Author: Chandan Kumar B. Tech (Chemical Engg., IIT Kharagpur, ) Lead Simulation Engineer ANDRITZ Technologies Private Limited Manyata Tech Park, ORR, Bangalore Application of Dynamic Simulation for Pulp and Paper Industry
Introduction Paper manufacturing process involves converting fibrous raw material into pulp Steps involved in paper manufacturing process include: Wood preparation Mechanical / Chemical pulping Bleaching Chemical recovery Paper-making 2
Operational Challenges before the Pulp and Paper Manufacturers in India Limited feedstock Global competition Excess energy and water consumption Rapidly evolving technology and complex processes Environmental regulations Efficiency and downtime Technical know-how Process safety and safety of plant personnel 3 Introduction
Simulation Simulation-based training approach greatly helps in tackling most of the challenges listed in the previous section. 4 What is Simulation / Simulator? What I do with the Simulator?
Simulation Overview High-fidelity simulation models developed for the entire process can play a significant role during the entire project lifecycle. They can be used for: 1. Process design verification 2. Control logic checkout 3. Knowledge transfer from process experts to lesser experienced operators 4. Predicting process response under unforeseen circumstances 5. Standardizing operation procedures 6. Training of plant engineering and technical team 5
Simulation models life-cycle 6
Technical Detail 7 Salient Features Process modeling using an integrated Pressure-Flow (PF) network. In-built mathematical models for each unit operation. Process variables like temperature, pressure, Kappa number, active alkali, density calculated using first principle-based mathematical models and PF solvers. Models built using the first principles of momentum balance, mass balance, and heat balance enable to virtualize the plant environment with very high levels of accuracy.
8 Simulation Model Applications Process Model Instructor Station Simulator Control Room Process Operator Startup and Shutdown sequences Emergency responses Process understanding Control understanding Process interaction Soft Controller PC 1. Operator Training Simulator
Operator Training Simulator - Overview 9 The Operator Training Simulator is essentially a virtual plant which offers a close-to-real-plant environment. It consists of process models built on the basis of first principles of heat, mass and momentum balances, which simulate the real process. It also consists of a soft controller that performs the same function performed by the control system in a live plant. Another component is instructor which provides a training module to preconfigure various tests and performance assessment tools for operators.
10 Identical Operator Interface Automatic Conversion Real Operator Interface Real Control System Real Process High Fidelity Process Model Control System Emulator Simulator Operator Interface Real Plant Process AutomationOperator Training Simulator High Fidelity Process Model Operator Training Simulator - Architecture
Simulation Model Applications – Control Readiness 2. Control System Validation and Testing 11 Control logic (DCS/PLC) Emulation Use the same Control Logic software and operator interface from real plant Benefits Improve Control Logic Design Detect and correct most of the control logic errors before field implementation Test alternate control philosophies
12 Simulation Model Applications Production Time Achieve quicker and smoother start-up, saving a lot of commissioning time and cost
Simulation Model Applications Process Design and Optimization Studies: Steady-state models to perform H & MB study of entire process Feasibility and optimization studies 4. Process and Equipment Design Validation: Very detailed and high-fidelity model Predictive models to realize the process behavior before taking to the field Heat and mass balance testing and control studies 5. Generic Operator Training Simulator No connection to the control system required Customized according to the needs of the end user
14 Simulator Control Room Control System Emulator Modelling Station Instructor Station Operator training simulator Launches operation scenarios Measure operator responses Operator certification Instructor Station – Technical Detail
Malfunctions or plant upsets: 1. Any abnormal condition or unforeseen situation that may arise during the normal operation of a process 2. Some examples of malfunctions could be: a.Emergency shut down activated, b.Rapid leak into the furnace c.Fall in green liquor density d.Rapid drain activated 3. Operator training on emergency situations is not possible in the running plant 4. Train operators without risking their safety or without damaging the plant equipment 15 Instructor Station – Applications
Grading and certifying operators: 1. Certifying / grading operators on start-up, shut down and normal operation of the entire process or specific part 2. Certifying operators / new employees on handling various emergency situations or malfunctions 16 Instructor Station – Applications
Synchronize the simulator station with the emulator: Instructor station synchronizes the OTS station with the emulator station by performing various commands like Run, Freeze and Stop. Snapshots: 1. Running conditions of a process captured at any point of time 2. Capture standard properties of all the blocks, streams and equipment at that moment 3. Help the operator / trainer to go back to a certain starting point any point of time 17 Instructor Station – Applications
High-fidelity simulation models in Pulp and Paper industry 1. Cooking: Chip bin network, chip bin feeding system and digester network 2. Fiber-line: O2 delignification network, screening network, white liquor oxidation network and different stages of the bleaching process 3. Recovery area: Recovery boiler, power boiler, white liquor plant and evaporation plants 4. Paper making area: Pulp drying process and tissue machine 18 Simulation areas in Pulp and Paper Industry
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Thanks for your attention! Questions are welcome. Contact: Chandan Kumar Automation Solutions