Isaac, Jacob, and Esau GEN
Partners - Assignment 1. Isaac (Gen. 21:1-21) and Isaac – The Sacrifice (Gen. 22:1-19) 2. Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Abraham (Gen. 24:1-17) 3. Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25:19-34) and Jacob and Esau – The Blessing (Gen. 27:1-40) 4. Jacob’s Dream (Gen. 28:10-22) 5. Rachel and Leah (Gen. 29) 6. Jacob Leaves Laban and finds Esau…(Gen. 30: :21) 7. Jacob Wrestles with God (Gen. 32:22-32) 8. Jacob Meets Esau and Experiences Renewal (Gen. 35)
Assignment Instructions: 1. Read the assigned scripture. 2. Summarize what happens. One person needs to write it down. Put both of your names at the top of the paper. 3. Under the summary, describe how God worked in the lives of the people in the story. Did they learn anything? Were they punished? 4. You might have to read prior scripture to understand your passage. Use commentary on the passage to help in your explanation. 5. One person must read the summary to the class. You will turn in the summary for a grade.
Isaac (Gen. 21:1-21) Abraham and Sarah’s first born son – means “he laughs” Abraham – 100 when Isaac was born; Sarah 90 Isaac – fulfillment of covenant Sarah asked Hagar and Ismael to leave for the desert – archer, father of many nations but hated Israel
Isaac – The Sacrifice Gen. 22:1-19) God tests Abraham – sacrifice Isaac – traveled 50 miles to Mt. Moriah – great example of obedience Abraham knew God could bring his son back from death. Abraham passes the test – another covenant – v. 17 – descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore Abraham bound Isaac upon the altar just as Christ was bound – foreshadowing. God spared Isaac and substituted a ram…Christ – Lamb of God.
The Sacrifice of Isaac (4 min.)
Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Abraham Sarah died at 127 years old, and Abraham buried her in Macpelah, known as the Tomb of the Patriarchs. This is the only land in Canaan that Abraham actually owned. (Gen. 24:1-17) - Abraham sent a servant to his own land and relatives to get a wife for Isaac, Rebekah. Abraham died at age 175.
Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25:19-34) Isaac and Rebekah had twins – Jacob and Esau – Gen. 25:23 – 2 nations metaphor/foreshadowing – older will serve the younger. Esau – hairy, hunter, Isaac’s fav Jacob – quiet and stayed inside, Rebekah’s fav Esau sells birthright for stew. Gen. 26 – Isaac goes to Egypt and says Rebekah is his sister – like Abraham…becomes wealthy and moves.
Jacob and Esau – The Blessing (Gen. 27:1-40) Isaac – old/blind – wants to give Esau blessing Rebekah tells Jacob to deceive Isaac to get Esau’s blessing – goatskins and food Jacob receives blessing instead of Esau. Esau - revenge
Jacob’s Dream (Gen. 28:10-22) Jacob leaves to find a wife…sleeps with a stone for a pillow. God speaks to him in a dream…promising him that he would be great…sees a stairway/ladder to heaven. Jacob builds an altar – Bethel.
Rachel and Leah (Gen. 29) Jacob finds Rachel…works 7 years for her…Laban gives him Leah…works 7 more years for Rachel. Leah has sons, Rachel – temporarily barren Jacob fathers sons with servants Leah has more sons and a daughter, Dinah. Leah has a total of 6 sons. Rachel – has a son, Joseph.
Jacob Leaves Laban and finds Esau… (Gen. 30:26-32:21) Laban’s jealousy causes Jacob to go home. Esau comes looking for Jacob. Jacob has gifts to appease him.
Jacob Wrestles with an Angel (Gen. 32:22-32) Jacob wrestles with an angel…hip wounded. Israelites did not eat tendon attached to the hip socket of any animal.
Jacob Meets Esau and Experiences Renewal (Gen. 35) No grudges between brothers God tells Jacob to go to Bethel to atone for sins and get rid of idols/gods…”Go back to Bethel…” where he saw the stairway to heaven– Rededicate to God. Rachel has the 12 th son – Benjamin. Jacob was 180 when he died.
12 Sons of Jacob – 12 Tribes of Israel (Gen. 35:23-26) HANDOUT