DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid Located in the nucleus Genes are on it Makes duplicates of itself Controls the production of cell proteins
DNA is made up of nucleotides put together. It takes two nucleotides to make one rung on DNA’s twisted ladder shape. The nucleotide has 3 parts: Round: phosphate group House: deoxyribose (sugar) Rectangles and squares: nitrogen bases
The nitrogen bases that make up the rung are from the following: Adenine, Thymine,, Guanine, Cytosine or A, T, G, C Nucleotides pair in a specific way - called the Base-Pair Rule Adenine pairs to Thymine Guanine pairs to Cytosine
ml# ody/create-dna-fingerprint.html
Mutation – any change in the DNA usually a mutation is a disadvantage to the organism
Most mutations are recessive. This means that an organism must inherit two traits for the mutation to actually show the mutation. People that are carrying one gene or allele for the mutation do not realize that they have it.
Chromosome viewer c02.sci.life.gen.hglandmarks/ c02.sci.life.gen.hglandmarks/
Types of DNA mutations Additions Deletions Substitutions Examples: sickle-cell anemia, hemophilia, PKU*******
One Wrong Letter c02.sci.life.gen.onewrong/ c02.sci.life.gen.onewrong/
Types of chromosome mutations Change in chromosome number How can this be? NONDISJUNCTION**** Results in: Down’s syndrome Polypoidy
What increases the incidence of mutations? Mutagens: X-rays, UV rays, chemicals, radioactivity
Double Immunity c02.sci.life.gen.doubleimmunity/ c02.sci.life.gen.doubleimmunity/
A Mutation Story c02.sci.life.gen.mutationstory/ c02.sci.life.gen.mutationstory/
How do we detect a genetic disorder? Blood and urine samples – screen for problems Diagnosis: Amniocentesis make a karyotype and examine chromosomes
Remember that DNA has 2 functions: Replication Control of protein production
DNA Replication *******transparency and internet sites
DNA workshop c02.sci.life.gen.dnaworkshop/ c02.sci.life.gen.dnaworkshop/
Control of Protein Synthesis RNA necessary****
DNA workshop c02.sci.life.gen.dnaworkshop/ c02.sci.life.gen.dnaworkshop/
Genetics extras
Male Karyotype
Female Karyotype
Amino Acid Chart