definition: being fun-loving, festive, or joyful
pronunciation: kuhn- viv -ee-uhl
synonyms: lively lively vivacious vivacious jovial jovial mirthful mirthful pleasant pleasant sociable sociable cheerful cheerful
related forms: noun noun conviviality conviviality convivialist convivialist adverb adverb convivially convivially
The convivial children enjoyed their snow day.
Lil Wayne’s convivial performance rocked the house.
The children were convivial and played nicely together.
The children convivially celebrated their friend’s birthday.
A convivialist by nature, Sponge Bob enjoyed the attention he received.
Instead of scaring birds away, the scarecrow’s conviviality encouraged birds to visit.
Multi-person bicycles encourage conviviality.