Important informations The Czech Republic is situated in the heart of Europe. It is a small, but really beautiful country. It has got 10 mil. people The most popular cities are Český Krumlov, Kutná Hora and Prague of course. Our capital city is Prague (in Prague there are more than 1 mil. people) Our neighbours are Germany, Slovakia, Austria, Poland We´ve got twelve sights in UNESCO The most popular castle is Prague castle Our president is Miloš Zeman
Astronomical clock in Prague Dancing house
Český Krumlov
Typical Czech Typical Czech meal are dumplings,roast pork and cabbage.
We´ve got lovely Easter. Boys whip girls with plaited willow canes, because girls think, they will be more beautiful. After that, girls give them easter eggs or something sweet. Girls pour boys with icy water. We decorate easter eggs.
Money We´ve got Crowns-bank notes and coins.
Typical Czech products Škoda Škoda established a family business Laurin and Klement in the year of First they made bicycles and at year 1905 they finally made cars.
Beer Czech beer is one of the most famous and popular.
Glass Production started in the 13th century.
Saint Václav Saint Václav is a patron of the Czech Republic. After his death he was declared as saint, because he cared about poor people, he built churches, he grew vine and grain…
This is one of the most popular statues of Saint Václav. It is on Václavské square in the centre. It´s very popular. A lot of visitors want to see it.
Charles IV The most popular ruler in our country was Charles IV. He was a very good ruler. He raised Czech up. He was from Lucemburk dynasty and he was a roman emperor and a czech king. He built Charles bridge, the castle of Karlštejn, Charles university and a lot of other things. He made Saint Vaclav crown.
Krkonoše Krkonoše are the most popular mountains in the Czech Republic, because there is the highest mountain Sněžka (1603m) In Krkonoše there are ski sites too.
Šumava Šumava is in our country, Germany and Austria. The highest point is Großer Arber (1456 m) In Šumava there is a ski area.
National park Krkonoše
National park České Švýcarsko
National park Podyjí
National park Šumava
Tennis Petra Kvitová is a famous tennis player. Her best award is Wimbledon. She won it two times.
Speed skater Martina Sáblíková is a speed skater She´s got a lot of medals and awards. She´s got five olympic medals. Three gold, one silver and one bronz.
Fotbal Petr Čech is a footbal player. He won: with Chelsea Premier League UEFA and of course a lot of other awards and medals.
Ice hokey Jaromír Jágr is one of the most popular hockey players. Now he is playing for New York Devils. He won: Olympic games world Championships Stanley Cup Prince of Wales Trophy Art Ross trophy Hart trophy Ted Lindsay Award and lots of other things :-D
Famous people Writers Karel Čapek, Josef Čapek, Božena Němcová, Jaroslav Seifert
Directors Miloš Forman, Zdeněk Svěrák
Singers Karel Gott, Bedřich Smetana