S Ghosh-Ray 1 Registrar in Radiology B Kotecha 2 Consultant in Otolaryngology S Chawda 2 Consultant in Radiology 1 - Chelsea & Westminster NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom 2 - Queen’s Hospital, Romford, Essex, United Kingdom Thursday 7 th October 2010 XIX Symposium Neuroradiologicum, Bologna, Italy 1
Aim of presentation To track MRI changes of oropharyngeal tissues after bipolar radiofrequency volumetric tissue reduction (BRFVTR) surgery With a view to ○ Understanding normal changes ○ Plan follow up imaging post treatment 2
Sleep disordered breathing Complex spectrum Includes – obstructive sleep apnoea Importance – links with acute coronary syndrome and insulin resistance 3
Radiofrequency Induced Thermotherapy (RFITT) Thermal effect of high frequency current Coagulation Vaporisation Carbonisation Used as treatment option since late 90s Bipolar RFITT gaining momentum since 2000 Plasma induced volume reduction at lower temperatures 4
RF: monopolar v bipolar Monopolar Small electrode diameter Low cost Leakage current Grounding errors Bipolar Localised current flow Safe Better healing Less pain Patient 5
Ablation locations Inferior turbinate Tongue Soft palate Tonsillotomy Tonsillectomy 6
Method Cohort of 5 patients Mixed treatment locations MRI follow up for up to 6 weeks 7
Imaging – Day 1 Baseline: tongue base treatment 8
Imaging – Day 3 Maximum lesion size 9
Imaging – Day 7 Maximum lesion definition 10
Imaging – Day 21 Decreasing size 11
Imaging – Day 42 (6 weeks) Further decrease in lesion size 12
Temporal Changes T1 Day 1 – lesion identified Day 3 – increased lesion size Increased definition Day 7 Decreasing lesion size Day 21 Near resolution – Day 42 13
Other lesions Soft palate and uvula Pre Day 1 Day 21 Day 42 T1 STIR 14
Other observations Serial measurements of soft tissue landmarks airways Nasal plane Occlusal plane Mandibular plane 15
Subjective measurements Uvula length and thickness Retropalatal distance: palatal plane Retroglossal distance: occlusal plane Length of tongue Retroepiglottic distance: mandibular plane 16
Results Measurements Uvula length and thickness decreased All other measurements inconsistent However, subjectively – The post BRFVTR lesion can be monitored on T1 sequences: ○ central hyperintensity: haemorrhage ○ surrounding hypointensity: oedema 17
Proposed follow up imaging Post BRFVTR MRI appearances Maximum lesion definition: Day 7 Near complete resolution: Day 42 (6 weeks) Strategy Baseline post treatment MRI at Day 7 Follow up 6 week MRI Any interim imaging can be compared to baseline to look for complications if suspected 18
Points to remember No statistical analysis possible Subjective assessment of symptoms by patients may be over-riding for outcome MRI usefulness more in assessing complications rather than functional success 19
The End Thank you for your attention 20
References Back et al; Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002; 166:865–871 Kuniyoshi et al. Day–Night Variation of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2008; 52: Schwab RJ et al. Identification of upper airway anatomic risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea with volumetric magnetic resonance imaging. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;168: 21