TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 DAY 1 Dear 5th graders, Welcome to Room 253! I hope you're ready to begin learning right away this year. I'm very excited to have you as a part of our class, and I know that you will work hard to be the best 5th grader you can be. Were you nervous, excited, or sleepy this morning before school? Were you ready to come back? Please come in, bring your backpacks to your seat, and begin your word search! Check out our schedule on the back board. We will meet at 9:00 for Morning Meeting. Love, Mrs. A. Pep Talk
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 DAY 2 Happy Wednesday Wise 5 th graders, I’m so glad you decided to come back today! I have been busy as a bee trying to gather materials to be ready for today. I know you’re as happy as a kid in a candy store that you came back today. I was as tired as a bear in winter yesterday afternoon! Today we are continuing our Interactive Read Aloud. Think about listening to stories. Do you like to talk about the story, write about the story, or just think about the story by yourself? Complete the bar graph by placing a sticky note over the correct category on the easel. Also, think about what advice you’ve been given so far in your life. What do you think is the most important? Be ready to share at morning meeting. Love, Mrs. A.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 DAY 3 Good morning, 5 th graders! Do you prefer to work alone, with a partner or with a team? I prefer to work alone, but in order to be successful, we must be flexible and be able to work alone, with a partner, and with a team of people. Sometimes it takes a lot of work to complete a project with a team. The Hopi Native American tribe has a saying: “One finger cannot lift a pebble.” What do you think it means? Can you think of a situation that this might apply to? Be prepared to discuss at morning meeting. Love, Mrs. A.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 DAY 4 TGIF, Fifth Graders! Today is a very somber day in our nation’s history. On this day 14 years ago, many people died in an attack in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington DC. While these were very sad and scary events, so many people came together to help one another during this time. What are some lessons we at Indian Lane can learn from those who were the helpers on 9/11? Also, on the easel, write one word that you are looking forward to for this weekend. Love, Mrs. A.
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 DAY 5 Happy Monday! I hope you had a relaxing weekend. What’s the scoop? How was your weekend? Be ready to share your news at Morning Meeting! On the easel, write down one way that you can do at home to make sure you’re ready for school? Love, Mrs. A.
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 DAY 6 Good morning, amigos, A handshake is a custom we observe in our culture. Your handshake represents who you are. Give 1 word to describe what you want your handshake to say about you. Love, Mrs. A.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 DAY 8 Greetings, Colonists, Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution by thirty-nine brave men on September 17, Why would these men be considered “brave”? What do you know about the Constitution? Write your ideas on the easel. We will be learning a lot today about the Constitution! Love, Mrs. A. Constitution Day Our Founding Fathers
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, DAY 7 Happy Hump Day! Teamwork is a part of most professions and an important skill to practice. What’s one benefit to working with a partner? Also, what are you looking forward to this weekend? Be ready to share at morning meeting! Love, Mrs. A. Parts of Speech Quiz
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 DAY 8 Dear Friends, Have you ever heard of “random acts of kindness”? Has anyone ever done one for you? Have you ever done something for someone else? How did it make you feel? Sometimes we can feel good about doing kind things for others. Make it a goal to do something nice for someone today, just because…it can be big or small, like holding the door, or stopping to help someone if they dropped their items. What will you do today? Love, Mrs. A. Kid President
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 DAY 9 Dear Friends, So, how did it go? What did you do yesterday that was a random act of kindness? How did it make you feel? I can’t wait to hear all about it. Be ready to share at morning meeting! Love, Mrs. A.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 DAY 10 Dear Friends, True or False: Friends can sometimes be bullies or mean to you. Why do you think that’s true or false? Check under True or False below. TrueFalse
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 DAY 11 TGIF, Room 253! School is where you form many friendships. What do you believe is the most important foundation of friendship – honesty, trust, loyalty, sense of humor, common interests, kindness, intelligence? On the easel, put a check mark next to your top two foundations. What are you up to this weekend? Anything new or exciting? Be ready to talk at Morning Meeting. Love, Mrs. A.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 DAY 12 Smile! It’s Monday! Good morning, fifth graders! What’s the news? We have been in school now for 12 days. What is something that sets you apart as a fifth grader than the rest of the students? How does being the oldest students in the school affect how you are ready, respectful and responsible? Love, Mrs. A.
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 DAY 1 Dear Fifth Graders, We are going to watch a video clip at morning meeting. I want you to think of a situation where you had to have bravery to stand up for what is right. Be ready to share if you wish. Why is it so hard to do what you know is right? Play of the Day Love, Mrs. A.
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 DAY 2 Adios, September! Can you believe Halloween is just a month away?!? Technology is changing our world every second. In fact, it’s likely that most of you will be doing a job that isn’t even invented yet because the technology for it hasn’t been invented yet. Crazy to think about! If you could create one invention to help change the world, what would it be? Jot down an idea on the easel. Love, Mrs. A. Inventions