1 more
ENLARGEMENT: From Six To 28 Countries
3. WHERE? HQ = STRASBOURG, FRANCE : only SIX countries of Western Europe. ( Eur. Coal & Steel Community- FRG, France, Italy & 3 BeNeLux countries) : After the fall of the Berlin Wall: The EU began admitting formerly communist countries from Eastern Europe.
4. WHAT? EU: COALITION OF 28 COUNTRIES UNITED INTO ONE ECONOMY No borders between European Union countries – No need of passport World’s largest trading bloc World’s largest economy/ 500 million consumers 2007: GDP of EU was $16 trillion +. World’s largest exporter. 18 of 28 EU countries have switched to the new currency – the “Euro.” EU: China’s biggest trading partner.
5. WHY? Before WWII: Germany – under Hitler – surrendered to extreme nationalism. During WWII: Nazi Germany conquered most of Europe. After WWII: Europeans wanted to move away from nationalism and move toward unity. EU: one way to achieve the peaceful unification of Europe.
The Treaties: Basis For Democratic Cooperation Built On Law 1952 The European Steel and Coal Community 1958 The treaties of Rome: The European Economic Community The European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) 1987 The European Single Act: the Single Market 1993 Treaty of European Union – Maastricht 1999 Treaty of Amsterdam 2003 Treaty of Nice 2009 Treaty of Lisbon
The EURO – a single currency for Europeans *( 2/28/2002) 17 EU countries using the Euro 10 EU countries not using the Euro (EX: U.K.) Can be used everywhere in the euro area since 1/1/2002. No other after 2/28/2002 COINS: one side with national symbols; one common side. NOTES: no national side; identical for all 1/1/11 EURO
6. HOW? A country must apply for membership. - In order to be admitted, a country must be a stable democracy that respects human rights and the rule of law, have a free market economy (capitalism), and respects the EU
The Big Enlargement: Healing the Division of Europe Fall of Berlin Wall – end of Communism EU economic help begins: Phare programme Criteria set for a country to join the EU: democracy and rule of law functioning market economy ability to implement EU laws Formal negotiations on enlargement begin Copenhagen summit agrees enlargement 10 new EU members: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia 1989 1992 1998 2002 2004 2007Bulgaria and Romania join the EU © Reuders 2013 CROATIA ADMITTED - 1 JULY 2013.
Croatia and Turkey started accession talks on 3 October Croatia joined on 1 July Turkey could complete negotiations in years. Progress has been slow. EU is divided over whether Turkey should ever join. Other Balkan countries have been told they can join one day, if they meet the criteria. These include democracy, the rule of law, a market economy and adherence to the EU's goals of political and economic union. Seven countries (plus Kosovo) are to join the EU. Kosovo's independence is not recognized by all EU countries, but the EU views it as a potential candidate for membership.
How big are the EU countries? Surface area in km² France Spain Sweden Germany Poland Finland Italy United Kingdom Romania Greece Bulgaria Hungary Portugal Austria Czech Republic Ireland Lithuania Latvia Slovakia Estonia Denmark Netherlands Belgium Slovenia Cyprus Luxemburg Malta
How many people live in the EU? Population in millions, million total France Spain Sweden Poland Finland Italy United Kingdom Romania Greece Bulgaria Hungary Portugal Austria Czech Republic Ireland Lithuania Latvia Slovakia Estonia Denmark Netherlands Belgium Slovenia Cyprus Luxemburg Malta Germany
GDP per inhabitant: the spread of wealth Lithuania 2008 GDP per inhabitant Index where the average of the 27 EU-countries is Luxembourg Ireland Netherlands Austria Denmark Belgium Sweden FinlandGermanyFranceItaly Spain EU-27CyprusGreeceSlovenia Malta PortugalEstoniaHungary Slovakia LatviaPolandRomaniaBulgaria United KingdomCzech Republic
Map instructions – the “WHO” WESTERN EUROPE – GREEN - U.K., Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Malta PARTIAL MEMBERS – RED - Norway, Switzerland, Iceland (Bad Economy) EASTERN EUROPE – BLUE (FORMERLY COMMUNIST) - Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia SOON TO BE ADMITTED – ORANGE - Croatia, Former Yugo. Rep. of Macedonia, Turkey? POTENTIAL CANDIDATES – PURPLE - Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia NOT A MEMBER – WHITE - Russia