WGCapD, CEOS and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Deputy CEOS Executive Officer / CSA Marie-Josée Bourassa Agenda Item #13 CEOS WGCapD-5 Hampton, VA, USA March 30th – April 1st, 2016
WGCapD-5, Hampton, VA, March 30 – April 1, Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development The UN is creating a set of global goals, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to become the focus agendas around the world during the period. These goals were developed following extensive consultations and will apply to the whole world. The UN Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015 adopted the post-2015 development agenda, including the SDGs. Indicator framework defines o what is to be monitored, o who will carry it out and o how it will it be done
WGCapD-5, Hampton, VA, March 30 – April 1, EO and geospatial information are clearly referenced in the framework: “76. (…) We will promote transparent and accountable scaling-up of appropriate public-private cooperation to exploit the contribution to be made by a wide range of data, including earth observation and geospatial information, while ensuring national ownership in supporting and tracking progress.” A small task team has been established by UN-GGIM (Global Geospatial Information Management) to support the formulation of geospatial data inputs into the global indicator framework Explicit Mention of EO on 2030 Agenda
WGCapD-5, Hampton, VA, March 30 – April 1, goals, 169 targets, ~230 indicators: Implementation is a challenge. International and national priority setting is unavoidable. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – opportunities for EO where EO data can help (most obvious/direcly) ?
WGCapD-5, Hampton, VA, March 30 – April 1, Source: GEO “Supporting Official Statistics in Monitoring the SDGs”, March 2016 – document presented at the 47 th UN Statistical Commission in NYC But if you think broader (‘areas’) of potential collaborative work… EO satellite data can actually be used as resources for each goal or target EO & Geo-spatial information resources for SDG monitoring
WGCapD-5, Hampton, VA, March 30 – April 1, GI-18 EO in Service of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Purpose To organize and realize the potential of EO to advance the 2030 Agenda and enable societal benefits through achievement of the SDGs. Objectives: -To integrate EO and geospatial information into national development and monitoring frameworks for the SDGs. -To advance GEO’s strategic engagement with entities at national to international levels, such as UN agencies, foundations, and dev. banks. Areas of Actions: Methods I: Develop a general approach on the contributions of EO in achieving the SDGs and in monitoring the relevant indicators. Methods II: Develop tools and methodologies to measure relevant SDG indicators. Capacity Building and Engagement: Support to countries in the implementation of all appropriate measures to properly address the 2030 Agenda.
WGCapD-5, Hampton, VA, March 30 – April 1, March 2016, NY (USA): the UNSC agreed, "as a practical starting point”, with the global indicator framework proposed by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs)… noting that the indicators are "subject to further technical refinement” Recent News 8-11 March 2016, NY (USA): 47th UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) GEO organised a side-event on Geospatial information and EO (with UN CGIM) CEOS supported the event (collaboration in writing a 4-pager leaflet) More time to work and enhance the potential role of EO satellite data to help monitoring the UNSDGs
WGCapD-5, Hampton, VA, March 30 – April 1, Looking at Opportunities Ahead Continue working with GEO (to formulate pilot projects in selected countries, to influence and demonstrate the power of monitoring SDG with satellite EO) Connect with their respective national government delegation to the UN Statistical Commission and IAEG-SDG members in particular, to define role of satellite EO for SDG indicator monitoring. Support and attend relevant SDGs events, on geospatial information when possible to continue influencing the process Create or reinforce partnerships with o key UN partners (UN-GGIM, UNOOSA) o World Bank/Asia Development Bank AND other global financial institutions interested in investing in programs to monitor SDGs (via Datacube projects?) UN 2030 Agenda provides a great opportunity for CEOS to promote use of satellite EO data for measuring, monitoring and achieving SDGs
WGCapD-5, Hampton, VA, March 30 – April 1, CEOS to encourage any national partnership between a space agency and its national statistical office (i.e. CSIRO and ABS) Identify a few (3 or 4) GOALS or TARGETS (broader than indicators) where EO can be directly useful (with existing and practical case studies), and promote them Start linking Datacubes projects and the potential for National Statistical Offices to use it to monitor SDGs? Develop a clear strategy and messages to facilitate consistent communication within national ecosystems. Analyse how space-based EO can support the implementation of the indicators Develop capacity building strategy and material, in support of the significant implementation challenge national statistical offices will face Looking at Opportunities Ahead
WGCapD-5, Hampton, VA, March 30 – April 1, “SDGs in CEOS”: a task team to be implemented within CEOS? Or cross-cutting WG and VC? o WG Climate/WGCapD: to integrate SDGs in their work plan? CEOS to support special events (GEO/IAEG SDGS/UN)? If yes how? CEOS to develop a brochure/leaflet with key case studies (existing) related to some SDGs? CEOS short-term (2016) / long-term visions? o Continue influencing to promote the use of EO satellite data at global and national levels? o Start doing/producing something? I.e.: is it necessary to work on a detailed table on applicability of EO data for EACH indicator, or focus on goals/targets where CEOS can surely bring something Looking at Opportunities Ahead