A dedicated national platform for integrated development of Voluntary Organizations. Rashtriya Sewa Bharati, New Delhi(Regd.)
Established in 2003 under Trust Act in Delhi. Ma. Bhaiyyaji Joshi was the first President. Regd office and full fledged admin office are in Delhi.
Building a strong society & nation by uplifting and empowering the downtrodden masses of our country through cohesive efforts of voluntary organizations along with devoted, committed voluntary workers.
By mobilising voluntary organizations by providing them a national platform and also by empowering them with good skills, in their work through Jagran (Awareness) Sahyog (Co- ordination) Prashikshan (Training) and Adhyayan (Research & Study).
(i) Jagaran (ii) Sahyog (iii) Prashikshan (iv) Adhyayan
6. Jagaran i. Creating public awareness ii. Conducting / coordinating Rashtriya Sewa Sangams & Prant Sewa Sangams. Publications Sewa Sadhna, Sewa Disha, Sewa Kunj, Sewa Sagar, “Sewa Katha”, “Balkalyan”, “Work book on Training”, “Self Help Group”, “Samarth Kihori”, “Parivartan”, etc.
Conducting exhibitions Website & Social media 7. Sahyog a. Workshops, Chintan Baithak on Specialized field of “Sewa”. b. Conferences on a particular field of Sewa. c. Co-ordination in Disaster management.
i. Prantwise basic training courses for office bearers of affiliated organizations for 2 days through power point presentation. ii. Covers various subjects like Accounts, Audit, Sourcing of funds, CSR, Proposal Writing, office management, Human Resource development, Publicity & Public relation, etc, the gist of which has been given in the “Work Book”. iii. Proposed Training Centers at Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, Kolkata, Bhopal.
Study conducted for assessing the impact on students from North east who were inmates of more than 200 hostels of our affiliates & associates & were studying in various parts of the country. Such other studies are being conducted at national level. Contemplating studies at regional level for the particular problem in those regions.
Details of Achievement- Projects
S. No.Type of Skill TrainingNo. of Projects Total Beneficiaries 1 A) Vocational Trainig – Typing, Short-Hand, Sweater Making, Computer, Lathe, Drill, Welding, Fabrication, Beekeeping & Tailoring, Beauty Parlor etc. B) Vocational Training For Handicapped V) Cottage Industry Training Nurse Aides, Dai-ma, Nursing Food, Fruit Processing Handicrafts Goseva – Panchgavya Products Seedbank Medicinal Plants – Herbal Products Self Help Groups: Men-Women-Youth Other Total
14. Women Empowerment Chintan Baithaks & Workshops are conducted at National & State levels for work expansion in this area.
Tailoring Center Complete education for T.T. N.C. examination Primary Training for illiterate women in tailoring 3 months course in stitching of frocks, dresses, blouse etc. Modern Fashion Design course – conducted by T.T.N.C. trained teachers Computer Center Girls are given primary computer education by experts in MS Office, Tally, DTP, web-designing & Internet etc. Contd…
Future Programs Development Center For Women Personality Development for Women Motherhood and Child Development Training Legal Guidance and Aid center for Women Kishori Vikas
Athroot Project Masala Making Soft Toy Making Beautician Course Placement Assistance
Vermi Compost Project Carpet Making Chalk Making Tailoring Project Horticulture Animal Husbandry Welding Water Conservation Plumbing and electrical training centre Computer and Mobile Repairing Nursing Care Training Center
SKP is a federation of Taluk organic farmers Organic Farming Cattle Shed Compost Units Apiary Units Soil and Water Conservation Structures
Career Counseling Tailoring Embroidery Type Writing Computer Training Beautician
Health care covers not merely medical care but also all aspects of preventive care too. Nor can it be limited to care rendered by or financed out of public expenditure- within the government sector alone but must include incentives and disincentives for self care and care paid for by private citizens to get over ill health. Where, as in India, private out-of-pocket expenditure dominates the cost financing health care, the effects are bound to be regressive. (R. Srinivasan, 2005). Public health spending accounts for 25% of aggregate expenditure the balance being out of pocket expenditure incurred by patients to private practitioners of various hues. Public spending on health in India has itself declined after liberalization from 1.3% of GDP in 1990 to 0.9% in Central budget allocations for health have stagnated at 1.3% to total Central budget. In the States it has declined from 7.0% to 5.5% of State health budget. 25%
The organization is working at all India level to arrange medical facilities in the village and remote areas, where there are no such facilities, either by providing doctors or barefooted health workers and by training them. The workshops jointly held was of great benefit, since Sewa Bharati, Poorvanchal, Assam has trained 8000 health workers (Arogya Mitras) and at present 5000 are working daily in remote villages of states in NE region. Every year we train 2000 new Arogya Mitras. Currently we serve more than 1 million tribals. 60% of all Arogya Mitras are women. The Programme has been extended to Gujarat, Kerala, Maharashtra & UP.
STATE DISTRICT TALUKA 200 VILLAGE Trained Arogya Mitra 2 Mitras per village. 400 Mitra per Taluka. Assuming 4800 Mitra per District.
Aarogya Mitra is a local person (usually young) trained in preventive health care, early identification of major diseases, nutrition, and hygiene. This person carries a kit of basic medicines and apparatus. He/she visits each village that is assigned to him on a regular basis. Refresher trainings and inputs by the district team guide the Aarogya Mitra in his work. The district team is made of able doctors and social workers. This team decides the focus area, e.g. they foresee an epidemic in a particular season and plan appropriate action. The Aarogya Mitra is supported and monitored by a Group leader (per every 10 Aarogya Mitra) and by a Unit leader (per every 50 Aarogya Mitra). The network of Aarogya Mitra works as an interactive medium of health: they take health-service to the people, and bring feedback of people to the service-providers. He/she plays multiple roles for the villagers: a health-educator, a point of first referral, and a health-counsellor. The Aarogya Mitra is trusted by the people. He/she is a local person and is a volunteer. He/she is not paid and does not have any commercial interest in this work.