Take Out Your Shop Assignment Answer the following – 1. Define Appeasement – 2. Which countries make up the Axis Powers – 3. Which countries make up the Allied Powers – 4. Define Blitzkrieg – 5. What is the Atlantic Charter?
What do you know about 9/11?
US/Japanese Relations Into WWII
Isolationism As the US endured the Depression, tensions were rising in Europe Majority of population in the US wanted neutrality – Why?
Neutrality Acts 1936 A series of laws passed by Congress which prevented the US from aiding any country during acts of war or aggression By the time Germany, Britain, and France were at war, FDR wished to send aid to his friend Winston Churchill
Cash and Carry & Lend/Lease FDR manages to pass Cash and Carry (1939), later turns into Lend/Lease where FDR was able to supply “allies” with war goods with payment at a later date – Usually not at all – German response?
Japanese Aggression 1930s World War I and Great Depression had little effect on Japan This allowed for the growth of Japanese industry and population By the early 1930s, militarists had taken over in the Japanese government
Describe Japan
Japanese Expansion Needing land and resources for their growing population, Japanese government looks to expand into Continental Asia, specifically Manchuria and Northern China China did not support Japan’s expansion into Manchuria which led to tension between the two countries
Japan Invades China By the early- to mid-1930s Japan had set its sights on Chinese land By the end of 1937, Japan had captured the major city of Nanking
Rape of Nanking Once Nanking was taken over, its people were subject to serious atrocities by Japanese military – Rape, arson, looting, execution of prisoners of war and civilians R of N was not looked nicely upon by most of Western Culture, specifically the US
Japanese Penalties US/Chinese relations were very good and the R of N did not sit well with US US imposes trade embargos on Japanese supplies causing Japan to lose money and resources – Oil!! – Without US supplied oil
Causes of Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor 1. US not supporting Japan’s take over of China in The trade penalties placed on Japan by the US 3. Pressure by the Nazis for Japan to attack the US
Pearl Harbor Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941 Wanted to send US a message so they would trade oil again!