While I am receipting money, you can... Rea d a story out of the Literature book or read your own book work on your personal acrostic (due tomorrow)
August 27, Writing a Friendly Letter Ob jective I will write a friendly letter using correct text structure Warm Up H omework B ring back all signed forms and money Personal acrostic due tomorrow - be ready to present it! Have a copy of your Summer Reading book for Friday's class. Take out your Language Arts binder, copy the date into the upper right hand corner and the objective onto the first line. Copy your homework into your agenda On the back of your timeline, bullet 10 activities / hobbies / interesting facts / unique things about yourself
Today you will write your friendly letter...to ME! You will use your timeline to provide some of the information, but first we need to understand the text structure of a friendly letter.
So...let's start writing your friendly letter!
This letter will have two body paragraphs. P aragraph 1 Pick 5 important dates (starting with your birthday) and use chronological order to discuss the other 4 important events. Use transitions to flow your ideas. Paragraph 2 Pick 2 highlights from your bulleted list and elaborate on these.
Transition words
Homework Brin g a copy of your SR book for Friday Personal acrostic due Thursday Bring HR forms and student fees