Advertising Campaign Presented by Donna Moore Intern CFA Regional Advertising Agency Acme Widget’s New Vintage “Beach Cruiser” Bicycle
Overview Introduction Target Market Printed Ad Prototype #1 Grandpa, Tell Me Bout the Good Ol’ Days Explanation: Printed ad prototype # 1 Important Facts Printed ad prototype #2 Memories From My Grandma Explanation: Printed ad #2 Important Facts 30 – second TV spot Explanation: 30 – second TV spot Closing Cited Work
Introduction Wilbur Widget Great, great, great Grandpa Wilbur Widget began with a dream and simple message. ACME Widget Company: Serving since 1865 The dream, tradition and legacy continues... “Happy 125th Anniversary”
Acme Widget Company will celebrates their 125 year in business by launching “The New Vintage “Beach Cruiser” Bicycle”. The ad campaign is design connect the past and present with a single object that represent a joyous pastime.
Target Markets: Filling in the Missing Part Infrequent Women Bike Riders 5.5 % of black women who ride less than 6 to 24 times a year. Demographics Large cities and suburbs. Benefits for women bike riders: Increase in recreational and enjoyment opportunities. Young Minority Bike Riders 15% of young black riders. Demographics Re-designed road and infrastructures in large city suburbs. Benefits for young bike riders : Family activity Good form of exercise
Let Grandpa tell you ‘bout the good ol’ days… Celebrating 125 years in Business “Bringing Back the Good Ol’ Days in Colors” all local Acme bicycle shops. Printed Ad Prototype #1: “Bringin Back The Good Ol’ Days in Colors”
Explanation: Printed Ads Prototype #1 “Bringin’ Back The Good Ol’ Days In Colors” Important Facts : Details of how the ads demonstrate the “vintage” theme. The era modeled after. Why they will be successful with the. target market? Marketing approach Bringin' Back the Good Ol’ Days in colors: Grandpa’s perception Grandson’s image Introduces the new vintage Acme Cruiser Bicycle. Historical Influence of 1920: John Watson’s psychology of advertising Impacted the approach to advertising President Calvin Coolidge’s benediction: Addressed business regarding responsibility and trust Discussed approach to advertisement and marketing focus.
The Vintage Theme “Connects the Past with the Present” Grandpa stands and glazes Acme bicycle Fond memories to share with grandson Grandson see different image of the bicycle. Two different views, desires and reasons connect Owning a Acme bicycle remained the same Why it Works? Marketing concepts conveys message Institutional Pioneering Persuasive Reminder Ads purpose and goal: Grandpa’s conversation Introduce enthusiastic young minority Grandson envisions colorful future New Acme “Beach Cruiser” bicycle Explanation: Printed Ads Prototype #1 continued “Bringin’ Back The Good Ol’ Days In Colors”
MY LOVE FOR VINTAGE BICYCLES BEGAN WITH MY GRANDMA … NOW I SHARE THAT DREAM TOO. Available at bicycle shops Printed Ad Prototype #2: “Memories From My Grandma”
Explanation: Printed Ads Prototype #2 “Memories From My Grandma” Important Facts : Details of how the ads demonstrate the “vintage” theme. The era modeled after. Why they will be successful with the. target market? Marketing approach The simple message appeals to black women. Incorporating the power of ownership. Love of family. Common denominator: Acme bicycles Historical influence of the 1920’ Women On the Move: Door to Opportunity The 1890’s depicted women in bicycle ads. Introduction of National advertisement of brand new style to consumers. In 1920, the passing of the 19 th amendment (Women’s right to vote).
