Agenda Driving Safety Bicycle Safety Pedestrian Safety Crash Data
Don't Drive Drunk More than 30 percent of all auto crash fatalities in the United States involve drivers impaired by alcohol.
Don't Speed As the old public service campaign so succinctly put it, "Speed kills.“
Hang up and drive! Drivers who use cell phones are four times more likely to get into crashes serious enough to injure themselves, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Driver distraction, such as cell phone use and text messaging, is a growing safety concern for the transportation industry. This staged photo demonstrates one of the dangers of distracted driving.
Failure to obey traffic control devices.
Crosswalks…be aware. Every corner is a crosswalk whether marked or unmarked.
Avoid the “right-hook”
Watch Out for the Other Person Be aware and predictable.
Drive Cautiously Yield to Cyclists Be Considerate Pass with Care Watch for Children
Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety
5 Principles for Safe & Enjoyable Cycling with Traffic Aware having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact Predictable behaving in a way that is expected Visible able to be seen ::New Oxford American Dictionary:: Assertive having or showing a confident and forceful personality Courteous polite, respectful, or considerate in manner
Bicycles are vehicles Same rights and duties ORS
Lights Front white light: 500ft Rear red reflector: 600ft During limited visibility conditions ORS
Ride Right Drivers do not expect you on the left Makes it impossible to read signs and signals Motor vehicle driver field of vision Visibility
Signals Hand Signal necessary for at least 100 feet before turn or stop Unless circumstances require both hands to control bicycle ORS
Door Zone Beware of the door zone Ride approx 13’ from the curb Drivers- Open the door when reasonably safe ORS
Yield to the motor vehicle or take the lane ‘Right Hook’
Urban Cycling
Roundabout Safety
Pedestrian Safety
What is a Pedestrian? Pedestrian means any person afoot or confined in a wheelchair. ORS
Right of Way Pedestrians have right of way on sidewalks, marked and unmarked crosswalks, and multiuse paths. ORS
Crosswalks Vehicles must stop and remain stopped for pedestrians in crosswalks. ORS
Jay Walking? Pedestrians not in crosswalks must yield right of way to all vehicles on the roadway. ORS
Change your Streets!
More information
Thank you Kim Curley Jovi Anderson Ponderosa Elementary-Bend OR Brian Potwin