Living and Working conditions in Estonia 11 October 2008 Natalja Rabeko EURES adviser Estonian Labour Market Board
Location Republic of Estonia is a country in Northern Europe. Estonia has land borders to the south with Latvia and to the east with Russia. It is separated from Finland in the north by the Gulf of Finland and from Sweden in the west by the Baltic Sea.
Facts about Estonia Type: Parliamentary democracy Head of state: President - Toomas Hendrik Ilves Head of Government: Prime minister - Andrus Antsip Legislature: unicameral Riigikogu High court: Supreme Court Administrative regions: 15 counties Population: inhabitants ( ) Capital city: Tallinn (population over ) Official language: Estonian Currency: Estonian kroon (1 euro=15,6 EEK) Estonia has been a member of the European Union since 1 May 2004
Facts about Estonia inhabitants ( ) Tallinn 45,227 km2 15 counties
Labour Market Statistics persons are employed of men and of women aged are in employment (Q II 2008) Unemployment rate is 4 % (Q II 2008)
Labour Market Statistics CitizenshipApliccationIssued Undefinied43 Russia1614 Latvia11 Ukraine Belorussia22 USA11 Aserbaidžan11 Brasil33 Georgia77 China55 Israel10 India99 Applicants for a work permit for aliens (1)
Labour Market Statistics Applicants for a work permit for aliens (2) CitizenshipApliccationIssued South Africa11 Malaisia33 Moldova66 Nepal65 Tai11 Trinidad and Tobago 11 Turkey11 Usbekistan11 New Zealands11 Canada11 ALL486473
Right to work in Estonia CitizensResidence right Residence (ID) Card Residence permit Work permit NordicXX EU/EEA*XX Family members X(X) SwissXX Non-EU, long-term resident XX Non-EUXXX
Working in Estonia Temporary or Permanent contracts 4 months probationary employment Full time, 40 hours per week (8 hours per day). For underage workers are shortened work hours (20-30 hours per week). Overtime work can be done mutual consent 28 days vacation per year. The number of vacation days may be higher for certain types of employment (for example teachers 56 days, civil servants 35 days) Average wage QII 2008: EEK (850 Euro) Minimum monthly wage: 4350 EEK (278 Euro) Minimum hourly wage: 27 EEK (1,73 Euro)
Finding a job Public Employment Services: Tööturuamet and EURES Private labour force companies: Ariko Reserv Fontes Personnel Search Professional people National newspapers: Eesti Ekspress Postimees Eesti Päevaleht Äripäeva töökuulutused Internet databases: CV Keskus CV Online Hyppelaud
Public Employment Services Service through: Internet (24 hour service) By telephone on weekdays The Public Employment Office – “Tööturuamet” (over 15 offices)
Applying for Work in Estonia is frequently used and accepted. Applications should be typewritten (format A4) in Estonian (or in English, depends on the position) An application consists of: - personal letter (no more than 1 page, often less) - your CV (1-2 pages) - References (can also be given at the interview) You may be asked to present evidence of professional qualifications and diplomas later on. Recognition of foreign diplomas.
Working conditions/ work contract The contents and format of an employment contract can vary, but following conditions has to be in work contract: Working hours Salary Vacation Responsibilities Special benefits for both parties The minimum period of time for giving an advance notice of job termination Reference to the collective employment contract In the case that the employee is required to work abroad, the contract must include the duration of the work aboard, the currency in which the salary is to be paid, additional benefits connected with the stay in a foreign country, conditions of going to the foreign and coming back from there.
