Welcome to Open House Mrs. Kelley Mathews’ World History - Honors Baker County High School
Classroom Expectations Be respectful to yourself, peers, and the teacher at all times Come prepared for class Seek first to understand, then to be understood Respect the rights and property of others Be proactive in making up missed assignments/work
Goals of the course This course is focused on a number of areas that include: This course is focused on a number of areas that include: History of the World from Ancient Civilization to Present To gain a working understanding of World Affairs To become culturally competent by gaining an appreciation for the human spirit and wonders of this world Outcomes: Outcomes: It is the hope of the Social Studies department that the students will gain working knowledge of the History of the World.
Student Assessment Assessments: Assessments: Each student will be assessed as to his or her skill and understanding of the ideas and information taught in class. These include: Chapter Quizzes (Typically, 1 each week) Chapter Quizzes (Typically, 1 each week) Semester Exams (20% of semester grade) Semester Exams (20% of semester grade) Projects – In Class/Out of Class (role play, posters, papers, presentation, etc…) Projects – In Class/Out of Class (role play, posters, papers, presentation, etc…) History Journal (anything that is discussed in this class SHOULD be recorded in this journal) History Journal (anything that is discussed in this class SHOULD be recorded in this journal)
Online Information Grades Online: Grades Online: All of BCHS is now online for grades. This means that each student and his or her parents will know their grades at all times. Also, all missing work will be listed online. There are no excuses for not turning work in. All teachers will help students to get work in, however, it is also up to the student to check their progress online. All of BCHS is now online for grades. This means that each student and his or her parents will know their grades at all times. Also, all missing work will be listed online. There are no excuses for not turning work in. All teachers will help students to get work in, however, it is also up to the student to check their progress online. Grading Breakdown: Grading Breakdown: Chapter Quizzes 20% Projects 20% Journal/Notebook 20% Classwork 20% Semester Exams 20%
Description of Units that will be covered in this course Unit 1: Early Civilizations (Prehistory, Africa, Asia, India, China) Unit 2: Greeks, Romans, the Rise of Christianity and Early America’s Unit 3: Regional Civilizations (The Rise of Europe, High Middle Ages, Byzantine Empires, Muslims, East Asia) Unit 4: The Renaissance and Reformation, The Search for Spices, Age of Absolutism) Unit 5: The Age of Enlightenment and Revolution Unit 6: The Industrial Age, Nationalism, Western Democracies, Imperialism Unit 7: WWI and WWII, the Russian Revolution, and the Aftermath Unit 8: 1945 to the Present
Schedule of Assignments 1 st Nine Weeks Unit 1: Early Civilizations (Prehistory, Africa, Asia, India, China) Unit 2: Greeks, Romans, the Rise of Christianity and Early America’s Weekly Chapter Quizzes,+ (2) Projects of choice –Role Play, Character Profile, Newscast, Travel Brochure relevant for time period covered, classwork, and history journal checks 2 nd Nine Weeks Unit 3: Regional Civilizations (The Rise of Europe, High Middle Ages, Byzantine Empires, Muslims, East Asia) Unit 4: The Renaissance and Reformation, The Search for Spices, Age of Absolutism) Weekly Chapter Quizzes,+ (2) Projects of choice –Role Play, Character Profile, Newscast, Travel Brochure relevant for time period covered, classwork, and history journal checks + 1 st Semester Exam 3 rd Nine Weeks Unit 5: The Age of Enlightenment and Revolution Unit 6: The Industrial Age, Nationalism, Western Democracies, Imperialism Weekly Chapter Quizzes,+ (2) Projects of choice –Role Play, Character Profile, Newscast, Travel Brochure relevant for time period covered, classwork, and history journal checks 4 th Nine Weeks Unit 7: WWI and WWII, the Russian Revolution, and the Aftermath Unit 8: 1945 to the Present Unit 6: The Industrial Age, Nationalism, Western Democracies, Imperialism Weekly Chapter Quizzes,+ (2) Projects of choice –Role Play, Character Profile, Newscast, Travel Brochure relevant for time period covered, classwork, and history journal checks + 2 nd Semester Exam
Week at a GLANCE Each student will typically have (6) assignment grades for the week as follows 1.Table brief “pre-assessments of what they know about the new topic(s) 2.Magnet Summaries - verified in history journal (Prepared for each content/vocabulary word) 3.Character/topic research mini-thesis summaries (They choose 2 topics/characters per week)- verified in history journal 4.Select (1) group essential learning goal and Present Mini-Lesson 5.Chapter Quiz 6.Exit Slip “What I learned this week that I found most interesting/intriguing” – verified in history journal
Supply List College Ruled Spiral Notebook/History Journal College Ruled Spiral Notebook/History Journal Highlighter Highlighter Pens – Black or Blue ink Pens – Black or Blue ink Planner Planner Post-it Notes Post-it Notes Supplies as needed for projects – Poster Board, Markers, Post- It notes Supplies as needed for projects – Poster Board, Markers, Post- It notes
Student Expectations
CONTACT INFORMATION You as a student or parent will be able to access student information online using your student id and password. The website address is You as a student or parent will be able to access student information online using your student id and password. The website address is You can also contact me by at or call the school at to schedule a
Field Trip Information The Alachua County Fairgrounds is transformed into a bustling medieval marketplace for the 28th Annual Hoggetowne Medieval Faire. Come be swept away by medieval magic as troupes of actors, street performers and musicians journey back to the days of yore on January 31, Revel in the sights and sounds of one of North Central Florida’s premier events. More information will be forthcoming……