April 20, :30am to 4:00pm Bristol Palace 828 E. Rand Rd. Mount Prospect, IL A FREE Continental Breakfast & Lunch Will Be Served. Exceptional Vendors Will Be On Site! CPDU/CEUs units paperwork will be provide on site. Conference Extras View the most safety products n the market from vendors dedicated to school safety and security Guest Speakers and Topics Brittney Burns – Assistant State’s Attorney – Community Justice Center – Cook County While Technology Continues to Evolve, the Need to Instill and Reinforce Concepts of Digital Citizenship Remain Constant ”. This session will highlight current trends, review the various digital platforms, and illustrate Illinois-specific case examples”. Mia Ray Langheim - School Intelligence Officer - Statewide Terrorism & Intelligence Center Illinois State Police “School Safety Information Sharing Program and Suspicious Activity in Schools.” Paul Timm, PSP - RETA Security Inc. – President “ Affective security before and after school hours” A. J. DeAndera - Sergeant - 23 year veteran of the Arvada, Colorado Police Department. He is currently assigned to run the Community Response Impact Team (CRIT). He served as a member and Team Leader of the Jefferson County Regional SWAT Team for 16 years. “A Decision Making Matrix: Learned form Columbine H.S. Platte Canyon H.S. and Youth with a Mission School shootings “ Ernest Brown - Executive Director, Marcos Estrada - Deputy Director of Training and Special Projects, Robert Dunne - Training & Exercise Coordinator - Cook County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management “Seconds Matter.” This program encompasses the full Life Cycle of Active Threat Preparedness across all Mission areas including Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery. Jennifer Smith – Attorney - Education Practice Group-Franczek-Radelet P. C. A legal guide to serving Transgender students “Transgender students may have needs that arise at school that relate in important ways to their gender identity. This session will explore topic areas in which schools have legal obligations to support their transgender students – including student records, safety, activities, facility access, and health services – and some of the state and federal laws applicable to each area”. Randy Braverman – Director of Campus Safety- Oak Park and River Forest H.S. Conference and Safety Panel Moderator Paul Timm, PSP – RETA Security Inc.- President Ron Ellis – School Security Specialist David Young – - Liaison between the Behavioral Analysis Unit and local law enforcement – FBI- Chicago Rick Tanksley – Chief – Oak Park Police Department LT. William Evans - Cook County Sheriff's Police Nathaniel L. Rouse – Oak Park and River Forest H.S.- Principal Dr. Sandy Ellis – Faculty, National Emergency Response & Rescue Training Center, TEEX, Texas A & M University Peter Pilafas – Deputy Fire Chief - Oak Park Fire Department Jill Pettorelli – Chicago Coordinator for Behavioral Analysis Unit - FBI Sgt. Larry Drish – Bomb Technician – Cook County Sheriff's Police Dr. Terry Smith – Executive Director - Proviso Area for Exceptional Children Anthony Ambrose – Deputy Chief – Oak Park Police Department Robert Zummallen – Construction Manager – Oak Park and River Forest H.S. Ronald Johnson – Director of Transportation – Oak Park and River Forest H.S Cameron Bergau – Student -Junior - Oak Park and River Forest H.S. The Illinois State Board of Education, RETA Security, Oak Park & River Forest High School, Oak Park Police & Fire Department and Proviso Area for Exceptional Children invite you to heighten your safety awareness by attending a gathering of experts in the field of school safety and crisis prevention. At no cost to you, you can learn how to enhance the safety and security of your school facility on a day-to-day basis and long term. This vital information will be practical and easy to apply, and there will be ample time for you to ask specific questions. Theodore Roosevelt once said “you never have trouble if you are prepared for it.” This statement takes on significant meaning as schools try to ensure the safety of their students in today’s vulnerable world. We hope you will join us to hear from the subject matter experts. Who Should Attend: District Administrators School Administrators Police & Fire Transportation Directors Parties in Charge of Safety Register by 04/05/16 at Please provide the name of your school or agency, your name, your phone number, and your address. Registration is limited to four (4) people per department or school. If you need to bring more than four, please call Randy Braverman at