Sacrifice means “To give up in favor of a higher or more imperative object or duty”(Webster’s Dictionary, 2011)
Sacrifice in Islam emphasis on the need for us to forsake and do everything for the sake of Allah. Allah in the Qur’an 6:162 “ Say (O Muhammad) verily my salat, my sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the ‘Alamin (mankind, jinn and that exists)”
Simply means to give up things which we love and hold dear, which in our eyes have some value for us. We may possess them now or hope and aspire to have them in future. The things may be tangible and concrete or intangible and abstract. Important among concrete things are time, money, worldly possessions, physical abilities, life. Important abstract things may include our ties of love and affection, likes and dislikes
They strengthen our inner spiritual and moral resources and develop qualities of character which are essential to our struggle at every level. Sacrifices bring you nearer to Allah Reinforces the quality of sabr, making it grow in quality and strength. (Imran 3:139,125 ; al-Anfal 8:46 ; al-A'raf 7:137 ; al-Zumar 39:10).
Sacrifice of our life Sacrifice of our desires Sacrifice of our time Sacrifice of our wealth Sacrifice of Feelings and Emotions Taste Temperament and Ego " Those who strive hard in Our way - surely We shall guide them onto Our paths" ( al- Ankabut 29:68).
Worship Allah till Death Obey His commandments Follow the Sunnah of His noble Prophets Love and hate for His sake Protect yourself and family from the traps of devils Engulf yourself with Allah’s taqwa. Allah in the Quran 3:102: “ …….Fear Allah as it ought to be and die not except as a Muslim”
Mankind are given free-will to decide between good and evils. Allah in Q79:40-41: “ Whosoever fear standing in front of his Lord and deny following his desires (in all things). Surely Jannah shall be his abode” The Prophet Muhammad says: “ None of you shall be refers to as believers until you make your desires to follow the guidance I brought ”
Using our time for meaningful things since we don’t know when, how and where we shall die. Every seconds of our lives should be used for something good since we shall be call for account come the day of Qiyama. Be mindful of what you use your time for because every man will be raised on what he/she die upon. There are Angels who are keeping records of our deeds accordingly.
Let your income be from Halal source. Don’t let your search for wealth take you from Allah’s remembrance. Q63:9 (Surah Munafiqun). Spend your wealth to secure Jannah for yourself. Q62: 10. Q61: Be in total control of your wealth and never allow it to control you.
Shaitan, Q2:209 Greediness Selfishness Bad companion Ignorance Materialism Hatred for death
The opposite of Ignorance Movement from Unknown to known. Understanding life and its meaning Helps against doubt and uncertainty Truth and consciousness.
Moving nearer to Allah To know what is right from what is wrong To know the lawful and unlawful To understand essence of life The Prophet Muhammad (saw): If Allah loves you He makes you to understand His Din (Bukhari)
Is an everlasting asset An inheritance left behind by the Prophets It protects its owners It helps to uphold and guide people to Haqq The path way to Jannah It helps on way and manners to serve Allah It assist one both in this world and Hereafter
Ikhlas niyyat Having intention of eliminating ignorant from oneself and others. To defend Allah’s law Ready to work with the work Q33:36 Dawah Building of wisdom Q2:269 Honouring the Ulamah Holding to the Qur’an and Sunnah
Hasad: Negative enviousness Passing Fatwa without adequate evidences Arrogancy Unhealthy Rivalry
What brings you closer to Allah
Purify Your Intention Purify yourself from what contradicts Shariah. Absolutely Free Your Heart for Knowledge and Remove All Obstacles Eat Little, Be Cautious, and Constantly Remember Allah Eat, Sleep, and Speak as rarely as Possible Reduce Socialization and select the Right Friends Choose What to Start With and Who to Teach You Have the Best conduct with Your Teacher Treat Your Books Well