Links into Languages Presentation to national meeting of stakeholders Woburn House, London 17 th November 2008
What is Links? Dynamic learning community of people in languages Infrastructure for knowledge management Mutual collaboration with stakeholders building on existing partnerships Network of Regional Support Centres for Languages to deliver excellent CPD
A learning community of people in languages Continuous professional development Briefing and engaging teachers, teaching assistants, advisers, trainees and school leaders across all school sectors Networking and problem solving –Especially through LinkedUp projects
Infrastructure for k nowledge management Comprehensive information on CPD provision A tool for increased coherence in provision A vector for policy and leadership
Partnership and mutual collaboration Three national organisations –(LLAS, ALL, SSAT) Building on Routes into Languages Linking universities, schools and colleges, teachers and learners Regional Centres to add value to stakeholders’ activities and create a coherent offer for teachers
Partnership and collaboration Working with government (DCSF) Collaborating with other providers Engaging stakeholders, employers and sectors (primary, secondary, FE, AE, HE) (national & regional)
Regional Centres Based in a Routes partner university An information point reflecting the region’s priorities Collecting examples of good practice for people in language education A centre for networking and brokering A space for events
Regional Centres East Midlands - Nottingham Trent University East of England - University of Cambridge London - University of Westminster North East - Newcastle University North West - University of Manchester South East - University of Southampton South West - Bath Spa University West Midlands - Aston University Yorks and the Humber - University of Hull
Regional Centres Regional Director (part-time) Centre Manager (full-time) Centre Administrator (full-time) Regional Management Group Regional Advisory Board
Regional Centres Arranging delivery of CPD Managing local hubs Developing regional partnerships Collecting and maintaining regional information
Organisation structure
Role of stakeholders Be informed about the Links programme Advise on development of programme Advise Regional Centres to inform the development of a coherent offer for teachers Provide information of value to teachers, advisers and all the learning community Participate in Links activities Continue to make and promote the case for languages
Feedback from plenary session on 17 th November
Issues for consideration (1) How can key stakeholders best work together to support this programme both nationally and in the regions ?
Stakeholder Feedback Dissemination Need to disseminate national resources for languages and other subjects (culture, media, IT) regionally Bottom-up important to inform best practice Communication in all directions Partnership and Collaboration Work together with embassies Liaison between Routes and Links More joined-up provision, need to add value, access hard-to-reach teachers, clear information systems, focus groups bringing centre managers and stakeholders, All regions different, some have strong networks Need advice of National Stakeholders, building on existing networks, National Strategies/CILT, SIG, NALA Link with Local Authorities and recognise the training needs of their staff Liaise with stakeholders outside of the consortium British Council’s international links (remember language assts) Reg Adv Boards to include those organisations that do not exist at national level ALL, Strategic Framework networks Must not create extra networks – link into existing networks or have meetings co-ordinated with timetable of other meetings
Ensure ‘fit for purpose’ CPD How appropriate is CPD? All key stakeholders at meeting (or invited) Extend to all of the teaching and learning community Not just teachers of languages but make sure we reach all teaching staff How can we network – online groups, languages facebook? Video conferencing/skype – cheap forms of communication Need to promote the widest possible audience Sector work Where should regional centre concentrate – which sectors – is there enough focus on primary?
Issues for consideration (2) How can we work together to promote engagement with professional development across and within the regions ?
Need high quality of provision, working across different stakeholders to meet regional/local needs Challenge to access HT’s for subject-specific CPD, what are hooks for teachers? Incentivisation, cultural events, whole school events - target marketing, accreditation used as motivation International Schools Award – source of funding? Investigate other specialism links e.g. Leadership awards – Sportsleaders Foreign Language Leaders Award, CLIL, Personal Learning & Thinking Skills Sell CPD not necessarily through languages, access different trainers and explore different hooks Taking account of OFSTED reports, continue engagement with stakeholder groups that are networking and working together. Link in with exam boards – link in to support league table priorities Access local priorities, teachers need nurturing from new teachers to long term career development Note development of Masters in Teaching and Learning – professionally accreditation FE /AE college engagement, need to help Balance between engaging teachers and disengagement Do teachers know what they need? Can we encourage teachers to become more self-reflective? Explore different delivery models – what is effective – bite-sized accredited courses? Be flexible- use pilot scheme to explore Be aware of next generation of teachers, connect through Routes Challenge to get teachers out of the classroom to know what is available and times that are suitable, communicated nationally and regionally. Need strong communication strategy National/regional/local levels need to be signposted and access visible