Inman M.S. Parent Meeting Dec. 16 th
Grady Team in attendance Ms. Carrie MacBrien – 9 th Grade Assistant Principal & Transition Liaison Dr. Shaketha Blankenship – Head Counselor Ms. Khristal Pace – SELT. Ms. Susan Ramsey – RTI/SST/504 Intervention Specialist.
Atlanta Public Schools Graduation Requirements Satisfy attendance requirements Successfully complete required high school coursework Take the End of Course (EOC) Milestones/Assessment for EOC subjects Complete 75 hours of community service
Atlanta Public Schools Required Coursework Core Units English/Language Arts: 4 Units 1 unit Ninth Grade Literature/Composition 1 unit American Literature/Composition 2 units English/Language Arts Core (may include AP/IB courses) Math: 4 Units 1 unit Algebra I 1 unit Geometry 1 unit Algebra II 1 additional unit Mathematics Core (may include AP/IB courses) Science: 4 Units 1 unit Biology 1 1 unit Physical Science or Physics 1 1 unit Chemistry 1, Earth Systems, Environmental Science or an AP/IB course 1 unit Science Core (may include AP/IB courses)
Atlanta Public Schools Required Coursework Continued… Social Studies: 3.5 Units ½ unit World Geography ½ unit American Government/Civics ½ unit Economics/Business/Free Enterprise 1 unit World History 1 unit United States History Foreign Language: 2 Units 2 units of the same modern language (French, Spanish, or Latin) Electives Units: 6.5 Units 1 unit Fine Arts or Career/Technology 1.5 units Health & Physical Education 3.5 units additional electives ½ Community Service 24 Total Units Required to Graduate
Additional Student Support College & Career Connections (CCC) Grady Writing Center Grady Math Center After School Tutorials APS Homework Helpline:
Electives and Pathways Electives are all of the other classes that students take in their schedules, such as art, music, business, law, journalism, etc. All students take 8 classes each semester When a student takes three related elective courses in sequence, she or he has completed a pathway. See back of handout. All students must complete one pathway; most students complete two or more.
Pathways 2D Pathway (Draw/Paint/Photo) 2D Pathway (Fashion/Sculpture) Acting/Directing Applications of the Law Audio-Video Tech and Film Band Biomedical Sciences Bus., Management, and Admin. Engineering Fashion Marketing French Graphic Communications Guitar JROTC Latin Law and Investigations Musical Theater Orchestra Print Journalism Spanish Sports and Entertainment Mktg Technical Theater Vocal Music/Chorus
Pathway and Elective Selection Rising 9th grade students who attend Inman or an APS charter school (all others please see Grady website): Receive pathway and elective selection forms at their middle schools on Thursday, February 25, Return pathway and elective selection forms to their middle school counselors by 4:15 pm on Thursday, March 10, Students’ ninth grade schedules will reflect their pathway preferences.
Students with IEP’s (Individualized Education Program) SELT from Inman works with SELT from Grady to facilitate the transition of student services and supports. This process begins in February/March of 2 nd semester. SELT from Grady receives a Service Matrix from SELT at Inman. IEP’s and Eligibilities are also available electronically via IEP Online. Case Managers will be assigned to students at Grady & their accommodations & modifications will be provided to all 8 teachers on student schedules. Khristal M. Pace, Special Education Lead Teacher:
SST/504 Accommodations created in Middle School move over to Grady with the student. Teachers will be given accommodations before the first day of school. Parents will be contacted at the beginning of the school year to discuss scheduling a meeting. Feel free to schedule a parent/teacher conference through the counselor to discuss your student’s performance in class and the implementation of accommodations. Susan Ramsey – SST/RTI Intervention Specialist
Additional Student Support College & Career Connections (CCC) Grady Writing Center After School Tutorials APS Homework Helpline:
Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Goals Continue to support and encourage all of the many programs/teachers/extra-curricular activities that are working at Grady: The Southerner and other outstanding publications. GNN. G3 Robotics Club. “Move on When Ready” options. Grady Jesters Debate Team. Numerous Athletic programs. Theater program, Visual Arts, Orchestra, Band, and Chorus. Latin Club. Mock Trial, Moot Court, FBLA, Skills USA, etc. Could keep going etc., etc.
Cluster Planning Cluster planning work has been ongoing since Fall of Grady Cluster signature theme of College and Career Preparation w/ a specific learning framework. Emphasis on core content rigor, preparation for advanced learning opportunities on each level culminating in dual enrollment, AP, AP Capstone, Fine Arts, and Career preparation through CTAE alignment. For further information regarding Cluster planning meetings, presentations, etc., please see the Grady Cluster Planning website at
Pathway/Elective Selection Timeline Thursday, February 25, 2016: Inman and APS charter schools distribute pathway selection forms to 8th graders Thursday, March 10, 2016, 4:15 pm: Pathway selection forms due to homeroom teachers/counselor. No forms will be collected after this date.
Grady STUDENT-LED Campus Tours Saturday, 4/16/16, 10-11:30 am Tuesday, 4/19/16, 5-6:30 pm Saturday, 5/7/16, 10-11:30 am** **To make a reservation for a tour, please send an to Ms. MacBrien at or call at