Ioth Grade Vocabulary Unit 6
aCCEDE Part of Speech: Verb Definition: Context: To yield to; to assume an office or dignity Context: The tribe’s chief acceded to the demands of the threatening army to avoid any potential fighting. Great Britain is drafting new law that would allow royal daughters to accede to the throne. What’s a vocabulary word from one of your previous units that could serve as a synonym for accede? Synonyms: consent, concur, comply Antonyms: refuse, balk at, demur
BRANDiSH Part of Speech: verb Definition: Context: Verb: to wave or flourish in a menacing or vigorous fashion Context: Luna brandished her wand to cast the spell. The police brandished their guns in an attempt to deter the perpetrator from resisting arrest. Brandishing is done for show, or to communicate something nonverbally– like to get attention or threaten someone. Synonyms: swing, shake
COMPRISE Part of Speech: Verb Definition: Context: To include or contain; to be made up of Context: Ten poems from five different historical eras comprised the poetry anthology. As of December 18, seven films will comprise the Star Wars series. What two sentence parts comprise every imaginable sentence? What activities comprise your average day? Synonyms: encompass, constitute, compose Antonyms:exclude
DEFT Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Context: Skillful, nimble Context: The deft fingers of the seamstress produced some of the finest, most delicate lace ever seen. The fencers were deft and could quickly deflect any impending attack from their opponents. What is a synonym from a previous unit? Synonyms: dexterous, proficient, clever, masterful Antonyms: clumsy, awkward, bungling, inept
DESTITUTE Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Context: Deprived of the necessities of life; lacking in Context: After concentration camps were liberated, many survivors found themselves destitute, as their homes and possessions were seized or destroyed by the Nazis. The refugees found themselves destitute and devoid of food, shelter, or medical care. What word from a previous unit would describe someone dedicated to helping destitute people? Synonyms: wanting, penniless, devoid, impoverished Antonyms: rich, bountiful, replete
EXPLICIT Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Context: Definite; clearly stated Context: The details of the case were explicitly stated in the court documents. The explicit offensive language and violence in the film earned it an R rating. What would you do if your IKEA furniture didn’t come with explicit assembly directions? Synonyms:distinct, forthright, unambiguous, clear Antonyms: vague, ambiguous, implied, implicit
EXTIRPATE Part of Speech: Verb Definition: Context: To tear up by the roots; to destroy totally Context: The mayor’s major campaign promise was to extirpate corruption. Despite progress socially and legally, the issue of racism and discrimination has not been fully extirpated in American society. What is a synonym from a previous unit? Synonyms: uproot, eradicate, wipe out Antonyms: foster, implant, nourish
INOPPORTUNE Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Context: Coming at a bad time; not appropriate Context: During SOL testing would be an inopportune time to have a fire drill. The field trip sounded fun but it came at an inopportune time, as exam review had just begun. She always called me at the most inopportune times, so I always sent her to voicemail. What is the relationship between inopportune and opportunity? Synonyms: ill-timed, inconvenient, unsuitable Antonyms: timely, convenient, opportune
IRONIC Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Context: Suggesting an incongruity between what might be expected and what actually happens Given to irony, sarcastic Context: Many people find it ironic that the song Ironic by Alanis Morrissette isn’t really about irony.. Stories by O. Henry, like “The Gift of the Magi” have ironic endings. Irony can refer to situations but it can also refer to a speaker’s tone. Synonyms: incongruous, sardonic, satiric, wry Antonyms: straightforward
MUSTY Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Context: Stale, moldy Out of date Context: The old house’s basement had a musty odor that resulted from years of trapped damp air. My grandpa hasn’t bought new clothes in 30 years, so he wears the same musty old suit from 1983 to every formal occasion. Musty has powerful connotations. When you say musty, what do you think of or imagine?? Synonyms: hackneyed, antiquated Antonyms: brand new, up-to-date
OFFICIOUS Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Context: Meddling; Excessively forward in offering services or assuming authority Context: It’s annoying when a salesperson is too officious when you’re just trying to browse. Dwight Shrute from The Office is an example of an officious person– he wants to be more important than he truly is and offers to do far more than necessary. Is officious a positive trait or a negative one? Synonyms: meddlesome, prying, impertinent, obtrusive Antonyms: reserved, diffident, aloof
ominous Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Context: Threatening, unfavorable, of bad omen Context: The ominous dark clouds brewing on the horizon warned us of the coming storm. In some cultures, seeing a crow or raven is an ominous sign of death. It is common for poor weather in books or movies to act as an ominous sign of a coming conflict. Ominous and “omen” are similar– what’s the relationship between the two words? Synonyms: unpropitious, inauspicious, portentous Antonyms: promising
pinnacle Part of Speech: Noun Definition: Context: A high point or peak Context: The pinnacle of the movie was an intense action sequence where the hero defeats the villain. The pinnacle of the athlete’s career was when he won two Olympic gold medals. What has been the pinnacle of your high school career so far? Synonyms: apex, summit, Antonyms: perigee, low point
Premeditated Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Context: Considered beforehand, deliberately planned Context: The law considers premeditated murder to be more serious than murders that occur in the heat of the moment. Karen decision to go on a dinner date at the restaurant where her ex-boyfriend worked was a premeditated, but unwise, attempt to make him jealous. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln was a premeditated crime. Do you think premeditated crimes are worse than “crimes of passion,” or that just happen in the moment? Synonyms: preplanned, rehearsed, prearranged Antonyms: spontaneous, impromptu, unplanned
Rampant Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Context: Growing without check Running wild Context: After he was remiss of tending the garden for a few weeks, the weeds were running rampant. Some feel that the government will run more effectively if there was a way to cut down on rampant corruption. What are common plants or weeds that grow rampantly if left to their own devices? Synonyms: widespread, unrestrained, prevalent Antonyms: controlled, restrained
solace Part of Speech: Verb or Noun Definition: Context: Verb: to comfort, console Noun: comfort, relief Context: In especially hard times, some seek solace in their religious beliefs and their loved ones. (noun) Amir couldn’t solace his troubled conscience until he risked his life for the friend he had wronged. (verb) Solace is pronounced SAH-LESS, not SO-LAYCE. Synonyms: soothe, reassure, cheer up Antonyms: aggravate, upset
stately Part of Speech: adjective Definition: Context: Dignified, majestic Context: The elaborate wedding procession and ceremony for Will and Kate was a stately affair. Aslan’s stately presence made the children in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe made him a leader and mentor to the other characters. Who are some other stately characters from popular culture? Synonyms: grand, magnificent, imposing Antonyms: lowly, humble
supple Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Context: Bending easily, bending with agility Readily adaptable Servile Context: Robert Frost has a famous poem about swinging on the supple branches of a birch tree. The gymnast’s limbs had to be supple in order to accomplish the complicated backflip. What word from your past unit would be a synonym for this word? Synonyms: flexible, limber, pliant Antonyms: unbending, rigid
suppress Part of Speech: verb Definition: Context: To stop by force To put down Context: The riots were suppressed by the heavy police presence in the area. The actors had to suppress their giggles when one actor made a hilarious mistake. Many cough medicines are labeled as “cough suppressants.” Synonyms: subdue, crush, stifle, squelch Antonyms: provoke, incite, instigate
venal Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Context: Open to or marked by bribery or corruption Context: The presence of even one venal official may jeopardize the integrity of an entire organization. FIFA president Sepp Blatter was accused of being venal in his operation of the FIFA organization, as he accepted bribes in order to favor cities to host the World Cup. What word from Unit 4 is an antonym? Synonyms: dishonest, bribable, corruptible Antonyms: honest, incorruptible