Shortage of workforce Medical staff: doctors, nurses Educational staff: teachers, educators IT specialists: programmers, … Building branch: construction engineers Skilled workers: engine operators, welders, equipment`s compilators, builders, mechanics, locksmiths Customer service: shop assistants, security guard, cleaning ladies
Taxes in Estonia Mandatory taxes associated with working in Estonia are income tax, social tax and unemployment insurance premium. In 2008, the rate of income tax in Estonia is 21%, income tax-free minimum is krons per month (144,2 EUR). Social tax rate is 33% (paid by employer) of taxable income and it guarantees medical and pension insurance to people. Unemployment insurance tax rate for employees is 0,6% and the employers tax rate is 0,3%. It is a compulsory payment. Additional information on Estonian tax system can be found at the Estonian Tax and Customs Board and on their website
Social security system Estonian social security system is very broad and it is possible to apply different kinds of welfare payments like illness and pregnancy benefits, various pensions, benefits in case of work related accidents illnesses, funeral grants, subsistence benefits, unemployment insurance and various family benefits. In Estonia, the social insurance system is co-ordinated by Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Insurance Board. Their websites are: There are different types of pensions and benefits, main of them: Child allowance is a monthly allowance paid from the birth of child until he or she attains 18 years of age. The rate of child allowance is 300 EEK in The right for the old-age pension has a person, who has at least 15 years of pensionable service or accumulated period, having been acquired in Estonia and who is according to his/her year of birth at the forthcoming age.
Unemployment benefits in Estonia The risk of unemployment is covered by two system of cash benefits: 1.Contributory earnings - unemployment insurance benefit. 2. Non contributory flat rate - unemployment allowance. Both unemployment benefits can be claimed in the local employment offices.
1.Unemployment insurance benefit In order to receive unemployment insurance benefit three main requirements have to be met: Registration as unemployed. Only those unemployed persons who are registered as unemployed in a regional office of the Labour Market Board are eligible to apply for unemployment insurance benefit. Required insurance periods. In order to receive an unemployment insurance benefit, a person must have worked and paid unemployment insurance premiums for at least 12 months during the 36 months preceding the registration as unemployed. Involuntary unemployment. Only those unemployed persons who lost their job involuntary have the right to receive unemployment insurance benefit. Foreign citizens wishing to seek employment in Estonia can transfer their unemployment insurance benefit to Estonia. He or she must turn to local employment office with E
2. Unemployment allowance … is paid to the unemployed who do not have right to get unemployment insurance benefit. The unemployment allowance is guaranteed as a rule up to 270 day's to person who: - is registered as unemployed in the local employment offices and - is looking for work actively. - has been employed or engaged in an activity equal to work at least 180 day's during 12 months prior to registration as an unemployed. - his or her income is less than rate of unemployment allowance EEK per day ~1019 EEK per month (~ 65 euro). More information can be found from Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund and from Estonian labour offices around Estonia and from their web sides: and
How to find a residence? Real estate agency's Internet real estate portals: - City Kinnisvaraweb Newspapers about real estate: - Soov - Kuldne Börs Rent prices of accommodation (2 rooms flat) begin from 3000 EEK (192 Euro) + all utility bills
Educational system Pre-school Age (volontary) Basic school (Compulsory) Age , 9 years Secondary school Age , 3 years Higher education Age 19 - Vocational education Age
Food costs Milk 1 l10,13 EEK – 0,64 Euro Potatoes 1 kg8,37 EEK – 0,53 Euro Onion 1 kg7,3 EEK – 0,46 Euro Pork 1 kg77,91 EEK -4,98 Euro Beef 1 kg97,69 EEK – 6,24 Euro Mutton 1 kg115 EEK – 7,3 Euro Table chicken 1 kg50,58 EEK – 3,24 Euro Eggs 1 pc2,11 EEK – 0,12 Euro Trout 1 kg95,58 EEK – 6,11 Euro Bread 1 kg23,79 EEK – 1,52 Euro White bread 1 kg24,56 EEK – 1,57 Euro Cigarettes25 EEK – 1,6 Euro Beer10 EEK – 0,7 Euro Petroleum16,25 EEK – 1,03 Euro
Useful links Tax and Customs Board: Estonian ENIC/NARIC Centre: Labour Market Board: Social Insurance Board: Health Insurance Fund: Citizenship and Migration Board: Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund: Goverment: Agriculture: Enviroment: Culture: National Defence: Education and Science: Finance: Foreign Affairs: Social Affairs: Justice: Economic affairs and communications: Bank of Estonia:
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