LIBERTY Integrated Learning and Research Center U N I V E R S I T Y Customer Service Training Service
LIBERTY Integrated Learning and Research Center U N I V E R S I T Y Customer Service Training Why Worry About Good Customer Service? We are all customers many times during the day We all like to be treated with respect We create a happier work place for ourselves Customers return to places where they are treated well The service we give reflects on us and the entire organization for which we work
LIBERTY Integrated Learning and Research Center U N I V E R S I T Y Customer Service Training Who Are Our Customers?
LIBERTY Integrated Learning and Research Center U N I V E R S I T Y Customer Service Training Two Types of Customers Internal Customers ILRC Faculty and Staff ILRC Student Workers External Customers LU Faculty and Staff LU Students Community
LIBERTY Integrated Learning and Research Center U N I V E R S I T Y Customer Service Training Giving Good Service to Internal Customers Communicate Clearly Reward others with positive reinforcement Offer Support when you can Honor Promises to help Make Co-workers look good in front of customers
LIBERTY Integrated Learning and Research Center U N I V E R S I T Y Customer Service Training Giving Good Service to Internal Customers All employees serve external customers … even if they do not see them In a positive environment: We do a better job We feel better about ourselves Maintaining a friendly, open atmosphere with co-workers is vital
LIBERTY Integrated Learning and Research Center U N I V E R S I T Y Customer Service Training Giving Good Service to External Customers Treat each customer like a valued individual Be respectful and courteous Communicate clearly Say their name Treat everyone with the same standard of excellence
LIBERTY Integrated Learning and Research Center U N I V E R S I T Y Customer Service Training Giving Good Service to External Customers Consider the feelings of the customer … not just their specific need People base decisions on their feelings Why Customers stop doing business 1% die 3% move away 5% develop other relationships 9% do business with competition 14% dissatisfied with product 68% upset with treatment they received
LIBERTY Integrated Learning and Research Center U N I V E R S I T Y Customer Service Training Giving Good Service to External Customers Listen carefully to understand the real need Concentrate on the speaker Avoid interrupting or jumping to conclusions Provide feedback Restate the speaker’s need as understood Ask for clarification or confirmation
LIBERTY Integrated Learning and Research Center U N I V E R S I T Y Customer Service Training Giving Good Service to External Customers Do the best you can to meet their need Take pride in doing your job well Train to learn all you can about your job Keep up-to-date with new skills and changes Go the extra mile Ex: Take them to a location instead of pointing Tell customers what you can do instead of what you cannot do
LIBERTY Integrated Learning and Research Center U N I V E R S I T Y Customer Service Training Giving Good Service to External Customers Refer customers when you do not know the answer Be careful so that customers do not end up in an endless cycle of referrals that are a dead end.
LIBERTY Integrated Learning and Research Center U N I V E R S I T Y Customer Service Training Giving Good Service to All Customers Questions to ask the customer Has your need been met? Is there anything else I can do for you? Thank them for the opportunity to serve them.
LIBERTY Integrated Learning and Research Center U N I V E R S I T Y Customer Service Training Giving Good Service to All Customers Questions to ask yourself Was I approachable and welcoming? Did I show interest? Did I listen attentively? Did I answer their question or give them service to the best of my ability?