Member of House of Representatives for 25 years Nixon’s appointed him to Vice President after Spiro Agnew resigned Took over as President when Nixon resigned Pardoned Nixon of “any and all crimes” Only Vice President and President to never be elected "I am acutely aware that you have not elected me as your president by your ballots, and so I ask you to confirm me as your president with your prayers.“ Ford Had two assassination attempts within three weeks
Sara Jane Moore; Sept 22, 1977 Believed the country needed to change. The only way it was going to change was a violent revolution. “I genuinely thought that (shooting Ford) might trigger that new revolution in this country” Lynnette “Squeaky” Fromme; Sept 5, 1977 Make a statement to people who refused to halt environmental pollution and its effects on Air, Trees, Water, and Animals
Most Americans considered Ford to be decent and honest Bland, not an exciting or dynamic president Ford pardons Nixon “for the good of the nation” Approval Ratings drop from 71% to 50% Perhaps cost him the 1976 election
OPEC OPEC is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and it was founded in 1960 by five founding members: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. One of the factors that caused inflation was the rising price of energy like gasoline & heating oil
OPEC-Embargo OPEC Member Nations agree on how much oil to pump and at what price to see their oil. OPEC Member Nations agree on how much oil to pump and at what price to see their oil. OPEC decided to use oil as a political and economic weapon. OPEC decided to use oil as a political and economic weapon. In response to the U.S. support of Israel, in 1973 OPEC placed an oil embargo (ban) on any nation that supported Israel. This included the US & Western Europe. In response to the U.S. support of Israel, in 1973 OPEC placed an oil embargo (ban) on any nation that supported Israel. This included the US & Western Europe.
Middle East Turmoil Trouble began in the Middle East following World War II with the creation of Israel. During the wars, the United States supported Israel due to our close Judea-Christian ties. The conflict led to two wars between Israel and numerous Muslim-dominated Arab countries
Gas Shortages The OPEC oil embargo led to gas shortages in the United States and throughout the world. Gas prices skyrocketed and people were limited to the amount of gasoline they could buy. The fuel shortage became known as the US Energy Crisis due to OPEC raising prices
Gas Shortages Long lines and hours of waiting to get gas were common sights in the 1970s. The embargo was meant to force Israel’s allies to desert them. The embargo was called off in March of 1974 without achieving its goal.
Ford had inherit an stagflation economy from the Nixon era. Inflation (increase of prices in good and services. Inflation rises, you buy less of good and services) and Unemployment was high and economic growth was slow. He asked U.S. business to limit increases in wages & prices. The public to conserve or save energy. High price of fuel was feeding inflation. He attempts to revive the economy by keeping taxes low, cut government spending, and balancing a budget…Nothing worked.
The Fall of South Vietnam Soviet Union & Warsaw Pact By April of 1975, North Vietnam took over South Vietnam to make it communist Ford asks for $722 million in aid; Congress refuses HIGH POINT: Helsinki Accords 1975 Convinced the Soviets to sign Agreements: Recognized the existing borders of Europe in attempt to preserve peaceful relations between Western & Eastern Europe Pledged “respect for human rights” Each East European country promised to protect minority rights, allow religious worship, and grant political and economic freedom for all of their citizens.
With the economy failing, rising inflation and unemployment political turmoil around the world, Americans would turn to a new president in 1976
Why did Ford lose? Unpopular decision to pardon Nixon Failed economic policies