The Vintage Theme “Connects the Past with the Present” The advertisement ad Combines two time in history Shared same motive and purpose Present day black female business owner makes the connection: Thinks back to her great, great, grandfather and family members in the 19 th century. Use of colorful contemporary illustration Displays the tradition of the vintage bicycle. Why it Works? Marketing concept conveys message Institutional Pioneering Persuasive Reminder Demographics appeal to target market. Focus African American (Black women) Reignite the joy of reconnecting with the past Creating your own memories and dreams of having a Acme bicycle. Explanation: Printed Ads Prototype #2 - continued “Memories From My Grandma”
30 - second TV spot “ Grandpa, Tell Me bout the good ol ’ days” VideoAudio WS of bench with the ACME logo sits off in the distance. A little boy and his grandpa stand in the yard. [musical interlude]plays ECU to the little boy looking up at his grandpa. Music under as words from song begin to play in the background: Little boy singing: “Grandpa, Everything is changing fast We call it progress, But I just don’t know.” CA to grandpa shows a picture to the little boy. Music under as words to song play: Little boy singing: And Grandpa, let's wonder back into the past CI to grandpa reaches in his pocket and pulls out a picture. Music under as Words to the song play: And paint me a picture of long ago. Grandpa
30 – Second TV Spot continued VideoAudio ECU to the picture of the great, great, great grandfather and mother beside their bicycles on the wooden bridge. Grandpa: Son, This is your great, great, great grandfather and great, great, great mother doing what they loved best. Riding a handcrafted Acme bicycle. Cut to little boy gazing in amazement.Silence WS to grandpa giving picture to the little boy. Grandpa: Son, when you feel things are moving just too fast. Look at his picture and remember… Your great, great, great grandparent found a way to slow things down and have fun. CA to grandpa and grandma on their bicycles. Grandpa: That is why me a your grandma still ride our bikes. Pan WS as grandma comes into view rolling a brand new ACME bicycle and grandpa places his both hand the little boys shoulders and turns him around to see grandma. Grandpa: Son, Happy Birthday!!!! Let us all take a ride just like the good ol’ days. ECU to little boy with tears in his eyes. Zoom to little boy hugging his grandpa. Little boy: Thanks Grandpa! I love you. b.g with the grandma, grandpa and little boy on biclycle. The title on fill screen displaying ACME logo: “The Family Tradition Continues” Celebration 125 years [musical interlude] plays
Explanation: 30 – second TV SPOT “ Grandpa, Tell Me bout the good ol’ days” Important Facts : Details of how the ads demonstrate the “vintage” theme. The era modeled after. Why they will be successful with the. target market. Marketing approach The purpose of commercial script was Connected the past with future Celebration the 125 th anniversary Unveiling of the new Acme Beach Cruiser bicycle. Historical influence of 1920’s: Advertising reached millions of consumers on a daily and weekly basis Market research presented a clear claim about the product. Post – War Americans: Volkswagen used segmentation marketing Promoted uncluttered ad: Visual and verbal wit Targeted specific consumer.
The Vintage Theme “Connects the Past with the Present” Ad celebrates the 125 th year of tradition, family and legacy. Incorporates the importance of grandparents in a young person’s life. Love acme bicycle transcends time and makes an emotional connection. Message incorporates the continuance of tradition. Acme Widget’s tradition began with their great, great, great grandfather’s love for bicycles. The grandpa begins his own family tradition with grandson. Why it Works? The concepts used such as pioneering, helped created a well- focused and successful ad. The words and music, “Grandpa, Tell Me ‘Bout the Good Ol’ Days” by the Judd's, is the perfect source to bring these two worlds together. Explanation: 30 – second TV SPOT “ Grandpa, Tell Me bout the good ol’ days”
Closing The two print ads and the script for 30 – second TV spot Captures the targeted audience of women and young minorities Created a vintage theme by connecting the past to present. The words and music,” Grandpa, Tell Me ‘Bout the Good Ol’ Days by the Judd's, was the perfect source to bring these two worlds together. The eras of historical influences were 1890 and 1920’s Supported the theme of celebrating 125 years of business for the Acme bicycle company. Successful Commercial Wilbur Widget family tradition: Love for the Acme bicycles and celebrated the 125 th anniversary.
Cited Work Acme Beach Cruiser Bike Image.[digital image] (2014). Retrieved August 6, 2015, from Communications/1: Advertise a Product or Service/Bike.jpg Communications/1: Advertise a Product or Service/Bike.jpg Acme Widget Logo.[digital image](2014). Retrieved August 1, 2015] from Communications/1: Advertise a Product or Service/AcmeLogo.pdf Communications/1: Advertise a Product or Service/AcmeLogo.pdf Bonner Helms, A. (2015, May 17). ACLU: Tampa Police Harrass Black Men, Women And Children On Bikes. Retrieved August 15, 2015, from Edmondson, B. (2011). The U.S Bicycle Market: A Trend Overview. Retrieved August 19, 2015, from US Bicycle Market-A Trend Overview report.pdf. Grandpa Tell Me Bout The Good Old Days. (2007, January 9). Retrieved August 4, 2015, from Lund, J. (n.d.). A Woman Bike Rider Riding an Invisible Bicycle. Retrieved August 15, 2015, from bicycle.asphttp:// bicycle.asp Sister, G. (2012, April 24). Black Victorians: African Americans in Steampunk.[digital image] Retrieved August 6, 2015, from Smith, J. (2014, July 16). Josie's Bike Life: Women Involved Series: Monica G.[digital image] Retrieved August 6, 2015, from Sulaiman, S. (2013, June 5). Streetsblog Los Angeles.[digital image] Retrieved August 6, 2015, from wellness-fair-brings-out-families-for-health-and-fun/ wellness-fair-brings-out-families-for-health-and-fun/ Villar, D. (2013). Acme "Bicycle" Company.[digital images] Retrieved August 1, 2015, from
Happy 125 th Anniversary Acme Thanks Grandpa for Bringin’ Back the Good Ol’ Days