ChinaBond Pricing System Bond Information Department China Government Securities Depository Trust & Clearing Co. Ltd
Contents 1.Background of CGSDTC 2.Introduction to ChinaBond Pricing System 3.Examples 4.Data Delivery Channel
1. Background of CGSDTC China Government Securities Depository Trust & Clearing Co., Ltd. (CGSDTC) was set up in 1996, undertake the function of centralized depository and inter-bank bond market settlement. In order to promote China bond market development, CGSDTC started yield curve research since 1999.
2. Introduction to ChinaBond Pricing System
2.1 Main Development 2.2 Key Characteristics 2.3 Business Scope 2.4 ChinaBond Pricing System Structure 2.5 ChinaBond Pricing Process 2. Introduction to ChinaBond Pricing System
2.1 Development of ChinaBond Pricing System Research Stage( ): The first treasury bond yield curve was created under the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method. Development Stage ( ): Four yield curves, i.e. Inter- bank Treasury Bond, Exchange Treasury Bond, Treasury Bond (compounded) and Floating interest rate Treasury Bond, and Indices for Treasury Bond (Inter-bank and Exchange) were worked out by CGSDTC. The method of quadratic polynomial was adapted at this stage. Initial Application Stage (2006-now): CGSDTC has worked out a wide variety of yield curves and indices; the study and analysis for bond pricing are rapidly improved. July 2007: CSRC requires all mutual funds must use CGSDTC’s daily valuation to calculate NAV (net asset value) Oct 2007: CBRC authorized ChinaBond Yield curves as the benchmark of Treasury bond, Policy bank Bond & Central bank bills.
2.2 Key Characteristics Neutral Objective Professional Experience CGSDTC is an independent third party, its valuation is objective and fair ; Only concentrated on fixed-income products, has a high quality and professional team in this area; Comprehensive and reliable data source to ensure consist and market neutral valuation; Incorporate a fast and convenient market feedback mechanism with customers; Almost 60 market members providing daily valuation on key terms of yield curves, adding extra value to bond valuation
2.2 Key Characteristics Transparent The bond pricing process is transparent and provide full documentation of valuation methodology to clients Daily and Monthly “ChinaBond Yield Curve Analysis” is available on the website “ Annual ChinaBond Yield Curve Quality Report” is provided to the market Great Customer Support
2.3 Business Scope Daily Mark-to-Market Yield Curves and Indices Bond valuations on a daily basis at INDIVIDUAL bond level (about 1300 bonds /day) Monthly Bond Market Statistics Service Bond Market Database (maturity, coupon, freq, type, issuer, credit rating, settlement volume & price, etc) Bond Market Research and Analysis Report Bond market analysis tool
2.4 Structure ChinaBond Pricing System ChinaBond Yield Curve ChinaBond Valuation ChinaBond Indices
ChinaBond Yield Curve Inter-bank Market Treasury Bond Floating/ Fix Rate Central Bank Bill Policy Bank Bond Floating/ Fix Rate Corporate Bond Floating/ Fix Rate Commercial Bank Bond Floating/ Fix Rate Commercial Paper ABS Floating/ Fix Rate China Fixed-rate Treasury Bond Exchange Market Treasury Bond Corporate Bond
ChinaBond Index Composite IndicesAggregate Indices Account IndicesCustom Indices Central Bank Paper Index Commercial Paper Index Client A AI Client B AI Client A AI Client B AI BY ISSUER BY COUPON BY MARKET BY MATURITY Gov. Bond Index Financial Bond Index Corporate Bond Index …... Fixed Rate Floating Rate Inter-bank Market Exchange Market Long term Middle & Short term
2.5 ChinaBond Pricing Process Gov. Policy / Money Market / Economic Factors Key Issuance/ Observation / Past Trend Inter-bank bid/ask quotation data and settlement price Commercial bank counter quotation data Exchange market closing price Valuation data provided by market members Hermite Model + Bootstrapping Pricing ALL Bonds Composite Index (18 sub-indices) Constituent Index (2 sub-indices) Account Index (800 individual account indices) Market Analysis Data Selection Building YC Bond Valuation Bond Indices
3. Examples
ChinaBond Yield Curves ChinaBond Indices
3. 1 Comparison of Market Price China Inter-bank Treasury Bond Yield Curve as of 20/11/2007
3. 2 Comparison of Market Price China Exchange Treasury Bond Yield Curve as of 20/11/2007
3. 3 Members’ Valuation China Inter-bank Policy Bank Bond Yield Curve as of 20/11/2007
3. 4 Different Curves Comparison of Three Different Curves as of 20/11/2007
3. 5 Comparison of Different Curves Comparison of Credit Bond Yield Curves as of 20/11/2007
3. 6 Historical Trend Tread of 5-YEAR China Inter-bank Treasury Bond Yield Curve (08/ /11/2007)
3. 7 Comparison of Yield Curves at Different Date China Inter-bank Central Bank Bill Bond Yield Curve
3. 8 Space Curve China Inter-bank Treasury Bond Yield Curve (08/ /11/2007)
3. 9 ChinaBond Index ChinaBond Aggregate Index (07/09/ /11/2007)
3. 10 ChinaBond Index ChinaBond Aggregate Index (as of 23/11/2007)
3. 11 Comparison of Composite Indices (07/03/ /11/2007) Fixed-rate Treasury Bond Index Fixed-rate Finance Bond Index
3. 11 Daily ChinaBond Valuation
4. Data Delivery Channel
Data Delivery Channel ChinaBond Daily Pricing ChinaBond TERMINAL WEB DOWNLOAD DIRECT DATA FEED Excel / DBF/ XML Excel download File to file transfer direct into client’s system INFORMATION PROVIDERS Reuters / Wind / FC
Bond Valuation Team Tel: /0615/0616/0617/0620 Fax: Website: