VIP Elevator A VDM++ Project Made By: Sune Wolff
The Elevator System VIP and neighbours share elevator. Elevator moves between 5 floors. Call buttons used to call elevator. VIP has door sensor installed Turnstiles can be used to restrict access to the neighbours. VIP do not like to share the elevator. VIP do not like to wait to long.
Requirements R1: The elevator must be able to move between the 5 floors. R2: When the elevator is ordered to a floor by pressing a call button, this order must be put in a queue. R3: The queue must contain up to 2 orders. R4: If an order is placed, and there is no room in the queue, the order must be disregarded. R5: When the VIP passes through his door, the activation of the sensor must order the elevator to his current floor. R6: When the VIP wishes to use the elevator, the turnstiles must be locked, preventing the neighbours from entering the elevator. R7: All neighbours must exit the elevator before the VIP enters. R8: When the VIP wishes to use the elevator, the neighbours orders must be processed as fast as possible.
Classes Elevator – overall class representing the entire system. Queue – containing the FIFO queue functionality. Turnstile – a controller class for the turnstiles. CallButton – class for the call buttons. DoorSensor – class for the VIP door sensor.
Operations MoveElevator – central operation used to move the elevator between floors. PutInQueue – puts an ordered floor in the FIFO queue if it is not full. GetFromQueue – returns the next floor in the FIFO queue. IsTurnstileLocked – checks is the turnstiles are locked. LockTurnstile – locks all the turnstiles. UnlockTurnstile – unlocks all the turnstiles.
Class Diagram
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