Winter Academy: WAR OF THE WORLDS PUBLIC HEALTH & EPIDEMIOLOGY 11 th & 12 th Grade Ms. Kelly Gallagher Rm B542
Uttanasana “standing forward bend”
Utthita Parsvakonasana “extended side angle pose”
Virabhadrasana “Warrior II”
Uttanasana “standing forward bend” Calm the brain and help relieve stress, mild depression and reduce a headache. Relieves insomnia Stimulates liver & kidneys Reduces fatigue and anxiety Relieves symptoms of menopause Improves digestion Therapeutic for asthma, hypertension, infertility, osteoporosis & sinusitis Stretch hamstrings, calves & hips Strengthens thighs and knees
Utthita Parsvakonasana “extended side angle pose” A pose like this opens & stretches the chest, stimulates the lungs Benefits those with asthma Alleviates constipation Reduces infertility Eases low backache Fights osteoporosis Reduces sciatica pain Relieves menstrual discomfort
Virabhadrasana “Warrior II” Strengthens and stretches the legs & ankles Stretches groin, chest, lungs & shoulders Stimulates abdominal organs Increases stamina Relieves backaches Therapeutic for carpal tunnel syndrome, flat feet, infertility, osteoporosis and sciatica
Yoga is also known as one of the oldest holistic health care systems, not just because of its fundamental healing approach, but also because of its many benefits for physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.
“To promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury and disability.” -CDC Mission Statement
Ancient Greece (500 B.C. – 323 B.C.) Encouraged personal hygiene Emphasized physical fitness – Olympic games Holistic approach to wellness – Disease is caused by imbalance between man & environment
Temple of Asklepius Ephesus, Turkey
Rod of Asclepius Asclepius was the god of healing. His daughters were: Hygieia – goddess of cleanliness & sanitation Iaso – goddess of recuperation Aceso – goddess of healing process Aglaea – goddess of adornment Panacea – goddess of the universal remedy
Hippocrates (born 460 BC) Father of Western Medicine – Corpus – Disease is not caused by displeased gods Causal relationships Coined the term “epidmic” – “on” or “upon” epi- – “people” -demo
Days of the Roman Empire (23 BC – 476 AD) Adopted many Greek health values – bathing & cleanliness Brilliant engineers – Aqueducts – Sewage systems Government / Administration – Public Baths / Hydrotherapy – Water Supply/Roman Fountains – Markets provide variety
Middle Ages ( AD) First shift away from Greek & Roman values – Physical health is more important than spiritual health – Decline in hygiene & sanitation First Implementation of Public Health Tools – Quarantine of ships – Isolation of diseased individuals
million people died
Renaissance Global Exploration ( AD) Disease spread by traders & explorers Killed 90% of indigenous people in New World
Age of Reason & Enlightenment ( AD) Birth of Modern Medicine William Harvey, English physician – 1628 “De Motu Cordis” (“On the Motion of the Heart and Blood”) Edward Jenner – 1796 cowpox experiment – Coined the term “vaccine”
Industrialization, Urbanization & Sanitation (1800s) New set of health problems – slums, poverty, disease Great Sanitary Awakening was the birth of Public Health – Growth in scientific knowledge – Humanitarian ideals – Water supply & removal – Connection between poverty & disease* – System to monitor community health
4 Phases of Development of Public Health 1.(1840s – late 19 th century) Environmentally- focused phase addressing infectious diseases directed related to “urbanization, poverty & squalor” 2.(late 1930s) Personal preventative medical services: immunization, family hygiene, health education & family planning 3.Introduction of medicines: insulin & antibiotics 4.Acknowledging that “environment” includes social, economic and psychological wellness
Medical Care? or Public Health?
Does your article fall under Public Health or Medical Care? Evidence to support this claim
Definition of Medical Care
Definition of Public Health
Public Health in the United States