Chapter 8 Europe Colonizes the Americas
Line of Demarcation Spain and Portugal are racing each other to control land The Pope came up with the Line of Demarcation to settle disputes. Everything to the east of the land went to Spain and everything to the west went to Portugal
Treaty of Tordesillas Portugal was upset about the Line of Demarcation and asked for more.The Treaty of Tordesillas moved the line over 600 miles, giving them much more land
Ruling the Colonies The Spanish and Portuguese made mistakes in their rule. They ignored the creoles (people of pure Spanish or Portuguese descent born in the Americas) All government positions were given to those born in the mother country (European country) The mother country also placed a high tax on goods being exported (taken out of the colonies) and charged high prices on goods being imported (brought into the colonies)
Portuguese Rule Portugal granted authority to twelve nobles These nobles were given the title of donatario and were given control of the whole land
Spanish Authority Spain also picked who would be leaders in their colonies Leaders called a viceroy were picked by the king to rule each colony Only people born in Spain called peninsulares could be in the government
Treatment of the Natives Many natives were forced into slavery and abuse Bartolome de Las Casas, a Catholic friar, helped pass the New Laws of These laws set up a government system that had courts to protect the Indians and mestizos (people with Indian and Spanish parents)
Differences in Living Most native people in the city lived in barrios, neighborhoods for the poor The rich had big homes in the city and also had haciendas (homes in the countryside
Colonization of North America Due to the Americas becoming known as the New World, Europe began to be known as the Old World The French, Spanish and English begin to settle and colonize North America
The French in the North Jacques Cartier was sent to find riches and a water route to China. He did not find these but discovered the St. Lawrence River and built a settlement in Montreal Samuel de Champlain discovered Lake Ontario, Huron and Champlain. He was given the name Father of New France
English Settlement John Smith and Sir Thomas Dale used their leadership ability to turn the Jamestown settlement into a successful colony The colonists raised cash crops (crops which could be sold for cash or supplies) The Pilgrims settled in Massachusetts to be able to practice their religion freely
Religion and Education The Puritans came to America for religious freedom They settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630 Each English colony had its own established church, a church recognized and supported by the colony’s government. Most colonies expected the people living there to abide by the rules of the established church
Independence in the Colonies The colonies in America were originally under the rule of Britain. For a wide variety of reasons, the colonies fought a War for Independence against the British. After winning, they became known as the United States of America and created the Constitution as the document the government would follow
Independence in South America Simon Bolivar-led the fight for independence in Venezuela with the help of his general Antonio Jose de Sucre. Sucre went on to free Ecuador from the Spanish Jose de San Martin-led the fight for independence in Argentina. He chose gauchos (cowboys in Argentina) Brazil gained independence and crowned Pedro I as emperor