Coastal Regional Solid Waste Management Authority
Created in 1990 Created in 1990 Carteret, Craven and Pamlico counties Carteret, Craven and Pamlico counties Seven Member Board of Directors Seven Member Board of Directors Appointed by County Commissioners Appointed by County Commissioners Local Government Unit Local Government Unit Issued $27 million Revenue Bonds in 1992 Issued $27 million Revenue Bonds in 1992 Began Operations October 9, 1993 Began Operations October 9, 1993 Annual Budget $9 million. Annual Budget $9 million. 38 employees 38 employees
Tuscarora Landfill First cell, 20 acres, opened 1993, closed 1999 First cell, 20 acres, opened 1993, closed 1999 Second cell, 20 acres, opened 1999, closed January 2007 Second cell, 20 acres, opened 1999, closed January 2007 Third cell, 18.8 acres, opened January 2007 Third cell, 18.8 acres, opened January 2007 Forth cell, 20 acres, constructed in the Fall of 2011 Forth cell, 20 acres, constructed in the Fall of tpd average, 1100 tpd summer peak 665 tpd average, 1100 tpd summer peak Over 6.5 billion pounds received to date Over 6.5 billion pounds received to date Accepts MSW and C&D waste in lined cell Accepts MSW and C&D waste in lined cell 25 more years capacity already permitted, additional 25 years capacity purchased but not yet permitted 25 more years capacity already permitted, additional 25 years capacity purchased but not yet permitted
Working Face Operations
Excuse Us, We Have Gas……….. Excuse Us, We Have Gas
Composting Windrows
Windrow Turner
Trommel Screen Separates Fines and Tailings
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