21st May 2014
Demographic & Social Aging population Multiple long term conditions / skills development Health & Social Care system design Integration and “co-production” – working across boundaries / redesigned services Quality and Productivity Safe and compassionate care Financial & Economic Cost reduction
72,968 FTE 84,117 Headcount Staff cost circa £3.0 Billion Agency cost of £49 Million Average Earnings: £33,200 per FTE Part time 41% Full Time 59% Sickness: 5.35%Turnover: 5.4%
Improving health as well as treating sickness One system for health Well designed fully integrated networks of care Aiming at excellence Transparent performance New partnership with the public Making every penny count “and always with our staff...”
‘Working Differently – Working Together” - developed with stakeholders and agreed with all recognised trade unions Describes behaviours required of all staff.... ◦ Treat everyone with dignity and respect ◦ Be accountable for the quality of care delivered And leaders.... ◦ Engage staff by listening to concerns ◦ Demonstrate NHS Wales values in the way they lead
Links between positive employment practices and service quality; (West et al) Impact of increased health and wellbeing of staff on patient experience (Boorman) Importance of engaging transformational leadership (Alimo- Metcalfe)
4 Objectives: A n engaged workforce aligned and committed to the delivery of the vision for NHS Wales A sustainable and skilled workforce focussed on helping the people of Wales to improve their health as well as treating sickness A redesigned workforce working together to deliver healthcare for the 21st Century A workforce that aims at excellence everywhere within available resource Each with key enabling actions and measures
NHS Wales Staff Survey 2013 Baseline for ongoing measurement of the impact of WDWT Developed with the Wales Partnership Forum Specialist advice provided by Professor Michael West Part of an overarching Performance framework to measure WDWT comprising a range of workforce metrics
Chief Executives established a programme of work to take this work forward Lead Chief Executive / Lead Workforce & OD Director Three core projects Aim to provide practical ‘how to’ guides as a workbook in chapters Use of service improvement methodology – 1000 Lives Plus
WDWT Improving Patient Care by Being More Productive Project Optimising terms and conditions AFC & Medical/Dental Consultant Job Planning guidance & training Workforce information benchmarking tools Workforce Interactive tool Skill Mix analyser Workforce productivity metrics Workforce Elements of Integrated Plans guidance & resources
The following web pages are a mechanism to signpost service managers to resources which will aid them in maximising workforce productivity. It provides a one stop shop for all the tools, models and resources required to plan and develop your workforce to achieve the full workforce potential. Case studies are contained in the content to help benchmark against similar services. To get started simply click on one of the quadrants below to commence your search. Improving Patient Care by being more productive Enabling Productivity Signposting Tool
How to plan the workforce I need to plan my workforce in the short and long term I need to integrate my workforce plan with finance and service planning I need information on my current workforce I need to ensure effective engagement with my workforce I need to understand best practice in implementing e- rostering
I need to plan my workforce in the short and long term
How to plan the workforce I need to plan my workforce in the short and long term I need to integrate my workforce plan with finance and service planning I need information on my current workforce I need to ensure effective engagement with my workforce I need to understand best practice in implementing e- rostering
The following web pages are a mechanism to signpost service managers to resources which will aid them in maximising workforce productivity. It provides a one stop shop for all the tools, models and resources required to plan and develop your workforce to achieve the full workforce potential. Case studies are contained in the content to help benchmark against similar services. To get started simply click on one of the quadrants below to commence your search. Improving Patient Care by being more productive Enabling Productivity Signposting Tool
How to develop the workforce I need to design new roles I need to understand how to practice appropriate delegation I need to understand the core competencies for my roles I need help with introducing advanced practice I want to redesign existing roles
I need to understand how to practice appropriate delegation
How to develop the workforce I need to design new roles I need to understand how to practice appropriate delegation I need to understand the core competencies for my roles I need help with introducing advanced practice I want to redesign existing roles
I need help with introducing advanced practice
WDWT Delivering Improvement Through Engagement Project Engagement resource for managers Developing and Embedding Values and Behaviours resource Performance appraisal and development review guidance Using pulse surveys
Guide to help develop organisational values and behaviour standards Evidence base Ideas for group facilitation Examples of best practice
Introduction to staff engagement Practical working examples Evidence on benefits to the organisation Measuring staff engagement
Guidance on pulse surveys contained in the Staff Engagement Resource (page 59) Pulse survey WDWT web pages
Additional tools & resources: Health & Wellbeing Project Health & Wellbeing Charter agreed and issued across NHS Wales Health & Wellbeing Network- identifying and sharing best practice “Lighten Up” training programme / STAR model for peer group support (Stress and Trauma Assessment of Risk) Health & Wellbeing Websites Caring for Staff – Psychological Health & Wellbeing Resource
Developing the workforce elements of Integrated Plans Job Planning Guidance and e- learning
New programme of work Ongoing collaboration between Workforce & OD Ongoing challenges